Singapore investigates basketball coach for allegedly taking bribes to put children in top schools

Singapore’s authorities are looking into a basketball coach who allegedly accepted unreliable payments to enter secondary schools as part of the Direct School Admission ( DSA ) scheme. &nbsp,

The Education Ministry ( MOE ) responded to CNA’s questions by stating that the coach has been deregistered since April and is no longer employed by any MOE schools. To be employed by universities, coaches may be registered with MOE.

According to the Game Singapore legal board, his membership on the National Registry of Coaches has also been suspended.

When approached by CNA, the Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau ( CPIB ), citing confidentiality issues, said it was unable to confirm&nbsp, or provide further information on whether the coach was being probed.

Chinese newspaper Shin Min Daily first reported on Wednesday ( Jul 24 ) that the coach allegedly&nbsp, charged parents S$ 45, 000 to S$ 50, 000 to ensure their children entered schools of their choice. &nbsp,

Based on a tip-off from a member of the public, who was only identified as Mr. Tan, the Shin Min statement was based.

Mr. Tan informed Shin Min that he had spoken to the manager in a telephone conversation, claiming to have over ten years of experience in&nbsp, ensuring kids ‘ entry to the institutions they desired. &nbsp,

CNA has attempted to contact Mr Tan for more information. &nbsp,

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Founder of famed Ah Pui Satay hawker stall dies 3 months after reopening shop

Ah Pui, who reopened Ah Pui Satay in April this year at a Toa Payoh stalls heart after a one-and-a-half-year break, was famous for his slender Hainanese-style charcoal-grilled meat satay.

In the 1970s, he moved to a shop called 195 Pearl Hill Cafe in Chinatown in 2021 after first offering Satay as a city stalls. The stall later left to open a standalone restaurant on Smith Street with his 57-year-old servant, Ang Thiam Seng ( also known as Seng ), but the pair ended their relationship in November 2022 due to Ah Pui’s precarious health. &nbsp,

In April, Ah Pui and Seng reopened their satay company at a more modest stalls barn in Toa Payoh following a tear. At the time, Seng told 8days. gs that” Ah Pui is well rested and prepared to make a comeback.”

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Why Singapore firms are entering the German market, and how Enterprise Singapore is helping them


Business Singapore, which champions internationalisation, said it has seen a rise in firms exploring options in Europe post-pandemic. &nbsp,

In 2023, EnterpriseSG supported 220 organizations to observe a wide range of areas in Europe, including Belgium, France and Germany. This was 20 per cent higher than in 2022, and nearly 50 per cent more than that in 2019, pre-COVID-19. &nbsp, &nbsp,

European businesses, in particular, are eager to companion, or touch merger and acquisition opportunities with Singapore firms, said Mr Alan Yeo, chairman of Europe at EnterpriseSG. &nbsp,

Many small- and medium-size enterprises ( SMEs ) in Germany, have faced challenges in growing due to the limited size and market size in Germany, and want to venture out, but they have limited opportunities, he said. &nbsp,

They even find succession planning for their mainly niche and technology-based companies challenging, he added. &nbsp,

They are looking for companions to expand in terms of various businesses, particularly those in Southeast Asia and Asia, and some of them are open to joint ventures and mergers and acquisitions, he said. &nbsp,


With Singapore and Germany sharing some economical concern regions, it continues to be room for start-ups to click options. EnterpriseSG is looking to expand its network of colleagues in the technology industry as part of an action called the Global Innovation Programme. &nbsp,

Companies like TeleMedC, which uses what may go off as a regular eye test to find diseases like diabetes, have benefitted from the program. &nbsp,

The company aimed to exit Asia in 2021 and enter Europe via Germany with its artificial intelligence software. &nbsp,

But, success was out of sight first. Speech was a great barrier, said the agency’s CEO Para Segaram. &nbsp,

” None of us spoke German, so it was very difficult going to a country where you do n’t even know the language. The whole company do is all in German, so it’s very challenging”, he said. &nbsp,

He added that the business was unsure of how to enter the European market. Through the program, he was able to link up with various participants. &nbsp,

According to its assistant managing director of advancement Emily Liew, EnterpriseSG appoints a network of companions to speed up businesses’ journeys by familiarizing them with a business, helping them strategize, and building contacts. &nbsp,

” We will connect them to investors, reference clients or another co-innovators, if you know they need to enhance their product for the business further”, she said. &nbsp,

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MAS keeps monetary policy on hold for fifth time in a row

SINGAPORE: The Monetary Authority of Singapore ( MAS ) kept its monetary policy unchanged on Friday ( Jul 26 ), in line with expectations.

