New bill to tackle bribery in state services

According to legal adviser Wissanu, the goal is to create all procedures open to lessen the risk of corruption.

(Photo: Kiwiev via Wikimedia Commons)
( Photo: Kiwiev via Wikimedia Commons )

According to Wissanu Krea-ngam, the prime minister’s legal adviser, a new bill aimed at facilitating licensing and building requirements for government service is in progress and will be an impressive tool to combat corruption and bone in the public market.

Mr. Wissanu gave a special lecture on the prevention of corruption in the public sector in the era of digital disruption, claiming that the bill is an improved version of the 2015 Licensing Facilitation Act ( LFA ), which only deals with the application and grant procedure.

The Council of State is currently looking into the new bill, which will also include the application process for people utilities like water and electricity. The documents needed for each state service, the fees, and the approval process may be required from state agencies.

Additionally, a one-stop service will be established to make things convenient, and those who do n’t meet the requirements may face disciplinary consequences.

The act is likely to be presented to the House of Representatives earlier in the year, according to Mr. Wissanu.

” If the House passes the bill as it is, people wo n’t need to stop by district offices in most cases”, he said. They are able to request things through an electronic method, which reduces the likelihood of them receiving gifts. And they can complain if their calls take longer than they should be processed.

The initial LFA, according to Mr. Wissanu, was written more than 20 years ago but was unable to be submitted to the House due to various departments ‘ concerns.

” They made some good arguments, such as it added costs and it could n’t prevent bribery. He claimed that the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO ), which was established following the 2014 military coup, had put the bill on hold for ten years.

The National Legislative Assembly, the appointed figure established by the NCPO, turned out to be the first to scrutinize the LFA. ” In a standard situation, this type of legislation would not see the light of the day”, Mr Wissanu said.

He claimed that the LFA is intended to improve accountability in the process for obtaining and granting licenses. However, public knowledge of its presence is minimal and it has not lived up to its possible.

The cabinet this week approved a proposed amendment to the anti-graft law, according to Mr. Wissanu, that would improve the protection of witnesses and combat what is known as a” strategic lawsuit against public participation” ( Slapp ), a practice that would intimidate and deceive critics.

The Council of State may look into the article before it is expected to be presented to the House, presumably later this month.

In a speech at the same gathering, Deputy Prime Minister Phumtham Wechayachai stated that fraud needs to be addressed by state leaders and top executives in both the public and private businesses.

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Amnesty panel ducks decision on royal insult cases

A second commission suggested that a comprehensive list of the political offenses that would be considered may be examined.

(File photo: Chanat Katanyu)
( File photo: Chanat Katanyu )

Without making a decision, the House committee that is studying an amnesty bill is still considering whether to include offenses committed under Part 112, the Lese-Made Law, and Section 110 of the Criminal Code.

Chusak Sirinil, a Pheu Thai MP and council chair, stated that the screen had endorsed a record for consideration by the House. According to him, it came to a consensus on three crucial issues involving the parole plan.

Second, the committee agreed that cases involving politically motivated offenses committed between 2005 and the current will be covered by the asylum bill. A committee will be established to review cases, and a list of crimes that might be subject to parole may be compilated for their analysis.

The main idea is that the cases may get politically motivated, and there will be a list of those that qualify, he said.

The council agreed that the amnesty bill does not apply to situations that fall under Sections 288 and 289 of the Criminal Code ( murder and other functions leading to death ) and are considered serious human rights violations.

People reached no finish regarding crimes against the King, the Queen, heir-apparent or king, which are covered by Sections 112 and 110. However, the report will include the council members ‘ ideas.

According to Mr. Chusak, there were three camps in which to express their opinions: one favors their participation, the other favors their inclusion, and the second demands that they be included under specific conditions.

The commission thinks that if the government takes the lead or contributes to the proposal, the asylum is most likely to come to fruition, he said.

Nikorn Chamnong, the agency’s secretary, said state whips would be asked to prioritise the agency’s review and place it higher on the House plan. Next month, the House is expected to discuss the document.

The 35-member panel was established early this year on the recommendation of the ruling Pheu Thai Party to carry out a thorough analysis of the amnesty proposal following a bill sponsored by the main opposition Movement Forward Party ( MFP ) met with opposition. The group’s suggestion that Section 112 crimes remain included attracted the majority of the opposition.

