7th cohort of Selangor Accelerator Programme open for applications

  • Applications are available until August 9th, 2024.
  • The program aims to promote Indonesian tech startups ‘ growth.

7th cohort of Selangor Accelerator Programme open for applications

The 7th Cohort of the Selangor Accelerator Programme ( SAP24 ) has been announced by the Selangor Information Technology and Digital Economy Corporation ( SIDEc ) as the official launch of the program. This program aims to push Malaysia tech startups towards accelerated development, providing detailed support, global mentoring, and expansion opportunities, positioning them for international market success.

SAP24 runs from August to November 2024 and is focused on areas such as Synthetic Intelligence ( AI), Biotech, Net-Zero Solutions, Mobility, and Life Sciences but is also available to different categories. The program includes a variety of workshops, market visits, authorities connections, and expert-led funding guidance. Applications are then open until August 9th, 2024.

According to Sidec, participants will compete for prizes which includes mentorship, brand exposure, and business training worth up to US$ 53, 700 ( RM250, 000 ) in total. Finalists will need to win over a panel of judges who will choose the top 20 businesses for the last pitch circular in October 2024.

” Our purpose with SAP24 is to create an environment where companies can grow and achieve their full potential”, said Yong Kai Ping, CEO of Sidec. ” We are committed to providing the necessary tools, coaching, and opportunities to help these impressive businesses succeed on a global level. We are excited to see the revolutionary effect this group will have on the business ecosystem, with the assistance of our partners.

The program also includes business trips, allowing startups to observe established companies, learn from business experts, determine partnership opportunities, and be updated on industry trends. The opportunity to promote improvements at the exclusive 9th Selangor Smart City and Digital Economy Convention 2024, which will take place from October 16 through October 19 at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Center, comes with top-tier cloud providers, exclusive membership in the CXO Club for networking opportunities, and access to top-tier cloud providers. Individuals will also have excellent locations in the Selangor Sandbox, promoting creativity and engagement, and the opportunity to promote their services to a large community through Sidec’s collection.

According to Sidec, SAP has nurtured 190 startup companies since its inception, with 41 % securing financing from 2018 to 2023. Notable alumni have expanded globally, including Nexmind AI, Seed Dream, Borong ( commonly known as Dropee ), GFI Fintech, Pomen, GoTech, GA Alliance, Entomal, Homa2U, and QMed Asia. Also, past participants have achieved a significant global footprints, extending their reach to areas including USA Silicon Valley &amp, Washington D. C., Japan, China, Taiwan, Dubai, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, and above.

Main partner Affin and proper pay partner Fiuu support this program. The efforts and help from Invest Selangor and a group of supporting companions ensure that businesses receive the best possible resources, coaching, and opportunities to level their innovations worldwide.

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Applications open for the 2024 Cycle of the Mranti Global Accelerator Programme

  • Aims to address pressing world problems
  • Project targets to engage 20 businesses, provides masterclasses with industry experts

Left to Right: Redza Shahid, manager of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center, Asia School of Business; Sarah Cragg, head of Asia Pacific, The Earthshot Prize; Hassan Alsagoff, regional head of Loyalty & Marketing, Grab; Dr. Nick Boden, CEO, Klean; and Jared Ho, head of Sustainability, POS Malaysia

Continuing its mission of accelerating the development of demand-driven R&amp, D efforts, The Malaysian Research Accelerator for Technology &amp, Innovation ( TIPM/MRANTI), Malaysia’s central research and innovation commercialisation agency, has officially launched the 2024 cycle of its Global Accelerator Programme ( GAP ). With a focus on addressing pressing global problems, TIPM/MRANT I GAP invites enterprising firms to embark on a trip to scale up their innovative solutions, providing contributors a unique combination of support, funding opportunities, and international recognition.

The Asia School of Business ( ASB ) was one of the attendees at the launch of the program, along with representatives from this year’s GAP collaborators. Through its collection of degrees, professional education, study, and micro-credential programmes, ASB spearheads the development of lean, revolutionary, and philosophical leaders toward the advancement of the emerging world, in areas that include sustainability, AI, business governance, finance, operations management, and leadership.