This is the second day the main bank has maintained plan for a while in a row. This year, MAS began making monthly economic policy claims available. Before the change, it normally issued statements half a year, in April and October.

In Friday’s monetary policy statement, MAS said it would maintain the prevailing rate of appreciation of the Singapore dollar nominal effective exchange rate&nbsp, ( S$ NEER ) &nbsp, policy band. The singer’s center and length may remain unchanged.

Reuters had polled 10 researchers, and nine expected MAS to keep policy intact.

Singapore’s economic plan is based on exchange rates, rather than involvement charges like in other countries. The S$ NEER group, which is not officially disclosed, allows the Singapore dollars to rise or fall against the assets of the country’s major trading partners.

It may change the hill, mid-point and length of the group when adjusting policy.

MAS next tightened plan in October 2022, when it re-centred the mid-point of its channel.

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MAS keeps monetary policy on hold for fifth time in a row; inflation expected to moderate


The central bank said it anticipates overall inflation to be between 2 % and 3 % this year, compared to the previous forecast of 2.5 to 3.5 %, which is lower.

That generally reflects the lower-than-expected secret transfer inflation in recent months, MAS said in its speech.

It pointed to a decrease in core inflation as well as lower Certification of Privilege rates than they did a year ago.

” Most goods and services recorded lower prices which more than offset the&nbsp, rise in water rates”, said MAS. While the service prices decreased as the rise in unit labor costs slowed, imported food expenses continued to decline.

Core prices is anticipated to decrease more significantly in the third quarter and 2025. While shipping prices have increased, world manufacturer prices have just risen quietly. Prices for world crude oil have also dropped from their most recent high in April.

Additionally, performance is anticipated to increase as the labor market is less competitive than it once was.

” Barring renewed shocks to&nbsp, costs, core inflation should step down more discernibly in Q4, and fall further to around 2 % in 2025″, the statement said.

MAS noted that core inflation’s seasonally adjusted quarter-on-quarter rate increased to 2.1 % from an annualized rate in the second quarter.

” The consecutive pace of rate change, which much captures the most&nbsp, current prices in the economy, is expected to be lower in the second quarter of 2024&nbsp, compared to H1″, said the central banks.

But, there are upside and downside threats to the prospect. Inflation may increase if workers costs increase due to stronger-than-expected need, or if political tensions increase.

However, if global interest rates rise for long, causing a decline in external demand, prices could drop sooner than expected.

According to MAS, the main trading partners of Singapore’s have experienced generally stable economic growth over the past few months, indicating that local economies have benefited from US resilient business investment. China’s expansion was driven by solid exports.

Geographically, growth in the second quarter was underpinned by present service and technology production. Growth in consumer-facing industries moderated after the event-driven increase previously in the year.

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After trying over 80 types of coloured contact lenses, 3 friends created their own brand to sell their designs

Although the three girls may have various careers, they all share a common interest: colored contact lens enthusiasts. Between the three of them, they have tried more than 80 various colored contact lenses, they told CNA Women. &nbsp,

After sampling so many different colored contact lenses, they made the decision to build their own, launching three models with different color variations under the Skyline Series, a Cafe Series of brown, gray, and natural, and a Daily Essential Series of ultra-natural brown and gray for everyday use.


In reality, Koh and Chua’s connection history is interwoven with their contact lens habit. At the age of 13, the two Malacca Malaysians met in intermediate class and quickly became best friends.

After supplementary school, Koh came to Singapore to research in technical and universities, and work. She finally settled in Singapore and became a permanent resident. On the other hand, Lam, a native of Malaysia, went to school in the UK and later returned to Malaysia to assist with her home organization.

Though they live in two different places, they remained close. We called each other about weekly to keep up with each other about what was going on in our life. We only vibe. We have many similar ideas and often think the same thing at the same time,” Chua said.