Because the social conflict in recent years was so difficult, committees unanimously agreed to consider the issue of amnesty on Friday, according to Move Forward leader Chaithawat Tulathon.

He expressed his hope that the House did receive his own versions of the amnesty bill in the form of a draft from the government and social events.

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Man rescued from abusive employers

Gun Jompalang advocate contacts police in Korat after a hard injured victim is reported to them.

Activist Guntouch “Gun Jompalang” Pongpaiboonwet (right) accompanies the abuse victim to file a complaint against his employers at the Non Thai district police station in Nakhon Ratchasima on Friday. (Photo: Gun Chompalang Facebook)
At the Non Thai district police station in Nakhon Ratchasima on Friday, activist Guntouch” Gun Jompalang” Pongpaiboonwet ( right ) accompanies the abuse victim to file a complaint against his employers. ( Photo: Gun Chompalang Facebook )

A person who has been abused and tortured by his businesses, a husband and wife, for the past two years, has been rescued and taken to the hospital after failing to meet their sales goals.

The victim, identified only as Kong, 38, was escorted by the social media warrior Guntouch Pongpaiboonwet, aka Gun Jompalang, as he filed a report with authorities in Non Thai area on Friday.

Wounds were visible all over Mr Kong’s system, specifically on his hips, which were covered with bruises that had become infected. His feet had hip wounds, and his nose had open wounds. Additionally, he lost a tooth in one rape.

Authorities took pictures of the murderer’s figure as evidence.

The target claimed to have first met the pair more than ten years ago in his home of Chiang Mai before moving to Nakhon Ratchasima to work for them. Things were good at second, and he was paid his pay often.

But, over the past two decades, he said he had not been receiving a income, and his ATM card was taken by his boss, who claimed it was to stop him from wasteful spending.

Additionally, his businesses began punishing him for failing to meet his sales goals. Mr. Guntouch did not provide more details about the business’s character or the products it offered.

If the man was unable to sell, he was given one meal per day, typically plain rice. He claims that the pair whipped him more than 1 000 times and gave him electric shocks to both his genitalia and abdomen.

They officially said to him:” People like you should no longer propagate”.

When he passed out from the actual attack, he said, the couple did wake him again to continue the abuse.

The victim had previously attempted to flee, but he was concerned for his family because his companies threatened to seize his home and property.

Pol Lt Col Tawat Boonkaeha, the deputy examiner of the Non Thai authorities place, said the couple may get summoned to acknowledge the costs.

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Pita hopeful amid Move Forward’s battle for survival

But even if jury rules against breakdown, individual case could lead to embargo on 44 essential members

Chief adviser Pita Limjaroenrat says one of the key goals of the Move Forward Party is “to prove that the Thai economy works for the 99% and not just the top 1%”. (Photo: Reuters/Patipat Janthong)
One of the Move Forward Party’s main objectives, according to chief adviser Pita Limjaroenrat, is” to demonstrate that the Thai economy works for the 99 % and not just the top 1 %.” ( Photo: Reuters/Patipat Janthong )

Pita Limjaroenrat, the Move Forward Party‘s key adviser, is optimistic that the organization will survive a potential resolution to the dispute, but warns that a separate investigation could result in the main opposition party being destroyed.

Mr. Pita, who helped Move Forward win the election last year but was denied power by army-appointed senators, claimed that the conservative establishment was once more using its muscle to have common leaders.

” This is the second vicious cycle in 20 years. In a recent interview with a member of parliament, he claimed in a statement that the liberal elites had discovered a way to preserve elected leaders at bay amid the chaos of politicians debating in its tanks.

It plays the same music over and over again, according to the author.

Politics in Thailand has been defined by a continuous two-decade conflict between the conservative-royalist creation, backed by the military, and famous political events, including Move Forward.

The Constitutional Court ordered Move Forward to abandon its strategy in January, citing the fact that its plan to update the lese-majeste legislation, which shields the king from criticism, was a covert attempt to denigrate the crown.

In a case brought by the Election Commission (EC ), the party is now facing a potential dissolution by the same court over the same issue. A decision is expected on August 7.

Move Forward maintains that the polling place committed important errors while denying any wrongdoing. Although the court has declined to hear any dental testimony, it did list many legal scholars and others who were willing to support its situation.