At least 20 businesses are expected to be enrolled in the program this season, giving them access to industry-specific learning opportunities through seminars and workshops. Through team-building and relationship activities, participants also have the opportunity to form relationships with other participating companies, which will help to create inter-industry systems. Additionally, being a part of the National Technology and Innovation Sandbox (NTIS ) gives businesses the opportunity to test and validate their tech solutions in a controlled, live environment under relaxed regulations. &nbsp,

With the focus on Tech for Impact, GAP 2024 aims to identify the potential of local and international businesses in three crucial thematic domains relevant to the UN Sustainable Development Goals ( UN SDGs ). These include Sustainable Development Goals 2 and 3 for food security andamp; sustainability; Healthcare ( UN SDG 3 ); and Renewable Energy ( UN SDG 7 ). These topics have been identified as the most pressing problems, both nationally and internationally, through intensive study. Development in these three regions has stagnated despite changes in general conservation work on a national level. Through the pedal program, participating companies gain access to various support mechanisms. This includes money from global and local shareholders, and backing from R&amp, D and business management companies. &nbsp,

” The primary goals of GAP are autonomy and problem-solving. It serves as a motivator for businesses, providing them with the tools and system required to navigate the complexities of growth and expansion. GAP assists them in making a significant difference in their business and beyond by addressing persistent issues that affect the people in real-time. V-Farm, for instanceApplications open for the 2024 Cycle of the Mranti Global Accelerator Programme” We introduced a successful vertical gardening solution that addressed food security and environmental concerns,” says Safuan Zairi ( pic ), chief ecosystem officer of MRANTI.” We help our participants use resources at their fullest potential for maximum impact, both for national development and the benefit of the rakyat,” he adds.

This program, which will be hosted at ASBhive, will be overseen by ASB’s Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center, which is a crucial hub for Malaysia’s innovative habitat. Asked by Joseph Cherian, assistant CEO of ASB,” We are eager to establish with MRANTI to simultaneously run this program, and are pleased to work with the company on their endeavors by providing our valued university members, and experts who have won worldwide acclaim in fields like AI, Sustainability, Organizational Behaviour, and Matching Platforms. Our collaboration includes including coordinating mentorship and progress tracking, as well as overseeing the program’s strategic planning and execution and development. As collaborators, we want to cultivate entrepreneur-leaders who consistently tackle demanding issues and challenge the status quo, with agility, creativity, and resourcefulness”.

The nomination for the 2018 cycle of ASB’s collaboration with MRANTI includes being included in the ASB’s annual cycle’s nomination for the prestigious global sustainability award The Earthshot Prize. The Prince of Wales established The Earthshot Prize in 2020 to find, highlight, and scale creative solutions that restore and regenerate our planet. Five winners will receive the award annually. Companies that take part in the 2024 GAP cycle now have the chance to be nominated for the The Earthshot Prize. The partnership also serves as a testament to ASB and MRANTI’s commitment to recognizing and rewarding innovative solutions that address pressing environmental issues.

As of the last cycle, the programme has successfully impacted 20 companies and 50 entrepreneurs, amassing a value creation totalling US$ 4.8 million ( RM22.42 million ), with US$ 4.6 ( RM21.63 ) million in revenue and US$ 168, 000 ( RM790, 610 ) in investments. Some of these successes include Luwjistik, VStream Revolution, Sonicboom Solutions, and Izmir Technologies Industries in 2022, whilst 2023 saw Entomal Biotech, CS Leaflabs, WeAssist, and Mobiva making their mark. These accomplishments motivate MRANTI to strive harder in promoting the development of local and international businesses as well as developing novel solutions. GAP 2024 will run from September to November, and all interested businesses are encouraged to apply and make the most of this unique opportunity to advance their growth and advance their innovations.

For more details on GAP 2024, please visit http ://mranti.my/gap

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Why Singapore firms are entering the German market, and how Enterprise Singapore is helping them


Business Singapore, which champions internationalisation, said it has seen a rise in firms exploring options in Europe post-pandemic. &nbsp,

In 2023, EnterpriseSG supported 220 organizations to observe a wide range of areas in Europe, including Belgium, France and Germany. This was 20 per cent higher than in 2022, and nearly 50 per cent more than that in 2019, pre-COVID-19. &nbsp, &nbsp,

European businesses, in particular, are eager to companion, or touch merger and acquisition opportunities with Singapore firms, said Mr Alan Yeo, chairman of Europe at EnterpriseSG. &nbsp,

Many small- and medium-size enterprises ( SMEs ) in Germany, have faced challenges in growing due to the limited size and market size in Germany, and want to venture out, but they have limited opportunities, he said. &nbsp,

They even find succession planning for their mainly niche and technology-based companies challenging, he added. &nbsp,

They are looking for companions to expand in terms of various businesses, particularly those in Southeast Asia and Asia, and some of them are open to joint ventures and mergers and acquisitions, he said. &nbsp,


