Income says chairman recused himself from decision to appoint Morgan Stanley in Allianz deal

SINGAPORE: Mr&nbsp, Ronald Ong, the president of Income Insurance, had recused himself from the board’s decision to nominate Morgan Stanley as the financial adviser in its deal with Allianz, said Income Insurance.

As a result of questions the day before about a potential conflict of interest arising from Mr. Ong’s positions in both Income and Morgan Stanley, the Singapore insurer issued a statement in the early hours of Saturday ( Jul 27 ).

Mr Ong, in addition to being president of Income, is likewise the&nbsp, chairman and CEO of Morgan Stanley’s Southeast Asia company. He has been a Morgan Stanley employee for over 20 years. &nbsp,

” Morgan Stanley was appointed as Income Insurance’s economic assistant after a considered choice process”, said Income on Saturday, in response to CNA’s questions.

According to them, they were chosen based on their previous experience with comprehensive transactions, the deal team’s experience, and their thorough knowledge of income insurance.

Income further stated that a review committee had reviewed Morgan Stanley’s visit before the table had given its approval.

Additionally, the employer claimed that none of its executives are connected to Allianz and are therefore” considered separate for the purposes of making a proposal on the offer.” &nbsp,

The committee will establish an independent panel committee chaired by the lead separate director and wholly composed of separate directors, to choose and assign an independent financial director, according to Income Insurance, and in accordance with good corporate governance.

The independent financial adviser’s recommendation to the board regarding whether to recommend to shareholders to accept or reject the offer ( when made ) will be included in the composite document.

Disagreement OVER DEAL

The package, which will make Allianz the largest investor in Income Insurance, has previously faced backlash as the people feared it would sacrifice Income’s stated devotion to Singapore’s employees. &nbsp,

Allianz announced on Jul 17 that it had intended to purchase 51 per cent of Income Insurance’s shares, stating an offer of S$ 40.58 ( US$ 30.20 ) per share for a transaction value of S$ 2.2 billion.

NTUC Enterprise now has a 72.8 per cent interest in Income Insurance. If the purchase is successful, it will continue to be a significant investor.

Several spectators expressed concern about how this may conflict with the company’s initial purpose following the announcement, including former CEO of NTUC Income Co-operative Mr. Tan Suee Chieh. &nbsp,

The company was founded in 1970 with the aim of providing necessary, affordable insurance to underprivileged employees. &nbsp,

Given that the guarantee from NTUC Enterprise to be as a majority shareholder was used to lessen worries about its corporatization in 2022, Mr. Tan described the transaction as a “breach of great faith.” &nbsp,

After the deal with Allianz, NTUC Enterprise president Lim Boon Heng announced on Thursday that the cooperative will continue to offer affordable insurance to consumers with lower incomes. &nbsp,

Experts told CNA that some of the concerns over the package are justified because Allianz’s objectives may not be in line with Income Insurance’s classic objectives.

They added that the agreement makes sense from a business standpoint because a larger scale of operations might lead to savings like lower fees.

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Israel-Hezbollah teeter toward regional conflagration – Asia Times

With warfare between Israel and Hezbollah at an extremely risky level, the Middle East is on the verge of a potentially devastating local conflict.

Washington has pursued diplomatic measures to urge the characters to step back from the brink. However, given its lack of sufficient liquidity with both sides, US efforts have not yet paid out.

A major agreement involving Israel, Hezbollah, and their exterior followers is now urgently required to stop a regional conflict.

Netanyahu hanging on by a string

The Hezbollah violent party in Lebanon and its backers have been encouraged by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s management of the Gaza war.

Israel’s failing to accomplish its two main goals in the conflict, which were to free Hamas and rescue the Jewish hostages, has left Netanyahu helpless and helpless. His pursuit of scorched-earth activities in Gaza, with no schedule for how to end the war or to control the area afterwards, has imperiled his place, as well as that of Israel.

The majority of Israelis want him to step down right then. He is gaining only limited help from the extremists in his government and the management of the Israeli Defense Force. He is also alienated from his traditional ultra-Orthodox Israeli followers, who refuse to serve in the military and are frequently distrusted in Washington, Israel’s lifelong sponsor.

Israeli commanders have also expressed concern about Gaza’s weapons shortages and army stress. They have demanded that he accept a ceasefire with Hamas but that Israel may fight Hezbollah successfully.