Mr. Pita continued, citing arguments that the group has claimed it submitted in writing to the court that the election commission had determined that the problem process was constitutionally flawed.

The judge in this instance conducted the proceedings behind closed doors and simply accepted written submissions from the opposing parties.

He continued, arguing that a similar problem that the court considered more than ten years ago was rejected.” I also believe in administrative fairness and administrative consistency,” he said.

Mr Pita remains Thailand’s most popular prime ministerial choice, polling at 46 % in a survey last month ahead of premier Srettha Thavisin who was backed by only 13 % of respondents.

‘ Violent routine ‘

Move Forward, a 43-year-old Harvard-educated politician, said he faces a second significant challenge from a complaint that conservative activists have to the National Anti-Corruption Commission ( NACC).

The committee has not made any public comments regarding whether or not the case will be heard in court.

44 current and former politicians face career social bans for reportedly breaking ethics by supporting the effort to update Section 112 of the Criminal Code, one of the most stringent laws of its kind in the world.

” If we were to be found’ evil’ in our social activities inside parliament, we will be banned for living”, Mr Pita said.

” There’s no other charges”.

The progressive motion, which has won widespread support for its goals, including ending military conscription and eradicating business monopolies, could be severely weakened by the fact that this case only.

” That will be almost like dissolving antagonism in Thai democracy”, Mr Pita said.

Four Thai social events, starting with those backed by former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, have been dissolved in the last two years.

The most recent was Walk Forward’s father, Future Forward, which was disbanded in 2020 and had 16 top members banned from politics for 10 years for receiving a loan from chairman Thanathorn Juangroongruangkit.

” Maybe it’s time to prevent this cruel period”, said Mr Pita. ” I want to show to the creation, and also to the earth, that dissolving events is pointless”.

However, Move Forward would go on to its parliamentary plan, including a proposed laws to open up the$ 8.6 billion liquor industry, which is currently under the control of Boon Rawd Brewery and Thai Beverage, if it were to prevail over the impending difficulties.

ThaiBev did not respond to a request for comment soon, while Boon Rawd declined to comment.

According to Pita,” We are trying to demonopolize the wine industry,” adding that Thai farmers, such as those growing crops like corn and sugar cane, may gain from the liberalization without substantially lowering the marketplace share of incumbents.

It serves as a way to demonstrate that the Thai economy benefits both the 99 % and the top 1 %.

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Maya Bay closing for two months for natural rehabilitation

Closing aims to restore the marine ecosystem to its full potential.

Maya Bay in Krabi province is a magnet for tourists. (Photo: Pattarawadee Saengmanee)
Tourists flock to Maya Bay in Krabi territory. ( Photo: Pattarawadee Saengmanee )

Beginning August 1 for healthy recovery, Maya Bay, a well-known tourist destination in Krabi, and two additional compartments may close for two weeks.

According to Yutthaphong Dumsrisuk, commander of Hat Noppharat Thara-Mu Koh Phi Phi National Park, an announcement regarding the closing of Maya Bay, Loh Samah Bay, and Lo Ko Bay on Mu Ko Phi Phi in tambon Ao Nang of Krabi’s Muang area from August 1 to September 30 may be made.

The closing also aims to protect tourists because, according to Mr. Yutthaphong, strong winds and waves during the rain can cause dangerous conditions, especially at Ao Loh Samah Pier, which is adjacent to Maya Bay, where visit boats cannot dock during this time.

Many tourists travelled to Maya Bay in search of its natural beauty after Leonardo DiCaprio’s role in the movie Leonardo DiCaprio’s Leonardo DiCaprio film The Beach, which made the film world renowned 23 years ago.

From Oct 1 last year to July 22, the sea welcomed 1, 683, 430 customers, generating 549.86 million baht in entrance fees for the national park.

In July 2023, the garden collected about 23 million ringgit in entry costs from 110, 436 customers. This month, the site raised nearly 34.74 million ringgit in access fees from 96, 236 visitors. Despite dropping by 13 328 visitors in comparison to past time, the area still managed to collect an extra 11.74 million ringgit as a result of stricter fee collection measures.

Another tourist-accessible areas of the regional park were announced on The Helmet Noppharat Thara-Mu Koh Phi Phi National Park’s Facebook page. For more information, customers may call park officials at 075 65 6150 or through their Instagram page.