They even began to bulk-buy contact lenses up to love deals.

” Hui Lin was the pretty girl in school. Additionally, she constantly tried various viewpoints. I kept asking her if she was wearing contact lenses because she wanted to try them, Koh laughed.

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Coffee, foot stool, toilet positions: What are the most effective ways to ease constipation?

According to Dr. Kewin Siah, a senior analyst with National University Hospital’s Department of Medicine’s Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, if the location you choose helps to lift the rectoanal viewpoint, it might be easier to move through action without straining.

What about the neck bend in the TikTok picture? ” While it may target to utilize the benefits of squatting, it is not research-proven and may not be safe or effective for everyone”, said Dr Siah. &nbsp,

Dr Wang Yu Tien, a specialist doctor from&nbsp, Nobel Gastroenterology Centre at Gleneagles Medical Centre, thinks it just might function. He said that the position in the movie involved pressing the left thigh against the lower abdomen, which might increase the chest pressure. The anus is also possible to start up if you swing your left knee. Combined, the location may help start the intestines”.

As for breathing and leaning,” coughing increases chest tension, so it may even help with opening the intestines”, said Dr Wang. I’m not sure of the biology and efficiency of leaning to the left, but I do know.

2. Base Bench

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Deep Dive Podcast: Are generous health insurance policies inflating medical costs?

Here’s an extract from the audio:

Steven Chia:
This illustration of a brain bypass surgery is available. But in a sponsored Class C ward, the costs can be about S$ 6, 400, right? If it’s an Group A hospital, you’re talking about S$ 40, 000. In secret, that may jump to S$ 83, 000.

Why is there such a great gap? You are aware that everyone needs to make income along the way, but when is that very much?

Crispina Robert:
Why would I choose that upper band if I have very good insurance and ( with ) all the riders and my co-payment is so low?

Christopher Tan:
I’ll just say that between the subsidised wards, the B2 and C in the public hospitals, if you go there, you’ve got to accept that you ca n’t choose your doctors. You’ve got to get somebody that’s assigned to you. I think that’s essential.

Some people favor to pick their doctors. If you want to accomplish that, then you cannot go to B2 and C, but straight away there’s a difference in cost. You may be willing to pay more for the room’s and caregiver’s attention. Not many people in a B2 and C can sleep well these days. You do n’t care about TVs or other things, but you want better care and sleep.

You do n’t want to wait also… Because there’s an element of waiting?

Unfortunately, now, it’s harder to get a single-bed hospital in a public clinics.

This is the exciting thing. More than 70 per cent of us have integrated plans, which means we can walk into a private hospital to get treatment, but we do n’t. A B or an A ward in a public hospital is the less expensive alternative.

Yeah, because there’s also the post-hospitalisation to worry about, right? Because while I’m worried about the one-time pay, if mine is a serious condition and requires follow up treatment for the next 12 months or 24 weeks, the insurance company covers up to 12 weeks, and after that, it’s on you.

Therefore, if you choose to go to a private clinic, the very cheap price may be taken care of by the plan, but what happens after 12 times? What happens after 18 times? Because of that, people might need to visit a public clinics.

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The Glassworker: How Pakistan’s Ghibli-style animation got made

Mano Movies A hand-drawn poster image, featuring five characters drawn in a Japanese anime-inspired art style. A bearded man in military cap looms over a professorial-looking gentleman with a thick moustache and glasses, with three younger characters in the foreground. Behind them a phalanx of warplanes flies through the sky in formation.Mano Movies

Ten years ago, composer Usman Riaz began to sketch with a pencil.

He might have hoped, but did n’t know at the time, that it would start him on a path to making history.

That first drawing became The Glassworker- Pakistan’s first always hand-drawn animated feature film.

It follows the events of a fresh Vincent and his parents Tomas ‘ glass studio and a conflict that threatens to end their lives.

Vincent’s partnership with artist Alliz, the daughter of a defense colonel, begins to examine the relationship between father and son.

Usman tells BBC Asian Network that the characters finally learn” that life is beautiful but unstable, like cup.”

He describes The Glassworker as an “anti-war picture” set in a hazy and magical world that draws inspiration from his house state.

He claims,” I wanted to address concerns and designs that would have been challenging to address if it had been based in Pakistan.”