However, the prime minister has continued to defame and falsely claimed that the Biden administration is holding up weapons that might help him to put an end to the Gaza campaign and launch a new coalition against Hezbollah.

Hezbollah’s energy

No fear, Hezbollah has been a thorn in Israel’s area for a long time.

Netanyahu made a strong argument in his speech to the US Congress ‘ combined session on Wednesday that it was in the interests of both Israel and America to fight Hezbollah and its supporter, Iran.

In northeastern Israel, 80 000 of our people eluded their homes and settled as refugees in their own country. We’re determined to bring them home. We prefer to achieve this politely.

Let me be clear, though: Israel will do everything to secure our northern borders and allow our citizens to return home.

Since its founding as a significant social and armed force in Lebanon in the early 1980s, Israel has made numerous attempts to sway or subdue Hezbollah.

Yet Israel’s work, most notably its defense strategy of 2006, have failed. Hezbollah’s ability to survive has added to its durability and that of Iran and its other members, including Hamas, in the region.

Hezbollah now is the most effective, sub-national violent party in the world. It apparently has 100, 000 battle-hardened soldiers, a huge arsenal of weapons ( including sophisticated missiles and uavs ) and a remarkable level of corporate strength and structural help.

It is a crucial factor in the Iran-led, mostly Shia” shaft of weight”, whose members consider death to be an article of faith.

The newly elected Egyptian president, Masoud Pezeshkian, who comes from the liberal party of Iran’s elections, has reaffirmed Tehran’s unwavering aid for Hezbollah against Israel as part of its regional security advanced.

Hezbollah you rely on a large number of soldiers from Iran and its other proxy, as well as Islamic soldiers from outside the place, to join it in a battle. The Taliban, for example, has now promised to send some fighters from Afghanistan to support Hezbollah.

In light of its growing acclaim in the Arab and Muslim world, the Arab League just decided not to label Hezbollah as a criminal organization despite Israel, the US, and many of their friends.

A great bargain

Israel is no longer viewed as the region’s dominant force. The Gaza conflict and its escalating military markets with Hezbollah, the Yemeni Houthis and Iran have revealed Israel’s risks.

It might still have the power it needs to crush Gaza in a similar way, but any kind of US support may be required to win a conflict with Hezbollah with any level of resilience or well-being.

Supporting a conflict in Lebanon would be very hard for the US, especially with a crucial election looming, but the US continues to emphasize its iron-clad devotion to Israel’s protection. This would probably cause Russian, Chinese and North Vietnamese aid for Iran and, by extension, Hezbollah and other parts of the” shaft of weight”.

In order to reach a diplomatic agreement, Israel, Hezbollah, and their outside supporters would need to reach a deal to establish mutually beneficial buffer security on both sides of the Israeli-Lebanese border.

To lay the groundwork for a long-lasting resolution to the Palestinian problem, Israel and Hamas must first reach an agreement on a ceasefire in Gaza and the exchange of hostages and prisoners. Until now, Netanyahu has resisted this. He fears that it would force him to step down from office and put him in jail as a result of pending bribery and fraud charges.

The Middle East’s history has repeatedly demonstrated that outside interventions and armed conflicts have never brought peace and stability. Instead, they have merely compounded the region’s problems. The Middle East situation is explosive, and level heads must prevail to prevent further inflammation.

Amin Saikal, Emeritus Professor of Middle Eastern and Central Asian Studies, Australian National University

The Conversation has republished this article under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

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Cradle leads Asean startup initiative to foster regional collaboration, innovation, and growth

  • Initiative focuses on policies, habitat eagerness, and development facilities
  • 1st stage to push off with the Asean Startup Portal to support local businesses, owners

Chang Lih Kang, minister of Technology, Science and Innovation (MOSTI) delivering his keynote speech titled “Malaysia: On Becoming ASEAN’s Next Startup Powerhouse” at the Tech in Asia Conference Kuala Lumpur

The Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation ( MOSTI ) as the National Committee on Science, Technology and Innovation ( COSTI ) Chair of Malaysia has mandated Cradle Fund Sdn. Bhd., the focus point company for Malaysia’s business habitat, to guide the Asean Startup Initiative under the Science, Technology and Innovation business.

