SNEF president Robert Yap resigns after review finds ‘governance procedural lapse’

SINGAPORE: The leader of the&nbsp, Singapore National Employers Federation ( SNEF), Dr&nbsp, Robert Yap, has resigned after the company said it was informed of a “governance legal slip” during a regular internal review.

Dr Yap led SNEF for 10 times. &nbsp, He has even stepped down as a member of the council, &nbsp, the&nbsp, plan- making figure of the union.

After the discovery of the lapse, the city’s council hired an external consultant to conduct a thorough investigation of its internal processes, according to a SNEF press release on Tuesday ( Jun 11 ).

” The independent assessment is now underway”, it added.

The government is currently unaware of any economic repercussions resulting from this fall.

SNEF protects the interests of Singaporean firms. It claims to have more than 3,300 members and a labor of more than 800,000 as a whole.

Its speech did not specify the motives behind Dr Yap’s departure. It even did not respond to CNA’s issues about&nbsp, the nature of the management fall.

SNEF said, however, that the departure was agreed upon between Dr Yap and the committee and was &nbsp, effective soon.

The government added that at this point, it does not consider a police report is appropriate.

Prior to the annual general meeting, when the new government will be elected by members, Dr. Yap’s duties may be assigned to committee members.

The new government members will then cast their ballots for the president and the business bearers, according to SNEF. This is scheduled to occur later this year.

The government does direct oversee this independent review, the union said in its media statement, noting that the federation takes the responsibility of upholding the governance ideals that all of our stakeholders expect.

Dr. Yap became the SNEF council’s president in September of that year after serving as the executive chairman of the supply chain and logistics firm YCH Group.

He serves as the head of the ASEAN Business Advisory Council and Malaysia-Singapore Business Council, as well as the ASEAN Confederation of Employers.

Because the independent assessment is in progress, SNEF said it is unable to comment more.

It released a declaration from Dr Yap, who said: &nbsp,” I thank the SNEF government, SNEF people and bilateral participants for their times of help. I have made a lot of effort to advance the rights of my associates and tripartism in Singapore. I’ve done everything I may, but it’s never easy. It is also occasion to hand over the reins of administration.

I fully understand the agency’s choice to work with an outside consultant to conduct an independent evaluation. Governance techniques should always be reviewed so that organizations can continue to strengthen and take away from any organizational flaws. ” &nbsp,


The union is reviewing its internal processes, according to the Ministry of Manpower ( MOM). SNEF informed the organization that it had been informed of Dr. Yap’s resignation. &nbsp,

MOM has requested SNEF to release us with the results of their assessment and to reveal crucial evidence with MOM as soon as it is finished,” though there is no evidence of any financial repercussions arising from this fall so far,” it continued.

MOM said it&nbsp, may decide on its future course of action after the assessment. &nbsp,

The bilateral procedure will remain unchanged. In order to improve our economic and social objectives for Singapore, MOM will continue to collaborate with SNEF, the government added.

National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) reported that it had been informed that Dr. Yap is leaving his positions at SNEF.

It noted that, under Dr Yap, SNEF had&nbsp, contributed to numerous bilateral authorities and workgroups, advocating the attention of companies in improving the lives and lives of their employees.

NTUC said it was” happy” of his efforts to the employment movement.

” With SNEF and MOM, NTUC will continue to uphold tripartism. Tripartism has been and continues to be one of the foundations of Singapore’s victory, “it added.