With Singapore and Germany sharing some economical concern regions, it continues to be room for start-ups to click options. EnterpriseSG is looking to expand its network of colleagues in the technology industry as part of an action called the Global Innovation Programme. &nbsp,

Companies like TeleMedC, which uses what may go off as a regular eye test to find diseases like diabetes, have benefitted from the program. &nbsp,

The company aimed to exit Asia in 2021 and enter Europe via Germany with its artificial intelligence software. &nbsp,

But, success was out of sight first. Speech was a great barrier, said the agency’s CEO Para Segaram. &nbsp,

” None of us spoke German, so it was very difficult going to a country where you do n’t even know the language. The whole company do is all in German, so it’s very challenging”, he said. &nbsp,

He added that the business was unsure of how to enter the European market. Through the program, he was able to link up with various participants. &nbsp,

According to its assistant managing director of advancement Emily Liew, EnterpriseSG appoints a network of companions to speed up businesses’ journeys by familiarizing them with a business, helping them strategize, and building contacts. &nbsp,

” We will connect them to investors, reference clients or another co-innovators, if you know they need to enhance their product for the business further”, she said. &nbsp,

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US targets Hong Kong chip transshipments to Russia   – Asia Times

Following NATO’s condemnation of Beijing’s support of the Soviet defense field on July 11, United States leaders, politicians, and non-profit businesses have called for sanctions on Hong Kong businesses and banks. &nbsp,

During a conference with Wang Yi, the US secretary of state, Antony Blinken plans to lodge a complaint about Russian supplies, with him in Laos. He claimed last week that Russia imports 90 % of its nanotechnology and 70 % of its system tools from China. &nbsp,

Separately, Republican US Senator Marco Rubio proposed a change to the National Defense Authorization Act that would give the president the authority to impose sanctions on economic institutions that deal with illegally Russian supplies. &nbsp,

Two US information media sources and an activist group have released their analyses over the past few weeks that look at the level of transshipments of products from the typical high priority list ( CHPL) to Russia. &nbsp,

Since Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022, according to the New York Times, it has reportedly received about US$ 4 billion in limited chips. It claimed that a number of shell corporations in Hong Kong assisted in the shipment of many of these items to Moscow. According to the report, the number was derived from an analysis of Russian norms data since the middle of 2021. &nbsp,

The paper said the cards were sent to Russia in almost 800, 000 supplies by more than 6, 000 businesses. The sixth floor of the Hong Kong company’s sixth floor, located at 135 Bonham Strand in Central, was visited by New York Times staff, who was reportedly involved in the transshipments, but they were unable to meet anyone. &nbsp, &nbsp,

Between August and December 2023, 206 Hong Kong companies, known as consignors, have shipped US$ 750 million of CHPL items to Russia, the Committee for Freedom in Hong Kong Foundation ( CFHK Foundation ), a non-profit organization based in Washington, said in a report on July 22.

These things include data receivers, system chips and controllers, digital storage and input/output models and various integrated circuits. Other things include dynamic converters, amplifiers, memory cards and diodes. &nbsp,

They were made by 31 American companies, including Texas Instruments, Analog Devices, Microchip Technology, Apple, Intel, Dell and Nvidia.

The CFHK Foundation said it used data collected by the Center for Advanced Defense Studies ( C4ADS ), another Washington-based non-profit organization. &nbsp,

It recommended that the US use its secondary sanctions authority to designate Hong Kong and Chinese banks as primary money laundering concerns ( PMLC ) and to designate Hong Kong as a primary money laundering concern ( PMLC ). &nbsp,

However, an unknown US Commerce Department official was cited as saying in a document on July 22 that the volume of CHPL products shipped through Hong Kong had decreased by 28 % between January and May. &nbsp,

The official claimed that the government’s extreme law enforcement and product supplier wedding contributed to the decrease, but did not explain how it was calculated. However, the standard claimed that Hong Kong is still a haven for Russians to escape international sanctions.

For the same time, transshipments of CHPL things through mainland China, excluding Hong Kong, fell 19 %. The US Commerce Department stated that it wanted to restrict access to the data because it could not get it in its entirety. &nbsp,

All these new figures were made after NATO leaders called China a “decisive facilitator” of Russia’s war against Ukraine in a mutual declaration on July 11. US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan stated on July 19 that the US is preparing to impose fresh sanctions against Chinese companies that provided dual-use goods to Russia’s Ukrainian military. &nbsp,

Rubio’s act

Rubio updated the National Defense Authorization Act on July 11th.