With the purpose to develop greater collaboration, technology, and rise among startups in the region, our important initiatives under the Priority Economic Deliverable have been presented and endorsed by the Asean STI Ministers, setting the stage for major advancements in the Asean business ecosystem, the agency said, in a statement. &nbsp,

The Asean Startup Initiative, led by Malaysia, addresses three main concerns: increase” startup-friendly” policies to create a conducive environment for startups to grow, increase ecosystem readiness among Asean Member States to maintain a supportive infrastructure for business growth, and encourage collaboration to develop effective partnerships and synergies in the region.

” After KL20, we all witnessed the Tech in Asia Conference, which was held for the first time in Kuala Lumpur, at the pinnacle of Southeast Asian technology. Moving forward, Mosti, through Cradle, will kick off the Asean Startup Portal by Q4-2024, reflecting our commitment to fostering a robust and collaborative startup ecosystem within Asean”, Chang Lih Kang, minister of Mosti said. &nbsp,

He added” With Malaysia taking the chairmanship in 2025, Cradle plans to lead the way in implementing Asean Technology Startup Ignite as Malaysia’s 2025 Priority Economic Deliverable, which has been endorsed by the 85th Meeting of the Asean Committee on Science, Technology and Innovation ( COSTI-85 ) and the 20th Asean Ministerial Meeting on Science, Technology and Innovation ( AMMSTI-20 ) in Siem Reap, Cambodia recently. By addressing key areas such as policy, ecosystem readiness, and regional collaboration, we aim to position the Asean Member States as leading players in the global startup landscape” .&nbsp,

Cradle leads Asean startup initiative to foster regional collaboration, innovation, and growthAccording to the Priority Economic Deliverable 2025,” We are thrilled to announce our main Cradle deliverables.” Each of these deliverables has been carefully selected to address both regional and local issues. By acting as one entity, we hope that all Asean Member States can draw on our shared strengths, address common difficulties, and create a vibrant ecosystem that benefits all member states. Our concerted efforts will help us secure a prosperous and sustainable future, according to Cradle Group CEO Norman Matthieu Vanhaecke ( pic ).

Cradle will start implementing the Asean Startup Initiative in phases starting in 2024. The Asean Startup Portal, a pillar for regional startup collaboration and a valuable resource for startups and investors across Asean, will be the first phase of development.

In 2025, the second phase of the Asean Startup Initiative will commence, focusing on capacity-building programmes. This phase will coincide with Malaysia’s Asean Chairmanship in 2025 and include pitch competitions, startup accelerator programmes targeting Asean-themed and corporate-based challenges, Startup Village, the Asean-India Startup Festival 2025, and a declaration by established leaders to expand the global startup network and strengthen cross-border ties.

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NTUC designated ‘politically significant person’ under Singapore’s foreign interference law


Singapore’s foreign meddling legislation is aimed at strengthening the president’s ability to prevent, detect and destroy foreign interference in local politics. After a long conversation, the Bill was approved in congress in October 2021.

Political parties, social company buyers, Members of Parliament, election individuals and their providers are among those defined as PSPs.

NTUC is the next organization to become designated a PSP, joining the Maruah and Think Centre of human rights organizations.

Since Maruah and Think Centre were designated as PSPs in December 2023, political gifts are now subject to stricter restrictions.

Maruah aims to promote people right at the national, regional and international levels. It serves as the Singaporean liaison for the Working Group for an ASEAN Human Rights Mechanism, an NGO recognized in the ASEAN Charter.

The Think Centre is a member of the global human rights organization Forum Asia.

Philip Chan Man Ping, a business from Singapore, became the first person to become designated as a PSP under the foreign interference legislation in February.

According to MHA, Mr. Chan, who immigrated from Hong Kong in 1990, displayed” vulnerability to being influenced by foreign actors and determination to advance their interests.” The international actors involved were never identified.

Prior to this, Law and Home Affairs Minister K Shanmugam stated that when the Singaporean government designate one as a PSP under the foreign interference rules, they may determine that doing so is in the common interest.

In response to political inquiries, Mr. Shanmugam explained on February 29 that in order to be designated as a PSP, a person must become a member of a foreign legislature or social organization, or their activities may be directed in Singapore’s interest.

” But in addition to this, there is also the public curiosity requirements that must be satisfied”, he added.

