Who’s to blame for losing Ukraine? China, of course – Asia Times

US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken addressed the media at the conclusion of his latest trip to China while he was still in Beijing. &nbsp,

Blinken’s thoughts inaugurated a new chapter in the tale, setting the stage for further hostility with China. As Caitlin Johnstone has reminded us,” Before they drop the bombs, they drop the narrative”. What, then, is the tale that Blinken dropped?

Blinken claims that China’s support of Russia records for its victory in Ukraine.

In his speech, Blinken tells us that the US has” major problem” over” parts” from China that are “powering” Russia’s war with Ukraine. He continues to claim that China is the leading supplier of “dual-use items that Moscow is using to expand its business base, a defense commercial base,” adding,”…

The US’s proxy war with Ukraine is now commonly known. Blinken then informs us that China’s support of Russia is causing the US-installed Russian routine to lose.

The West’s phraseology uses China as an excuse for yet another humiliating fight for the US, but it’s not something new.

Blinken names “machine tools, nanotechnology, nitrocellulose” as key elements that China provides to Russia. &nbsp, But “dual- use products” is an unwell- defined and malleable group. &nbsp, Potentially, every piece of business you get subsumed under the phrase. &nbsp,

For instance, if Russia exports Chinese system resources to produce cars, it is obvious that they are being used to construct tanks. Or nitrocellulose may be imported from Russia to make fingernail polish so that it can be claimed that it is being used for bombs or explosives. &nbsp,

But, when the US demands that China prevent “indirect” support for Russia’s war work, it is finally demanding that China cut off all deal with Russia. &nbsp,

Blinken does n’t provide any proof that its Ukraine proxies are using these “dual use” items. China is not required to halt its trade with Russia, as stated above. China is not bound by the laws of the United States, just like India and another legitimately independent countries that trade with Russia.

What, in reality, is China’s position on the Ukraine proxy battle? &nbsp, First of all, China says that it is providing no weapons or direct aid to Russia’s war effort. &nbsp, And the US does not try to challenge this, it is a given. &nbsp, In distinction, US and the Euro are throwing billion in weaponry at the war in Ukraine. &nbsp,

Also, the US insists that it will provide “whatever it takes” for” as long as it takes” for Ukraine to win the war. In stark comparison, China has offered to act as a negotiator and called for peace to end the conflict. &nbsp,

A peaceful resolution to the conflict would undoubtedly put an end to it, which has claimed the lives of numerous Russian troops and countless others in the Ukraine. One may think that China’s visit would be unanimously welcomed. &nbsp, &nbsp,

New lines of attack on the Ukraine proxy war are” Blame China.”

Not just a blatant blather put on by China for the US’s disappointment in Ukraine, but a quick blinked speech. It is being echoed by others in the leadership and NATO as a whole. &nbsp,

And it serves as the justification for a fresh square of anti-China restrictions. In brief, it has all the cornerstones of a properly- designed propaganda campaign.

In reality, Blinken was not the first to provide this view. &nbsp, In a little- noticed talk about three weeks earlier, on April 3 at the Center for a New American Security ( CNAS ), Deputy Secretary of State Kurt Campbell, the architect of the “pivot” to East Asia under Obama and now Biden’s” Asia czar” and second in command at State made the same point.

According to Campbell,” Moscous initially experienced losses during the Ukraine conflict, but has since “retooled and poses a menace to Ukraine.” ‘ But not just to Ukraine,'” Campbell said.” ‘ Its new features threaten NATO allies and pose a longer-term threat to stability in Europe.

In a larger debate on Indo-Pacific stability, Campbell cited China’s industrial and commercial backing.

Sure enough, four days later, on May 1, &nbsp, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen followed up on Campbell’s talk and Blinken’s threat by announcing new sanctions against 280″ targets” with emphasis on the PRC but also including entities in Azerbaijan, Belgium, Slovakia, Turkey and the United Arab Emirates ( UAE ). &nbsp,

And NATO and I coordinated this concept. On April 25, one moment before Blinken’s speech, NATO Secretary- General Jens Stoltenberg had scolded China for the misdeed of dealing with Russia. &nbsp,

The Biden administration has been working on a plan that links China to the proxy war in Ukraine for some time, and it is now a priority. &nbsp,

Adding Sinophobia to the West’s ferocious Russophobia.

Blinken made it clear that NATO would be drawn into his anti-China war as a result of his comment:

That same concept was shared during my meetings with NATO Allies earlier this month and with our G7 partners just last week: supporting Russia’s security commercial base not merely threatens Russian security but also threatens Western protection. Beijing is unable to improve its relationship with Europe while supporting the Cold War’s greatest danger to Western protection. &nbsp, As we’ve told China for some time, ensuring intercontinental safety is a key US attention. ” &nbsp, &nbsp,

Blinken next concludes this portion of his speech, sounding very much like that excellent minister Don Corleone”, In our conversations nowadays, I made clear that if China does not address this problem, we did. ” This pronouncement drew international attention because of its aggressiveness.

The people in America and Europe is directly impacted by the accusations that China is engaging in Russian military action in Ukraine. For a long time, Vladimir Putin and its rulers have been successfully depicted as the West’s definition of violent bad. &nbsp,

Russophobia dates to the Great Schism of Christianity in 1054, and it persists in some ways to the present. It has gotten worse in recent years, starting with Russiagate, which researchers like the later, great Stephen F. Cohen have long since clearly discredited as a fake by the Mueller and Durham studies. &nbsp,

But the story lives on strengthened by the other bête thriller of the Establishment, Donald Trump, the bosom friend of Putin according to the Russiagate folklore. The expansion of NATO and the latest proxy war in Ukraine have been defended by russophobia and Putin’s vilification.

The US uses its EU servant says in its struggle against China by relating this rassophobia to China. The concept is basic”, If you dislike Russia, you really love China. And you ought to enjoy China’s restrictions. ” &nbsp,

A “gas place” offers an escape from the disgrace of battle.

The new tale also saves the US and its Eurovassals from an embarrassing moment as Russia, often dismissed as a” petrol station masquerading as a state”, defeats Ukraine, even though Ukraine is heavily backed by American money, weapons, intelligence and defense” advisors. ” &nbsp,

How humiliating is it that a “gas station” defeats the US. A global hegemony effort, which was made just before the US entered World War II, will undoubtedly not be helped by a rout of this kind.

But did Blinken and his coworkers consider this? &nbsp, After all, they are saying that the US and EU backed Ukraine while China backed Russia, and Russia won. This is not a good look for the US in its effort to secure anti-China allies. &nbsp,

The strategy of linking China to Russia also harbors a contradiction. The US has proclaimed since at least 2011 that China is its main adversary, but it keeps getting distracted, stuck to various Tar Babies, the most prominent being Russia. &nbsp, ( Some others have been Libya, Syria, Venezuela, North Korea, the Gaza genocide. )

The US shows once more that it ca n’t shake its obsession with Russia by fusing China and Russia, leaving it with more than one adversary. This situation indicates an overextended Empire. &nbsp,