He proposed that the US President have the power to impose sanctions on any” covered financial institution” that uses China’s Cross-Border Interbank Payment System ( CIPS), Russia’s System for Transfer of Financial Messages ( SPFS ) or Iran’s System for Electronic Payment Messaging ( SEPAM ) to clear, verify, settle or conduct transactions with any other” covered financial institution”.

A” covered financial institution” means one located in or organized under the laws of one of the countries of concern, which include China ( including Hong Kong and Macau ), Russia, Iran, North Korea, Cuba and Venezuela. &nbsp,

By the end of this year, the US Congress is anticipated to make a choice regarding NDAA modifications for 2025. &nbsp,

Rubio had introduced the Crippling Deranged Russian Belligerence and Chinese Presence in Putin’s Schemes Act in March 2022. There have n’t been any updates on it.

As of last fortnight, CIPS has 148 clear members, including Citibank, and 1, 396 indirect individuals around the world. &nbsp, &nbsp,

Moscow’s methods

According to a report released on June 18 by C4ADS,” War Machine– The Networks Supplying &, Sustaining the Russian Precision Machine Tool Arsenal,” China, Hong Kong, Turkey, and the United Arab Emirates are among the nations in concern with the supply of computer numeric control ( CNC ) machine tools for Russia.

According to the report, Russia has historically obtained foreign-produced CNC machine tools ( FPCMTs ) from nations whose governments now support Kyiv. &nbsp,

Wang Wenbin, a former Chinese ambassador to Cambodia and a former official of the Chinese foreign ministry, claimed on April 23 that the US is dishonest and reckless because it continues to make excuses about regular business and economic relations between China and Russia while providing significant assistance to Ukraine. &nbsp,

Some experts claimed that the new US sanctions will only raise foreign exchange transaction costs to finance Russian purchases relating to the war, but they wo n’t stop them. &nbsp,

They claimed that while large Chinese banks have stopped financing industry with Russia to evade US sanctions, smaller banks may continue because they do not have multi-dollar businesses. They said different states such as Kazakhstan and Armenia, rather of Hong Kong, can even handle Russian supplies. &nbsp, &nbsp,

Read: US warns Chinese institutions over Russian supplies

Observe Jeff Pao on X: &nbsp, @jeffpao3

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Anti-colonial call to cancel US RIMPAC naval exercises – Asia Times

The largest naval exercise in the world has been involving navies and naval assets from 29 nations since the previous month of June.

The US-led RIMPAC 2024 ( Exercise Rim of the Pacific ), the 29th such exercise to be held since 1971, claims to promote” a free and open Indo-Pacific”. But many of the Indigenous peoples of this region, which covers more than 50 % of the Earth’s surface, do n’t see it that way at all.

In June, Protecting Oceania, a group of Indigenous Pacific, economic, and social justice companies, released a speech, saying:

We stand together, in order to accomplish our sacred responsibility to get great ancestors, and strongly oppose the fortification of our islands and oceans … These exercises threaten our sovereignties and our communities, people and other-than-human everywhere, here in Hawaii, across Moananuiākea, and throughout the globe.

The global Cancel RIMPAC promotion in Hawaii contends that the training does not offer the security it claims. Instead, it contributes to stereotyped violence, economic damage, and colonialism in the area.

Since their creation more than 50 years ago, the Royal Navy has participated in the tasks. RIMPAC is a topic that is rarely discussed in the UK. This is in spite of the UK’s considerable and protracted colonial history in the Pacific and the UK’s renewed and growing Indo-Pacific focus on foreign policy.

A lake of archipelago

In 1994, Tongan-Fijian author Epeli Hau’ofa described Oceania as” a lake of islands” connected by countless generations of sea transportation, inter-island relationships and careful observation of economic cycles. This challenged imperial notions of the Pacific as isolated “islands in a way sea” that could be used by foreign powers.

Britain, France, and Germany have long imperial histories in this ocean, despite the US now having the most significant territorial and military presence in the region.

Following Captain James Cook’s excursions in the late 18th century, the rise of European colonization into the Pacific extracted vast amounts of wealth from Australia, Aotearoa New Zealand, Fiji, Kiribati, Tuvalu, the Solomon Islands, Tonga and Vanuatu.

Charts of Oceania frequently show that there is still Euro-western territorialism in the area in contrast to indigenous oceanographic interpretations. &nbsp, Peter Hermes Furian/Alamy Stock Photo via The Talk

American imperialism attempted to impose Western culture on indigenous peoples as well. The scattered Mori vocabulary and knowledge systems in Aotearoa New Zealand were later brought back by Mori movements, who have since worked hard to revive.