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7th cohort of Selangor Accelerator Programme open for applications

  • Applications are available until August 9th, 2024.
  • The program aims to promote Indonesian tech startups ‘ growth.

7th cohort of Selangor Accelerator Programme open for applications

The 7th Cohort of the Selangor Accelerator Programme ( SAP24 ) has been announced by the Selangor Information Technology and Digital Economy Corporation ( SIDEc ) as the official launch of the program. This program aims to push Malaysia tech startups towards accelerated development, providing detailed support, global mentoring, and expansion opportunities, positioning them for international market success.

SAP24 runs from August to November 2024 and is focused on areas such as Synthetic Intelligence ( AI), Biotech, Net-Zero Solutions, Mobility, and Life Sciences but is also available to different categories. The program includes a variety of workshops, market visits, authorities connections, and expert-led funding guidance. Applications are then open until August 9th, 2024.

According to Sidec, participants will compete for prizes which includes mentorship, brand exposure, and business training worth up to US$ 53, 700 ( RM250, 000 ) in total. Finalists will need to win over a panel of judges who will choose the top 20 businesses for the last pitch circular in October 2024.

” Our purpose with SAP24 is to create an environment where companies can grow and achieve their full potential”, said Yong Kai Ping, CEO of Sidec. ” We are committed to providing the necessary tools, coaching, and opportunities to help these impressive businesses succeed on a global level. We are excited to see the revolutionary effect this group will have on the business ecosystem, with the assistance of our partners.

The program also includes business trips, allowing startups to observe established companies, learn from business experts, determine partnership opportunities, and be updated on industry trends. The opportunity to promote improvements at the exclusive 9th Selangor Smart City and Digital Economy Convention 2024, which will take place from October 16 through October 19 at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Center, comes with top-tier cloud providers, exclusive membership in the CXO Club for networking opportunities, and access to top-tier cloud providers. Individuals will also have excellent locations in the Selangor Sandbox, promoting creativity and engagement, and the opportunity to promote their services to a large community through Sidec’s collection.

According to Sidec, SAP has nurtured 190 startup companies since its inception, with 41 % securing financing from 2018 to 2023. Notable alumni have expanded globally, including Nexmind AI, Seed Dream, Borong ( commonly known as Dropee ), GFI Fintech, Pomen, GoTech, GA Alliance, Entomal, Homa2U, and QMed Asia. Also, past participants have achieved a significant global footprints, extending their reach to areas including USA Silicon Valley &amp, Washington D. C., Japan, China, Taiwan, Dubai, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, and above.

Main partner Affin and proper pay partner Fiuu support this program. The efforts and help from Invest Selangor and a group of supporting companions ensure that businesses receive the best possible resources, coaching, and opportunities to level their innovations worldwide.

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China quietly taking the lead in climate diplomacy – Asia Times

Seven centuries seems a career in politics. Donald Trump, president, announced in 2017 that the United States may retreat from the Paris Agreement. In order to restate their political responsibility to international climate action, Canada, China, and the European Union convened an urgent appointment.

The powerful meet turned into a year-long event that took place in Wuhan, China, this week as a chance for a second Trump presidency looms large.

At the invitation-only gathering of environment ministers and senior representatives from nearly 30 nations, Australia’s Climate Change and Energy Minister Chris Bowen represented Australia.

The group gathered to progress global climate negotiations in the lead-up to the next United Nations climate conference ( COP29 ) in Baku, Azerbaijan. Stronger pollution reduction goals may send strong signals to purchase, which has been slow in Australia but not in China.

China is making notable improvement in moving from fossil fuels to clean energy. In addition to a surge in the production of low-carbon systems, including batteries and electric vehicles, analysts have observed record progress in solar and wind, which have reduced energy’s discuss in electricity generation.

All of this indicates that China’s greenhouse gas emissions does had reached a peak, which would be good for the world. Australia also needs to move quickly if it wants to become a powerhouse in solar energy.

China obviously wants to take a greater share of the global lead in the change of electricity, but it also wants to put pressure on its own businesses and industries to take action. China’s choice to host this year’s gathering, and others, reflects this goal.

Earlier this month, China hosted a five-day gathering of “like-minded developing places” in Shandong. Then there was a “BASIC” ministerial conference on climate actions with Brazil, India and South Africa next trip.