From August 1 through September 30, Maya Bay and two other Krabi compartments will be closed for two weeks. ( National Park photo )

From August 1 through September 30, Maya Bay and two other Krabi compartments will be closed for two weeks. ( National Park photo )

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Thai students win medals at World Invention Creativity Olympic

Thai students receive awards at the WICO award ceremony in South Korea. (Photo: supplied/Wassayos Ngamkham)
Thai kids receive honors at the North Korean WICO award ceremony. ( Photo: supplied/Wassayos Ngamkham )

At the” 13th World Invention Creativity Olympic 2024″ ( WICO 2024 ), a group of four Thai students won two gold medals, one silver medal, and a special award.

The Korea University Invention Association ( KUIA ) and the World Invention Intellectual Property Association ( WIIPA ) organized the international competition, which took place on Tuesday and Wednesday at the Seoul University of Education Convention Hall.

Candidates from 27 different nations around the world showcased a complete of 206 ideas.

The Thai students showcased three inventions: Senior-Safety-Strider, an AI-powered running help with drop detection for seniors, Smart Finger Fruit, an AI-powered glove to help determine the ripeness of fruit, and Blip, a natural lip balm designed to minimize black pigmentation on the lips.

The Research Institution of Creativity Education ( RICE ) awarded them three medals and a special prize for their innovations.

Pimphaporn Chonviriyabun, Kanjanik Chonviriyabun, Natam Wongkularb, and Youth Exchange School ( YES ) student Piraya Makaraphong, Kanjanik Chonviriyabun, and Natam Wongkularb from Ruamrudee International School ( RIS ).

Thai individuals and customers to South Korea's 13th World Invention Creativity Olympic.

Thai individuals and customers to South Korea’s 13th World Invention Creativity Olympic.

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Thai students win medals at World Invention Creativity Olympics

Thai students receive their awards at the WICO awards ceremony in South Korea. (Photo: supplied/Wassayos Ngamkham)
At the WICO awards ceremony in South Korea, Thai kids receive their prizes. ( Photo: supplied/Wassayos Ngamkham )

At the” 13th World Invention Creativity Olympics 2024″ ( WICO 2024 ), a group of four Thai students won two gold medals, one silver medal, and a special award.

The Korea University Invention Association ( KUIA ) and the World Invention Intellectual Property Associations ( WIIPA ) organized the international competition, which took place on Tuesday and Wednesday at the Seoul University of Education Convention Hall.

Candidates from 27 different nations around the world showcased a full of 206 innovations.

The Thai students showcased three inventions: Senior-Safety-Strider, an AI-powered running help with drop detection for seniors, Smart Finger Fruit, an AI-powered glove to help determine the ripeness of fruit, and Blip, a natural lip balm designed to minimize black pigmentation on the lips.

Their discoveries gave them three medals and a prized prize from the Research Institution of Creativity Education ( RICE).

Pimphaporn Chonviriyabun, Kanjanick Chonviriyabun, and Nadham Wongkularb from Ruamrudee International School ( RIS), as well as Piraya Makararpong from Youth Exchange School ( YES ), were the four students.

Thai students and visitors at the 13th World Invention Creativity Olympic in South Korea.

At the 13th World Invention Creativity Games in South Korea, Thai individuals and customers.

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“No place like home” as Thaksin turns 75

Thaksin Shinawatra is crowded by supporters after arriving at the Pheu Thai Party's headquarters on March 26, 2024. He turns 75 on Friday. (Photo: Varuth Hirunyatheb)
On March 26, 2024, followers gathered at the Pheu Thai Party’s office in Thaksin Shinawatra. He turns 75 on Friday. ( Photo: Varuth Hirunyatheb)

All bridges led to Thaksin Shinawatra‘s home palace in Bangkok on Friday as the convicted former&nbsp, prime minister celebrated his 75th birthday.

The Ban Chan Song La property is located in Soi Charan Sanitwong 71 off Charan Sanitwong Road in the Bang Phlad region. The Pheu Thai Party chief and his girl, Paetongtarn, arrived there in the morning. Several friends began to enter the house to observe his day.

Writers and reporters were never permitted within, and event organisers showed them tops featuring Thaksin’s image and the text: “75, No Place Like Home”.

