Vietnam is a ‘feed-importing powerhouse’ for the US

As recently as the 1970s, the United States and North Vietnam were waging a war that claimed 58,000 American lives and a million or more Vietnamese lives, including many civilians. Today Vietnam is one of the largest markets for US ag exports, ranking seventh, eighth or ninth in recent years. It’s not that the war […]Continue Reading

Time to revisit a Canberra-Tokyo-Jakarta axis?

Australia’s role in Asian regionalism has too often been a blind spot in public discourse about the country’s identity and future. For too long the narrative of Canberra’s role in its historic backyard has been characterized by the hard edge of necessity and interest — and often by indifference. Yet this is a partial reading […]Continue Reading

How Erdogan got back in the money

Buoyed by imports from China and exports to Russia, Turkey’s economy grew by 5.3% in 2022, after expanding 11.4% in 2021. Only two years ago, the country’s currency was melting down and government bond yields spiked to 24%. Now its stock market is the world’s top performer with a year-on-year gain of 70% while the […]Continue Reading

Ukraine war puts poor Asia, not rich Europe, in the dark

Through a year of war in Ukraine, the US and most European nations have worked to help counter Russia, in supporting Ukraine both with armaments and in world energy markets. Russia was Europe’s main energy supplier when it invaded Ukraine, and President Vladimir Putin threatened to leave Europeans to freeze “like a wolf’s tail” – […]Continue Reading

Raytheon, Lockheed take a balloon war hit in China

Photo: Reuters/Mick Tsikas

Beijing’s latest sanctions against Lockheed Martin Corp and Raytheon Missiles & Defense may affect some of the companies’ joint ventures in China, commentators said. China’s Ministry of Commerce on Thursday (February 16) said it had added the two US defense contractors to its “unreliable entities list” as they sold arms to Taiwan. It said the […]Continue Reading

Ukraine war has doubled global household energy costs

The Russia-Ukraine war has exacerbated an energy crisis that directly affects the costs of heating, cooling, lighting and mobility, and indirectly pushed up the costs of other goods and services throughout global supply chains. While all households are affected, they are affected in different ways depending on their income, how they spend their money, and […]Continue Reading