NEXT: AI Connect 2024 in Penang focuses on AI disruption

NEXT: AI Connect 2024 in Penang focuses on AI disruption
  • Malaysia is learn from the upheaval created by AI and gain from it.
  • Bring AI people who work with colleges and universities?

NEXT: AI Connect 2024 in Penang focuses on AI disruption

” For the past few months, we saw significant investment from large companies like Microsoft and ByteDance into Malaysia,” said Penang-based serial entrepreneur Curry Khoo ( pic, below ), who is building his third startup right now, Noobs, an open-source playbook for the startup ecosystem in Southeast Asia, which was launched in 2022.” We saw heavy investment from Nvidia and other large companies like Microsoft and ByteDance into

A properly regarded society builder as well, Curry was not talking about WordPress but instead, NEXT: AI Connect 2024, an occasion aimed at bringing together business leaders, companies, and AI fans on Jun 26 at The Ship Campus in Batu Kawan, Penang.

Curry believes that Malaysia you know and take advantage of the disturbance being created by AI due to the recent surge in demand for Nvidia’s specialised chips, which are essential for powering different forms of AI, including chatbots like Open AI’s ChatGPT and Google’s Gemini.

NEXT: AI Connect 2024 in Penang focuses on AI disruptionThe best way to know is to hold an event so that everyone can identify the participants and comprehend the surroundings of the AI scene, Curry said.

In the subsequent Q&amp, A, Curry goes into more detail about the occasion and explains why attending is worthwhile.

Q. Why did you decide to concentrate on AI for NEXT?

because everyone in the universe is discussing AI. Nvidia’s growth was but rapid as a result of AI, and it caught my attention. People will be a part of AI, in some way or another, after doing some checking and researching. However, over the past few decades, we have seen powerful opportunities by big companies like as Nvidia, Microsoft and ByteDance into Malaysia. So, the best way to learn from AI is to host an event but that we can learn from each other.. &nbsp,

Q. Why is it located on Batu Kawan rather than the beach?

There are already a few ordinary occasions on the island, but none in Batu Kawan. As industry experts will tell you, Batu Kawan is booming with semiconductor firms that even use a lot of AI, specifically for their production, but most people are unaware of it. Therefore I felt it was the best place for this occasion, and managed to get the help of the PKT Logistics Group via its business system, Entrepreneur&nbsp, Growth Hub, to host&nbsp, it at its The Ship Campus. &nbsp,

Q. You appear to be making an effort to draw students in addition. Why?

The most important factor for the industry to grow is skills. I anticipate a lot of desire for AI, and it should begin with young people, particularly those in universities and colleges. We want to motivate and motivate them to pursue careers in AI, particularly in the specialized field. You can read about the curiosity in AI from both the state and the traders who have invested. There is a&nbsp, need to expand our AI skills share. &nbsp,

Q. What kind of effect is this event going to own?

I want to see more personal business AI people, especially those with professional backgrounds, working with our colleges and universities to develop more expertise in the field. &nbsp,

I believe there is a huge opportunity for Malaysia because the semiconductor industry is increasingly reliant on AI to improve its production efficiency, especially if we can move the talent pool forward.