Visa: Card Payments Overtake Cash Usage In Singapore

Popularity of mobile contactless payment is increasing
Almost all Singapore consumers in study use cards for payment Card payments have overtaken cash to become the most-used payment method in Singapore, according to the latest edition of Visa’s Consumer Payment Attitudes Study. 
This study was conducted in October 2022 by CLEAR with 1,000 Singaporeans…Continue Reading

China in a hard pivot to more supply-side reforms

Ten years ago, when China’s leader first took power, Xi Jinping pledged to let market forces play a “decisive” role in economic policy and financial regulation. At the time, and since, foreign investors assumed that meant the government would set the private sector free. Yet a decade on, Xi is now making an argument few […]Continue Reading

Fearing ChatGPT is ‘opium,’ China to build its own

Beijing has stepped up the pace of its efforts to build its own artificial intelligence chatbots as Chinese news media express fears the United States will use ChatGPT to brainwash Chinese people. Since the Microsoft-backed startup OpenAI unveiled ChatGPT last November, many Chinese companies have announced their plans to launch their chatbots in 2023. Chinese […]Continue Reading