The 8th Ministerial on Climate Action was officially known as the big conference this year. In addition to boosting global cooperation, it also involved in-depth discussions on issues relating to COP29 and COP30, as well as promoting the transition to power.

UN Climate Change Executive Secretary Simon Stiell called for bolder weather action from all countries, particularly the wealthy G20, at the conference. Every country is required to submit fresh national climate plans and goals by February of next year in accordance with the Paris Agreement. As Stiell says:

Done properly, these programs are the key to stronger economic expansion, more jobs and success, much less waste and better wellbeing.

The transition to a low-carbon society requires architectural adjustments that are both socially challenging and time-consuming. However, as I’ve mentioned below, China’s efforts to develop the technologies for the trend of solar power are beginning to bear fruit.


About 40 % of China’s CO₂ emissions come from power generation, mainly fuel, but the share of renewable energy is growing.

Wind capacity expanded from 61 gigawatts ( GW ) in 2012 to 441GW in 2023, while solar capacity rose from 3.4GW in 2013 to 610GW.

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Coal-fired power plants are being built also, though at a much slower rate. Hydrodropower went through many droughts in a row.

The rapid development of solar and wind is being managed by developing new storage methods. These include waters pump store, chemical store, compressed-air storage, and digital power plants. Long-distance transmission systems will help better use of biofuels.

China is even conducting climate legislation experiments, including carbon trading and offsets. Because the state wants to concentrate on fossil fuel use, a two system that has existed for almost 30 years is being redesigned.

The strategy is to remove strong fuel burning with light, coal with natural gas, and combustion turbines with electric automobiles.


In 2023, international electronic vehicle sales exceeded 13 million. With more than 7 million sold, or a third of auto sales, China has the largest private electric car market.

In contrast, China exported 1.2 million electrical vehicles in 2023. This was 80 % more than the previous month.

Because they have quite a large market share, energy vehicles are already less expensive than those with internal combustion engines in China. Local carmakers now offer roughly 50 various small, affordable electric models.



China made the announcement in April that it would start extending emissions trading to the metal sector. This business is the government’s second-largest CO₂ emission, behind power.

Emissions investing is a market-based view to controlling waste. The federal grants allows that allow a certain amount of CO2 to be released over a predetermined amount of time. These grants can be purchased, traded, or both.

China accounts for more than half of the country’s steel manufacturing. Because metal is used in renewable energy production and the manufacture of electric vehicles, the economy even supports the energy transition. Nearly 70 % of the world’s main wind turbine components and 80 % of solar panel components are produced in China.

To reduce pollutants, the government is urging economy to collaborate with universities and research institutes. It will not be quick, and it will be expensive.

China is the world’s largest hydrogen producer, but 80 % comes from fossil fuels. Green gas research and development is getting more and more money, with some companies determined to take the result. If steel-making may become powered by natural gas, it would be a key milestone.

A glimpse of the future

Given the confusion surrounding the US election in November, China’s constant hands in climate politics is welcome.

China is even demonstrating what is feasible if the energy transition is transformed into a source of development option for Australia and other countries. The size of China’s rollout of solar energy is astounding, but so is the pace of development of new technologies to support renewable energy, including the efficient storage of wind and solar power to provide electricity on demand.

More than two-thirds of the world’s greenhouse gas decline may be supported by the technology also in growth, according to the International Energy Agency in 2020. China wants to dominate the market and dominate it initially. And there’s every sign it will flourish.

Xu Yi-chong is Professor of Governance and Public Policy, Griffith University

This content was republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original post.

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Applications open for the 2024 Cycle of the Mranti Global Accelerator Programme

  • Aims to address pressing world problems
  • Project targets to engage 20 businesses, provides masterclasses with industry experts

Left to Right: Redza Shahid, manager of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center, Asia School of Business; Sarah Cragg, head of Asia Pacific, The Earthshot Prize; Hassan Alsagoff, regional head of Loyalty & Marketing, Grab; Dr. Nick Boden, CEO, Klean; and Jared Ho, head of Sustainability, POS Malaysia

Continuing its mission of accelerating the development of demand-driven R&amp, D efforts, The Malaysian Research Accelerator for Technology &amp, Innovation ( TIPM/MRANTI), Malaysia’s central research and innovation commercialisation agency, has officially launched the 2024 cycle of its Global Accelerator Programme ( GAP ). With a focus on addressing pressing global problems, TIPM/MRANT I GAP invites enterprising firms to embark on a trip to scale up their innovative solutions, providing contributors a unique combination of support, funding opportunities, and international recognition.