A shirt featuring Thaksin Shinawatra's picture and the message: "75, No Place Like Home."

A top featuring Thaksin Shinawatra’s image and the text: “75, No Place Like Home”.

His followers took to social media to wish him a happy day.

Adisorn Piengkes, a member of the Pheu Thai list and former chief government whip, posted on the short-video system TikTok,” Happy day, the prime minister, who is always in all Thais ‘ hearts.”

Aiyawatt Srivaddhanaprabha and the former prime minister were hosting a group for both of them at the Pullman Bangkok King Power Hotel on Wednesday, according to a video shared on TikTok by @bew_wang85. The two entrepreneurs were born in various ages but share the same birthday.

Anutin Charnvirakul, the head of the Bhumjaithai Party, and Thamanat Prompow, the party’s secretary-general, were among the guests. At a destination in Nakhon Ratchasima next weekend, Thaksin and Mr. Anutin were spotted playing golf up.

Thaksin’s first birthday party took place on Friday at Ban Chan Song La, Thailand, after 17 times of self-imposed captivity there.

When he visited his home state in Chiang Mai in March, he told followers,” Happiness is at house”.

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Heavy rains flood Thai-Myanmar Border

Alerting about the possibility of floods and flash flooding in Tak.

Flooding affected the area around the first Thai-Myanmar Friendship Bridge in the Mae Sot district of Tak on Friday. (Photo: Tha Sai Luat Municipality)
On Friday, flood erupted in the Mae Sot city of Tak’s area around the first Thai-Myanmar Friendship Bridge. ( Photo: Tha Sai Luat Municipality )

After days of downpours, which have been pouring down the northern state, the Thai border in the Mae Sot area of Tak has been flooded. No indication of rain abating until the end of July.

People of the Tha Sai Luat Municipality were advised on Thursday night to be on call due to the rising water levels of the Moei River. Around 4am on Friday, the mixture of persistent rain and rising waves caused flooding to occur in neighborhoods and industrial areas.

By 10am, the water levels at the gate was measured at 1.6 yards, the city added.

Immediately across from Myawaddy area, Tambon Tha Sai Luat serves as a significant border business hub between Thailand and Myanmar.

The Tak department of the Government Public Relations Department advised drivers to avert approaching the bridge with non-urgent issues. With the assistance of about 100 troops and military trucks, customers was ebbing in the area as people continued to move their possessions to higher ground.

The company reported that the liquid level&nbsp increased as Mae Sot has been receiving a lot of liquid from the Moei and the Umphang and Phob Phra regions over the past three weeks.

Tak is one of the regions that is hardest hit by storms. The accumulated precipitation over the past 24 days reached 159 millimetres, followed by Kanchanaburi with 123mm and Chanthaburi with 119mm.

The Meteorological Department and the National Water Resources Office both issued a warning that Tak may continue to experience weather until the end of the month, with potential flash floods and landslides occurring during this time.

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Thailand’s new visas: Deeper Dive

It’s never been simpler to travel to Thailand and remain there for a long time thanks to the new immigration rules released by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

In a significant modify, the entry mark will be for 60 days and retractable at an emigration workplace for another 30 days, increasing the number of nations ready for visa-free entry from 57 to 93, including China and India. Up to 15 days of short-term employment in Thailand is permitted, but you must first obtain permission from a labor department or the airport. &nbsp,

If you come from a state not on the request provision record, there may also be good news: Visa-on-arrival is now available for another 31 places, up from the previous 19. But it’s a single-entry mark for just 15 days, and it costs 2, 000 baht.

The maximum amount of health insurance coverage for those on pension visa has been reduced from 3 million to just 400 000.

Additionally, the 40, 000 international students who attend Thai colleges and universities are permitted to stay for a year after graduating, as well as having the option to work in their fields.

New 5-year immigration

A new Destination Thailand visa that will be valid for five years and help remains for up to 180 days, with an extension to a year in full, has been really caught the attention of those who want to live in Thailand for long.

But it’s not for everyone, and the devil is in the information. Naruchai Ninnad, a senior official in Thailand’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the person responsible for creating the new regulations for the most recent version of the Bangkok Post’s Deeper Dive vodcast, joins me to answer your questions. Plug “play” below.

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