Phosphor mining on Banaba ( a island in Kiribati ) ruined island ecosystems and forced the indigenous Banabans to flee.

Defense testing floor

Between 1946 and 1958, the US tested nuclear arms in the Marshall Islands. The American military tested gas bombs in Malden Island and Kiritimati, as well as in Australia. These assessments caused serious health issues among islands, including birth defects and tumours, and long-term natural harm.

Indigenous Pacific-led actions have long resisted military and nuclear imperialism in Moananuiākea ( the vast ocean ). The Nuclear Free and Independent Pacific action pressed for the 1986 Rarotonga Treaty to create a South Pacific Nuclear Free Zone. Important discussions about Pacific indigenous self-determination were sparked by this approach.

Lately, the Indo-Pacific has become a target yet again for European power. In the UK, the 2023 Integrated Review Refresh sets out the objective of establishing” a permanent German sea presence in the Indo-Pacific” in response to the “epoch-defining problem” of China.

This came after the UK, the US, and Australia launched AUKUS in 2021. This agreement aimed to “deepen political, security, and security assistance in the Indo-Pacific region”. This may include preparing Australia with nuclear-powered boats, to been built by American firms BAE Systems and Rolls-Royce.

How the novel Labour administration may view the Pacific is still to be seen. But in the UK and US’s shared language of a “free and empty Indo-Pacific”, the concerns of Indigenous Pacific islands are usually ignored. ” World protection” and business take precedence, it seems.

Little has changed since the British military’s support of a group of American businessmen’s overthrow of the separate Hawaiian Kingdom in 1893. Despite the fact that Native Hawaiians ( Kenaka Maoli ) have a lot of cultural, spiritual, and ecological significance, the US military started using the Hawaiian island of Kaho’olawe as a bombing range in 1941.

Pushing against RIMPAC

By the middle of the 1970s, the growing Pacific independence movement was beginning to force the US to stop using Kaho’olawe for military training activities, including RIMPAC.

The tension eventually bore fruit when, before Rimpac 1982, Australia and New Zealand agreed never to tank Kaho’olawe. In 1984, Japan followed match.

The Royal Navy firing of Kaho’olawe was brought up in parliament by UK MPs Jeremy Corbyn and Tam Dalyell in 1986. In 1990 all bombing of Kaho’olawe suddenly stopped. However, the bombing’s economic damage may be difficult to stop.

This time, a coalition of Hawaii-based and foreign groups are resisting RIMPAC afterwards.

Through the military’s activity of the islands and environmental damage to lands and waters, group organizers Kawena’ulaokal Kapahua and Joy Lehuanani Enomoto claim that RIMPAC contributes to continuing Aboriginal displacement.

It’s also associated with increased sex trafficking and sexist violence that largely affect Kānaka Maoli girls, girls, and gender-nonconforming individuals.

In a time of extreme violence against Palestinians in Gaza, groups in Hawaii, the US, Aotearoa New Zealand, and Malaysia have condemned their countries ‘ involvement in RIMPAC alongside Israel this year.

A woman wearing jeans and a keffiyeh, and holding a shell, speaks into a microphone to a gathering of people with Cancel RIMPAC protest signs. Near her feet is a sign saying 'Free the people, free the land'. The sign for the Headquarters of the US Pacific Fleet is visible behind the protestors.
Withdraw the press conference for Rimpac on June 17. Israeli Voice for Peace Hawai’i hosted the gathering outside the O’ahu, Hawaii, headquarters of the US Pacific Fleet. Photo: Sara Saastamoinen, CC BY-SA

Defining RIMPAC as an “exercise” – in other words, a model – the strategy argues, obscures its dangerous material results on communities and ecosystems in Hawaii and above.

According to Cancel RIMPAC alliance members, they want to “build on the legacy of previous generations of Kanaka Maoli and Indigenous Pacific-led efforts for demilitarization and colonialism” and” thousands of years of Aboriginal stewardship and ethnic tradition throughout Pasifika.”

In this “multi-generational, multi-racial” movements, they add, global solidarity is important. In this environment, issues need to be asked about the UK’s continued participation in these naval exercises.

Kate Lewis Hood is postdoctoral fellow in landscape, Royal Holloway University of London

This content was republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original content.

