Vietnam’s broken rice bowl

For generations farmers and their families enjoying their rice paddies in the fertile Mekong Delta have depended on the river’s bountiful fish resources plus rice production for their subsistence.

For millions, the pulse of life is the constant flow from the river. Those living along the Mekong and its Delta tributaries have recognized their “ water civilization ” as natural wealth to be conserved and suffered for future decades.

But experts and farmers know that the elaborate network of rivers and canals is seriously threatened from climate change, increasing sea levels, commercial pollution and the adverse impacts of upstream hydropower dams.

Across the whole lower Mekong Delta, rising temperatures and changes in the intensity of rainfall, river flow, surges and droughts are usually destroying crops, fisheries and homes. Once hailed as biodiversity treasure and a grain bowl for Vietnam, an increasing number of provinces are usually experiencing historic devastating droughts and dealing with real food-security problems.

The Mekong River rises within the Tibetan Plateau plus flows nearly four, 200 kilometers before dividing into the Cuu Long (“Nine-Tailed Dragon”) and spilling into the South China Ocean. In the Mekong Delta, almost 2 mil people in 6 coastal provinces are suffering extreme fresh water scarcity.

Record low water levels in most from the waterways and streams are causing saltwater intrusion that is reaching far inland, up to 90km from the estuaries, wiping out crops and contaminating water supplies. For a lot of rice farmers, their shouts of “too much water” have got gone unheard; and today more often, the cry is “too little water. ”

Agricultural researchers warn that unless urgent measures are usually undertaken, the entire Mekong Delta, home in order to more than 20 mil people, could be mainly underwater within an era.  

“Without rapid action, the delta and its livelihoods could become victims of global and regional environmental alter, ” said Rafael Schmitt, an older scientist at Stanford University’s Natural Capital Task .  

The Mekong Delta is extremely susceptible to climate hazards. Since climate change positions existential threats in order to fragile ecosystems in the delta, studies predict rising air flow and sea temperature ranges.

Based on Vietnam’s Agriculture Ministry, the delta is definitely losing about five hundred hectares of land per year to erosion. As well, unsustainable land and water management practices are polluting rivers and waterways. Saltwater intrusion has risen to four grams per liters in many places, four times the level allowed for most crop tolerances.

Rice dish revisited

At the start of its Doi Moi (“Renovation”) reform program in 1986, Vietnam’s political leadership invoked national plans to boost the country out of low income and the hardships resulting from the protracted Vietnam War. A main part of that new strategy was opening up rice farming not only to feed the nation but to a main rice exporter. Grain matters because it is the particular staple diet regarding half the world’s population.

Now scientists possess provided evidence how the Vietnamese are dealing with perhaps their greatest challenge: climate change, with its intense thunder storms, droughts, and meals insecurity.

Nguyen Minh Quang, co-founder of the Mekong Environment Forum, interviews farmers in the Mekong Delta. Photo: Courtesy MEF

In the Mekong Delta, exactly where more than a third of households have less than half a hectare of rice land, the federal government has been encouraging the “small field, big farm” model to be coordinated by large agribusinesses or conglomerates like the Loc Troi Agricultural (LTA) Items Group. Now maqui berry farmers are engaged in agreement farming practices that encompass nearly 10% of the rice-paddy region in some provinces.  

For a lot of farmers, this brand new model provides an environmentally friendly safety net. Loc Troi’s system includes greater than 40, 000 small farmers, and it enables the company to supervise from seed to harvest and transportation a network of 24 factories situated throughout the delta pertaining to drying, milling, storage, and delivery of rice.

With a reputed daily capacity of almost 26, 000 metric tons of rice drying, more than 22, 500 tons of rice milling and 1 mil tons of rice storage space, LTA can meet the large volume of global orders in European countries, North America, Japan and Australia, and along the way it is educating maqui berry farmers to adopt new rice production practices that do not include the excessive use of fertilizers plus pesticides.

A current government-released report on transformation of development models and integrated planning targets the change in an agricultural model plus assesses the influence of the Mekong Delta Integrated Plan for 2021-2030.

Hanoi’s policy planners realize all too well the grave challenges attributed to climate change, economic decline, labor shortages and raw-material resources that fail to meet up with export quality standards.  

The report also details the urgency intended for investment in the delta and for international cooperation and partnerships to mitigate climate alter.

Professor Vu Thanh Anh, the former dean at Fulbright College Vietnam and now the senior lecturer plus head of the study report team, says the Covid-19 outbreak had a huge effect on local economic growth but the Mekong Delta was one bright spot, with the agricultural sector growing by 3. 4%.

The central federal government was moved to get decisive actions following the Mekong Delta experienced huge losses when severe drought coupled with rising sea amounts at the end of 2015 plus 2016. By 2017, the introduction of Resolution 120 placed an emphasis on sustainable and climate-resilient development in the area.

The national policy offers given rise in order to agricultural cooperatives to build up sustainably and allow farmers to furthermore focus on planting fruit trees, since ineffective rice-growing areas are often converted to the farming of fruits and vegetables understanding to drought and salt.  

Also, over the past decade, the region has witnessed a steady migration associated with residents leaving their particular farms to find work in the urban areas, specially in Ho Chi Minh City. The delta provinces with the largest population decline in 2020 were Hau Giang, Tra Vinh, Soc Trang, A good Giang and Ca Mau.

According to an article published from the Earth Journalism Network , many areas where rice growing was ineffective have been converted to grow more salt- plus drought-tolerant crops like dragon fruit, coconut, lotus, areca and watermelon.

