Repeal of 377A: Workers’ Party recognises rights to equal treatment under law; respects rights of different groups to discuss positions

SINGAPORE: The Workers’ Party (WP) recognises the fundamental right of people to live free from fear plus discrimination and to become treated equally under the law, it said in a statement on Sunday (Aug 21) in response to Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong’s National Day Move speech.   “By theContinue Reading

From reduced mask requirements to the repeal of 377A: 7 key takeaways from NDR 2022

While most sectors in Singapore are recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic, including tourism and aviation, the war in Ukraine has “clouded our outlook”, Mr Lee said. The pandemic disrupted supply chains and necessitated large spending packages in developed countries, which stoked inflation. The war has also exacerbated this. With oilContinue Reading