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Johor-Singapore SEZ: Businesses say Malaysia’s ‘stickier’ government boosts their confidence in project, but brain drain remains a risk

Lennon Tan, president of the Singapore Manufacturing Federation, told CNA that he is optimistic that the SEZ wo n’t turn out the same way as the SIJORI Growth Triangle and the Iskandar Malaysia projects because of the intensive business consultation from government officials this time round.

” There is a lot more personal business conversation, business assessment and this is true for both factors of the authorities”, said Mr Tan.

There are “very intentional efforts by high-profile state officials on both sides to support and advance the SEZ initiatives,” he continued.” There is reason to be optimistic that it will succeed,” he continued. &nbsp, &nbsp,

According to Mr. Tan, who is the CEO of the data protection agency Adera Global, some manufacturing companies in Singapore are struggling with rising costs and prices as a result of the scheduling of the SEZ plan. &nbsp,

The SEZ is a new avenue for organizations to shift some of their operations to Johor, maintain attractiveness, and maintain the exact cost structure as it once had because” smaller firms are managing endurance problems with these challenges,” he continued. &nbsp,

” Companies are waiting for more information on the SEZ… but I think they remain really, very strong and extremely interested”, said Mr Tan. &nbsp,

Mr. Jason Su, managing director of the Singapore venture capitalist firm Farquhar, stated to CNA that he is positive that the SEZ may be” powerful” in part because of the support of the national administration led by Mr. Anwar, which he views as a technical pro-business management. &nbsp,

Mr. Anwar has received praise from regional business leaders for creating a conducive environment that encourages foreign investment.

During his tenure as prime minister, multinational corporations ( MNCs ), including Microsoft, Nvidia and Alphabet have all announced partnerships and investments in Malaysia. &nbsp,

US tech giant Microsoft pledged a US$ 2.2 billion investment in artificial intelligence ( AI ) and cloud computing in May to help develop the country’s AI infrastructure.

Additionally, Nvidia’s CEO Jensen Huang jokingly referred to Mr. Anwar as the” AI Prime Minister” and praised the administration for its “excellent infrastructure” to advance AI development in the region during his trip to meet with Prime Minister Anwar in December 2023. &nbsp,

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North Korea hackers trying to steal nuclear secrets-  US, UK warn

The UK, US, and South Korea have issued a warning that hackers from North Korea are attempting to steal martial and nuclear secrets from international institutions and private businesses.

They say the team- known by the names Andariel and Onyx Sleet- is targeting army, aircraft, radioactive and engineering entities to receive classified information, with the aim of advancing Pyongyang’s defense and atomic programs and ambitions.

The team has been seeking knowledge in a wide range of places- from plutonium running to tanks, submarines and torpedoes- and has targeted the UK, US, South Korea, Japan, India and abroad.

US air pressure foundations, Nasa and military organizations are said to have been targeted.

Due to its impact on delicate systems and daily life, the high-profile warning about this particular organization appears to indicate that its combined efforts to elude scrutiny of money-making and espionage are worrying officials.

According to the US, the group’s spy activities are funded by malware attacks on US healthcare providers.

The world digital spy operation that we have exposed currently shows the lengths that DPRK state-sponsored actors are willing to move to pursue their military and atomic programs, according to Paul Chichester, director of operations for the UK’s National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), an arm of GCHQ.

It should be a reminder to operators of essential equipment that it is crucial to safeguarding the delicate information and intellectual property they keep on their techniques to stop theft and use.

The NCSC determines that Andariel is a member of North Korea’s Third Bureau, known as the Reconnaissance General Bureau (RGB ).

The combined warning from the US, UK, and South Korea offers tips on how to protect themselves from North Korean actors, who claim to have been looking for information on machine tools, electrical weapons, and 3D printing components.

This indictment highlights that North Korean threats organizations ca n’t be ignored or disregarded because they also pose a serious threat to people’s daily lives, according to Michael Barnhart, Mandiant Principal Analyst at Google Cloud.

Their “targeting of facilities to generate income and finance their operations” demonstrates a relentless focus on achieving their top priority of meeting knowledge, despite the potential effects it may have on human lives.

This is just the most recent in a long line of warnings about Northern Korean thieves.

In response to a Hollywood comedy video that featured the death of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, some of the country’s most well-known cyberattacks have been linked to the nation.

North Korea is also known for the activities of Lazarus Group which has carried out major thefts of millions of dollars.

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Natixis-affiliated Ostrum AM creates new transition department; aims to expand FI offering in Asia | FinanceAsia

Paris-based Ostrum asset management (AM), an affiliate of Natixis Investment Managers, has appointed Nathalie Beauvir to head up its newly created sustainable transitions department.