Mekong Delta ecologist Nguyen Huu Thien mentioned: “Climate change would be the most significant environmental influence in the future. Flood plus inundation are growing frequency; and degree, following sea-level increase, seasonal tropical thunder storms increase as a result. ”

Hydropower threats to delta

The Mekong River flows by means of five countries, Cina, Myanmar, Laos, Asia and Cambodia, before entering Vietnam. All these countries see hydroelectric power as vital to their economic growth.

Simply by 2021, the upper Mekong River had 141 dams in operation. In addition , there are 36 more under construction. Simply by 2032, there will be a total of 468 hydroelectric plants on the Mekong and its tributaries. While many of these plants are not located in Vietnam, they are adversely affecting the particular living conditions of more than 20 million residents in the lower delta.  

The data present a severe picture on the influence of the dams and the downstream ecosystems with a systematic decline seen in fishes caught plus rice production plants. The overall drop in rice cultivation is usually directly correlated with the particular absence of floodwaters that have historically spurred the particular growth of suspended rice, the trademark crop of the Mekong Delta.  

The balance of lake and sea will be shifting dramatically. Past and present droughts in the delta have devastated food items and added to the rancorous debate upon China’s upstream “run-of-the-river” geopolitical paradigm. The particular dams are avoiding not only the floodwaters from reaching Vietnam’s lower Mekong Delta but also the flow of sediment that nourishes the dirt and provides food with regard to fish.

Within a full disclosure, We are a co-founder from the Mekong Environment Community forum (MEF), a non-governmental organization located in May Tho, Vietnam. Our own outreach programs plus citizen science-oriented workshops address myriad environment issues.

In a past MEF-coordinated symposium, Philip Minderhoud and Sepehr Eslami Arab of Utrecht University, research associates of the Rise and Drop Project , introduced their findings from six years of research revealing that deep sea intrusion in the Mekong Delta is lower than 5% due to environment change, but mainly attributed to hydropower advancement.

According to the two researchers, the fluvial sediment supply offers dropped nearly 90% because of the upstream dams. Their studies and more highlight that upstream hydro-infrastructure  developments influence flow regime, yeast sediment and nutrient transportation, bed and bank stability, fish productivity, biodiversity and the field of biology of the basin.

The depletion of sediment flow to riverbeds and banking institutions is quickly increasing far beyond climatic trends. When the dams regulate the movement of the Mekong and kill the overflow pulse, Tonlé Sap lake can no longer function as a historical flood-retention reservoir and thus does not supply needed drinking water to the Mekong Delta.

Simultaneously, the delta’s deeper channels invite increasing deep sea intrusion from sea-level rise and tidal amplification. The ocean tides travel in the Hau River, dripping over dikes and finally flooding downtown May Tho. The natural system that buffers the floods reaching the delta is rapidly being modified.

The floodplains play a significant role for the agro-ecosystem and the socio-economy of the Mekong Delta, given that they provide natural ton retention and reduce the particular discharge peaks in the flood season.

Hydrologists agree that dam operations impact rivers by redistributing flows and in interannual variability. While the distinctions between dam-driven vs climate-driven alterations confirm inconvenient at times, Tonlé Sap is now inside a serious state associated with collapse because of China’s upstream dams.

The many years of dam-building and droughts intensified by climate change have changed not only one of the world’s richest freshwater fisheries but have impacted on those residing downstream in the Delta.

Brian Eyler, director of the Stimson Center’s Southeast Asia Program and author of Last Days of the Mighty Mekong , through satellite data showed that China’s record of impounding water has resulted in far more serious drought for downstream countries.  

Eyler’s focus on an ALL OF US government-funded study published by Eyes on Earth highlights that will evidence from the actual river gauge from the Mekong River Payment and remote realizing confirms that the continuing droughts are the consequence of the Chinese water-management policy.

The data reveal that will from 1992 to 2019, satellite measurements of “surface wetness” in China’s Yunnan province suggest the region actually had slightly above-average combined rain fall and snowmelt from May to Oct 2019.

“When drought sets in, Tiongkok effectively controls the particular flow of the water, ” Eyler mentioned.

All latest data paint the damning picture of China’s upstream limitation of water flow from the Mekong’s top basin. The scientific study confirms that Cina could have done a lot to alleviate drought and maintain an above-average water level.  

Stimson’s research reveals an organized pattern of Beijing’s “run-of-the river policy” that translates basically: Water should never be shared without Tiongkok using it first or unless someone downstream pays for it. This action is punctuated within the failure of Tiongkok to sign any international treaties because of its transboundary rivers.  

In a geopolitical showdown, the Chinese language government believes that Mekong water is a sovereign resource rather than a shared resource, placing the downstream governments’ need to secure free of charge access to international water resources, biodiversity conservation and food protection at risk. Beijing’s drinking water diplomacy program will be flawed, since its dams weaken the river’s flow and allow seawater to intrude further upstream.

For three decades, Cina has been building dams on the upper Mekong reaches, worrying nations downstream that China could one day turn off the tap. In 2020, a record drought wiped out crops plus resulted in a humanitarian education crisis in downstream regions.  

Chinese leaders have reaffirmed that Tiongkok has overcome its difficulties and increased water outflow through the Lancang River to help Mekong countries mitigate the drought, plus said that China as well as neighbors must rely on and help one another to move forward collectively.  

Yet for too many neighbors in downstream deltas, China’s behavior continues to exacerbate drought, leading to a decline within fish catches as well as a drop in grain production, revealing a huge gap between Beijing’s actions and phrases.