The Asia School of Business ( ASB ) was one of the attendees at the launch of the program, along with representatives from this year’s GAP collaborators. Through its collection of degrees, professional education, study, and micro-credential programmes, ASB spearheads the development of lean, revolutionary, and philosophical leaders toward the advancement of the emerging world, in areas that include sustainability, AI, business governance, finance, operations management, and leadership.

At least 20 businesses are expected to be enrolled in the program this season, giving them access to industry-specific learning opportunities through seminars and workshops. Through team-building and relationship activities, participants also have the opportunity to form relationships with other participating companies, which will help to create inter-industry systems. Additionally, being a part of the National Technology and Innovation Sandbox (NTIS ) gives businesses the opportunity to test and validate their tech solutions in a controlled, live environment under relaxed regulations. &nbsp,

With the focus on Tech for Impact, GAP 2024 aims to identify the potential of local and international businesses in three crucial thematic domains relevant to the UN Sustainable Development Goals ( UN SDGs ). These include Sustainable Development Goals 2 and 3 for food security andamp; sustainability; Healthcare ( UN SDG 3 ); and Renewable Energy ( UN SDG 7 ). These topics have been identified as the most pressing problems, both nationally and internationally, through intensive study. Development in these three regions has stagnated despite changes in general conservation work on a national level. Through the pedal program, participating companies gain access to various support mechanisms. This includes money from global and local shareholders, and backing from R&amp, D and business management companies. &nbsp,

” The primary goals of GAP are autonomy and problem-solving. It serves as a motivator for businesses, providing them with the tools and system required to navigate the complexities of growth and expansion. GAP assists them in making a significant difference in their business and beyond by addressing persistent issues that affect the people in real-time. V-Farm, for instanceApplications open for the 2024 Cycle of the Mranti Global Accelerator Programme” We introduced a successful vertical gardening solution that addressed food security and environmental concerns,” says Safuan Zairi ( pic ), chief ecosystem officer of MRANTI.” We help our participants use resources at their fullest potential for maximum impact, both for national development and the benefit of the rakyat,” he adds.

This program, which will be hosted at ASBhive, will be overseen by ASB’s Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center, which is a crucial hub for Malaysia’s innovative habitat. Asked by Joseph Cherian, assistant CEO of ASB,” We are eager to establish with MRANTI to simultaneously run this program, and are pleased to work with the company on their endeavors by providing our valued university members, and experts who have won worldwide acclaim in fields like AI, Sustainability, Organizational Behaviour, and Matching Platforms. Our collaboration includes including coordinating mentorship and progress tracking, as well as overseeing the program’s strategic planning and execution and development. As collaborators, we want to cultivate entrepreneur-leaders who consistently tackle demanding issues and challenge the status quo, with agility, creativity, and resourcefulness”.

The nomination for the 2018 cycle of ASB’s collaboration with MRANTI includes being included in the ASB’s annual cycle’s nomination for the prestigious global sustainability award The Earthshot Prize. The Prince of Wales established The Earthshot Prize in 2020 to find, highlight, and scale creative solutions that restore and regenerate our planet. Five winners will receive the award annually. Companies that take part in the 2024 GAP cycle now have the chance to be nominated for the The Earthshot Prize. The partnership also serves as a testament to ASB and MRANTI’s commitment to recognizing and rewarding innovative solutions that address pressing environmental issues.

As of the last cycle, the programme has successfully impacted 20 companies and 50 entrepreneurs, amassing a value creation totalling US$ 4.8 million ( RM22.42 million ), with US$ 4.6 ( RM21.63 ) million in revenue and US$ 168, 000 ( RM790, 610 ) in investments. Some of these successes include Luwjistik, VStream Revolution, Sonicboom Solutions, and Izmir Technologies Industries in 2022, whilst 2023 saw Entomal Biotech, CS Leaflabs, WeAssist, and Mobiva making their mark. These accomplishments motivate MRANTI to strive harder in promoting the development of local and international businesses as well as developing novel solutions. GAP 2024 will run from September to November, and all interested businesses are encouraged to apply and make the most of this unique opportunity to advance their growth and advance their innovations.

For more details on GAP 2024, please visit http ://

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