A spokesperson confirmed to FinanceAsia that Beauvir had been in her new role in Paris since the start of the job transition in May.

The newly established department, according to a July 10 press release, consists of five environmental, social and governance (ESG) experts and two corporate social responsibility (CSR) experts.

They will be responsible for strengthening Ostrum AM’s strategic positioning on ESG; optimising the interdependence of investment policies including exclusion, engagement and voting; and developing offerings with new thematic ranges.

The department reports directly to the firm’s chief executive officer (CEO) office.

CEO Olivier Houix commented in the press release that the team expects Beauvir to establish Ostrum AM as a “committed partner for transitions” for stakeholders, in terms of investment strategies and development financing.

Beauvir was promoted from her previous role as head of sustainable bond analysis and research at Ostrum AM,where she was involved in the launch of the firm’s climate and social impact bond fund.

Asia expansion

The Ostrum AM team currently has five portfolio managers and analysts in the Asia Pacific (Apac) region, led by Rushil Khanna, head of equity investments, within Natixis Investment Managers’ Singapore local operations.

Currently, the team has a specific focus on equity investments, while Ostrum AM also aims to provide fixed income expertise locally in Southeast Asia, with the upcoming arrival of a fixed income portfolio manager, the spokesperson told FA.

Globally, Ostrum AM manages around €40 billion ($43 billion) in green, social and sustainability (GSS) bonds, out of its €402 billion in assets managed for institutional clients as of end-March.

¬ Haymarket Media Limited. All rights reserved.

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TM, Singtel’s Nxera break ground for sustainable, hyper-connected data centre campus in Johor

  • Aims to support the president’s push to change M ‘sia&nbsp, into modern commercial hub
  • Through collaborations between universities in Singapore and Singapore, and M’sia, JV will help to develop data center skills.

Left to right:  Khairul Liza, EVP TM Global, TM; Amar Huzaimi Md Deris, Group CEO, TM; Lee Ting Han, chairman, Johor State Investment, Trade, Consumer Affairs and Human Resources Committee; Gobind Singh Deo, Malaysia's Digital minister; Low Yen Ling, Singapore's senior minister of State for Trade and Industry and Culture, Community and Youth; Kai Nargolwala, chairman, Nxera; and Bill Chang, CEO of Nxera and Singtel’s Digital InfraCo unit.

TM and Nxera, the local information center arm of Singtel’s Digital InfraCo system, held a pioneering service for their information centre school in Iskandar Puteri, Johor. One month later, a shared venture was announced to create data centers in Malaysia and improve Johor’s reputation as a modern hub.

This 64MW state-of-the-art, green, hyper-connected, AI-ready data centre school supports Malaysia’s high-quality modern facilities. It also supports the administration’s efforts to generate the modern economy and change the country into a hub for business growth, AI development, and innovation.

Malaysia’s Digital secretary, Gobind Singh Deo, said,” This expenditure by TM and Nxera supports Malaysia’s status as the modern hub in Southeast Asia, more advancing the nation’s economic growth. Based on advance estimates, Malaysia’s economy expanded by 5.8 % in the second quarter of 2024, and such investments are in line with projections that Malaysia’s digital economy will contribute 25.5 % to the nation’s GDP by the end of the year”.

He added that Malaysia and Singapore serve as a successful working relationship between two ASEAN member state, as well as the relationship between TM and Nxera.

Onn Hafiz Ghazi, kepada besar of Johor, said,” TM-Nxera’s future data centre school, located in Iskandar Puteri, holds particular value as one of the Johor-Singapore Special Economic Zone’s initial investment projects. We welcome the complete range of their purchase with respect to high-quality system, sustainability, as well as employment and skilling opportunities which supports our emphasis on talent development, clean technology, and green energy”.

This school at the data center will act as a motivator for financial growth and help firms harness the potential of AI and cloud computing. We hope that this will help create a vivid business ecosystem, where more high-tech and high-value content companies may be drawn to their locations within the exclusive economic zone, and provide Johor’s digital economy a boost, he continued.

However, older minister of State, Low Yen Ling, said,” Data facilities are essential enablers of our electronic market, powering our market’s data-driven needs. As technology advances, strong, next-generation electronic system like the TM-Nxera Data Centre will be essential to support AI progress and develop value creation. I look forward to the outcomes we can achieve through close collaboration as a result of today’s groundbreaking, which is a milestone in the deepening economic relations between Singapore and Malaysia.