There is no government support or incentive for budding creatives like Usman, and the nation does n’t have the vibrant film industry of neighboring India.

But The Glassworker was a love task, he says.

” These ten years have just been strictly driven by passion and obsession for me.

” Since I was a kid, I have loved hand-drawn video and there’s something so wonderful about it.

” The beauty of the lines that were created and painted by the individual hand has always been a source of inspiration for me.”

Usman claims that he searched for coaches everywhere, including the Japanese animation studio Studio Ghibli.

The Glassworker’s unique design reflects the effect of the Oscar-winning filmmakers behind classics like Spirited Away and Princess Mononoke.

Usman claims that Ghibli’s business soldiers were the ones who spurred him on to start the production on his own.

After raising $116,000 through a 2016 crowdfunding campaign he founded his own studio, Mano Movies.

From there, it’s been a laborious method, especially since total output first started in 2019.

” What you are watching is basically a moving painting”, says Usman.

” Every one window you see, whether it’s a history or the figure moving, it’s all drawn by side”.

According to Usman, he claims that he has n’t yet received any money from the project and has been unable to pay his wife Maryam and his cousin Khizer, who he recruited to assist him.

However, there is a chance that the labor of love will mark the beginning of anything greater.

Mano Movies A man with a curly mop of hair and glasses stands in front of a white background. He wears a denim jacket over a dark blue t-shirt.Mano Movies

Another seasoned business number Usman turned to for guidance on how to launch The Glassworker is Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy.

She directed 3 Bahadur, a computer-generated story that was Pakistan’s first-ever animated feature film.

It broke box office records with its 2015 release, surpassing US goods, and thumping Rio 2 for past best-selling information.

Her workshop was also the region’s second female-led animation studio, and she understands the difficulties of getting started better than most.

” Anything in Pakistan is driven by passion” she says. ” I had to run pillar to post.

We’re a nation with limited access to electricity, and our business is greatly taxed.

” We’re able to buy computers and technology needed for animation”.

However, Sharmeen, who will lead the future Star Wars movie New Jedi Order, claims that The Glassworker could be a “monumental stage” for Pakistan’s animation scene.

If it finds business success, she believes it may “ignite” something in the state, but there are obstacles to home-grown graphics becoming a red-hot pattern.

Mano Movies A hand-drawn still from animated movie The Glassworker. It shows a young man dressed in a suit with red tie and a young woman with long red hair facing each other. She's holding up a small pink piece of glass engraved with an intricate pattern that reflects a spark of light at the viewer. Behind them is a shelving unit filled with ornated pieces of glasswork.Mano Movies

Puffball animation’s Arafat Mazhar, from Lahore, agrees that” the technical abilities are already there” in Pakistan despite the absence of “formal training or institutions.”

But “how do you not judge yourself”? he asks.

Any Muslim cinematographer who has to offer with its rigid board of film censors is faced with this problem.

” Every day there’s a good picture that comes out that’s earnest, the position ends up banning it”, says Arafat.

He does n’t believe the rules are likely to relax soon.

Sharmeen agrees that the government must work to “provide opportunity to create a level playing field for us to engage with the rest of the world” in order to foster the growth of the local movie industry.

” There is a ton of opportunity in Pakistan for animation”, she says. Simply put, “we’ve never had the chance to create it.”

She stock Arafat’s optimism about the pace of change.

” However, it will just be a few artists who have that enthusiasm, who will continue to create movies”, she says.

Sharmeen claims she is excited to see how The Glassworker is received by the world.

” I know that there is so much in there that may reach people’s hearts”.

Mano Movies A still from The Glassworker shows a line of soldiers in red uniforms pointing rifles at an unseen target. Rain pours from the sky above and a fire emanating thick black smoke rages in the background.Mano Movies

As The Glassworker enters common release, Usman will eventually find out how viewers react to the function he’s spent ten years putting his heart and soul into.

He claims that his goal is to “put Pakistan on the chart” and demonstrate that Bollywood’s companies may compete with it.

But he admits the operation has been “gruelling”.

” It is extremely hard, but we’ve done things nobody has ever done in the country before”, he says.

” I believe we’ve produced anything special that can compete with the rest of the world’s video,” he said.

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