Where to find great Vietnamese coffee in Ho Chi Minh City: Egg coffee, the best cafes and more

Where to find great Vietnamese coffee in Ho Chi Minh City: Egg coffee, the best cafes and more

No country produces more caffeine than Vietnam, aside from Brazil. The nation’s coffee industry, which was introduced by French colonists in the 19th century, is now a US$ 3 billion ( S$ 4 billion ) industry that accounts for nearly 15 % of the global market, making Vietnam the Southeast Asian java giant.

However, excellent has only recently begun to catch up with amount, primarily as a result of farmers starting to increase Vietnam’s long-standing cultivation of less expensive, easy-to-grow robusta beans with an expert’s beloved, arabica.

Ho Chi Minh City, the country’s largest district, has had a significant impact thanks to the cafe scene.

As more and more independent roasteries and niche coffeehouses sprout up around the city’s European imperial opera house, amid the megamalls and boutiques of popular Dong Khoi Boulevard, and in the shadow of the high-rise towers in District 2, the wholesale business of coffee is booming thanks to lead crop- to- shop supplies.

The town has a eatery for almost every coffee acolyte, from semi-hidden bohemian hangouts like RedDoor to fashionable chains like Laviet&nbsp, which has its own espresso farm close to Dalat in the country’s central highlands&nbsp.