Amar Huzaimi Md Deris, TM’s Group CEO, said,” Today marks a pivotal milestone in our journey to becoming a digital powerhouse as we break ground on this cutting-edge AI-ready data centre. This facility exemplifies our commitment to fostering industry growth, driving innovation, and enhancing socio-economic development. With support from the Federal Government, and Johor state agencies and authorities, we are confident that this AI-ready data centre will equip businesses with unparalleled computing power, AI capabilities, and other cutting-edge technologies. We are eager to set the stage for a future in which AI and data analytics create transformative solutions, transformative products, and advance both our country and the world.

This state-of-the-art data center campus, which is one of Nxera and Singtel’s largest investments in the Johor-Singapore Special Economic Zone, is a key component of our strategy to empower digital economies and communities in the region while making sure energy and water resources are used responsibly and effectively, said Bill Chang, CEO of Nxera and Singtel’s Digital InfraCo unit. It expands our regional data centre platform’s strategic presence in this fast-growing Asia region”.

Our campus will spur economic growth by assisting businesses that use AI and cloud computing to increase efficiency and accelerate their business transformation, with Malaysia embracing AI to drive competitiveness and innovation. Our investment is n’t just about the campus, it is about bringing benefits to the local economy through digitalisation, developing local talent, creating employment opportunities, and enhancing international connectivity”, he added.

This cloud-enabled Tier 3 data center campus, which is scheduled to start commercial operations in 2026, will use liquid cooling to support higher power density AI workloads. The facility will be designed, built, and certified to Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design standards, incorporating energy and water-efficient solutions to optimise the use of resources. This underscores the joint venture’s commitment to long-term sustainability goals. To support the new data centre campus, the joint venture plans to expand submarine cable connectivity, enabling a thriving and vibrant digital ecosystem.

Customers can seamlessly expand their infrastructure from the city-state and the rest of the region thanks to the data center campus, which is only 16 kilometers from Singapore. Further, the data centre can be scaled up to 200MW in response to market demand.

The joint venture will encourage collaborations between universities in Singapore and Malaysia in addition to creating new employment opportunities that are crucial for nation-building. It aims to create comprehensive courses with specialized curricula that will give students the necessary skills and knowledge to help Malaysia advance its growth goals. For communities and the region, this means superior country-to-country connectivity and a smarter, more resilient digital economy.

This joint venture is subject to approval from TM shareholders in the upcoming EGM, as announced in Bursa.

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5 men charged over involvement in illegal labour importation syndicate

Five men were indicted on Thursday ( Jul 25 ) for violations of the Employment of Foreign Manpower Act ( EFMA ) that involved the illegal import of labor.

The five Singaporeans are accused of conspiring to submit work permits to foreigners under shell companies in exchange for money, according to the Ministry of Manpower ( MOM) in a press release. &nbsp,

They are: Tan Tai Ji, 42, Leong Kwai Tong, 53, Sim Kian Boon Terence, 35, Neo Hock Guan Roy, 46 and Cheng Tee Howe, 40. &nbsp,

” A total of 13 shell firms are alleged to have been established under these five Singaporeans ‘ brands.

” These businesses were non-operational, did not require the work of foreigners, and failed to use them after their appearance in Singapore,” said the government. &nbsp,

17 other foreign nationals have also been charged with violating the EFMA. &nbsp,

Most allegedly obtained job permits through these businesses without having any plans to work. Ten out of the 17 immigrants have been convicted and sentenced, added MOM. &nbsp,


Leong is the fifth of the five people to face 66 claims under the EFMA. &nbsp,

Tan and Sim experience 55 and 18 charges both, while Neo and Cheng face 14 each. &nbsp,

In accordance with the EFMA, those found guilty of obtaining work permits for foreign employees for a business that does not exist, is not in operation, or does not require the employment of such a foreign employee, are sentenced to six months in prison or two years in prison and are subject to fines of up to S$ 6, 000 ( US$ 4, 400 ) per charge. &nbsp,

If convicted of six or more fees, punishment can also be imposed.

Companies who are convicted of employing foreigners without a valid work pass face a fine of between S$ 5, 000 and S$ 30, 000, imprisonment for up to 12 months, or both. &nbsp,

Upon judgment, MOM perhaps even bar them from employing foreign employees.

Without a valid work permit, foreigners found guilty of working in Singapore may face fines of up to S$ 20,000, jail time in Singapore, or both. Upon judgment, the Manpower Ministry did likewise bar them from working in Singapore.

Those who are aware of such obscene employment practices should contact mom_fmmd]at ] mom with any information. gov. gs. All information provided may be kept completely confidential, said the government. &nbsp,

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