Trump sending shockwaves across global chip industry – Asia Times

The recent decline in global chip stocks, which includes significant losses from industry titans like ASML, Nvidia, and Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company ( TSMC) speaks to more than just market volatility.

Instead, it emphasizes the urgent need for proper alignment in the face of global tumult, which is primarily fueled by the US, the largest economy in the world.

The Biden administration is anticipating a significant, comprehensive assault on businesses that export crucial chipmaking systems to China.

Washington’s foreign direct product rule ( FDPR ), allows the US to implement controls on foreign-made products even if they use the smallest amount of US technology. This may affect non-American businesses.

The semiconductor industry has been shocked by separate statements made by former US president Donald Trump, who appears to be in the running for president today. &nbsp,

Trump has sparked questions about the future of US-Taiwan relationships, TSMC’s death, and the global semiconductor supply chain by suggesting Taiwan should pay for its security and asserting that Taiwan has” about 100 %” of the country’s semiconductor company. &nbsp,

These assertions have cast a shadow on the US’s commitment to protecting Taiwan from possible Chinese aggression, creating an environment of doubt that has shook markets.

As the nation’s leading silicon factory, TSMC is the connection of the global technology ecosystem. &nbsp, Its Taiwan-listed shares recent decline of approximately 2.4 % is a distinct sign of investment stress.

However, this time of market fluctuation offers TSMC and the wider chip industry an opportunity to reassess and strengthen their proper positions.  First and all, TSMC and another semiconductor companies must increase their efforts to expand their supply chains. &nbsp,

To reduce the risks posed by political tensions, this requires expanding production abilities outside of Taiwan. Establishing fresh production facilities in allies may protect businesses from possible disruptions.

The tech giant should even increase opportunities in cutting-edge technologies and research to maintain its competitive advantage. &nbsp, By staying at the vanguard of silicon technology, TSMC can continue to lead the market, ensuring that it remains critical to global tech companies.

The transistor industry must actively influence political discourse. Leaders of industry should speak with policymakers to demand firm, supportive international relations that advance the interests of the world’s tech economy.

In response to Trump’s notes, it’s essential for Taiwan to bolster its defense partnerships with the US and other friends. A robust defence relationship not only guarantees Taiwan’s security but also bolsters buyer confidence in the security of the region’s semiconductor industry.

The latest political climate has a far-reaching impact beyond Taiwan. Supplier shortages and supply chain disruptions have an impact on a range of international markets, affecting everything from electrical to consumer electronics to consumer electronics. &nbsp,

Therefore, supporting stability and growth in the semiconductor field is in the shared interests of international stakeholders. Togetherness and strategic vision from both market leaders and governments is necessary for the advancement of the country.

The silicon industry is the backbone of the current market, and its security is fundamental. TSMC and its peers can overcome these difficult times and emerge stronger by taking proactive steps to improve endurance, develop, and foster political relations.

TSMC needs to take bold steps and demonstrate creative command at this time. The organization and the global semiconductor business can weather the current political environment and prosper in the new political environment, but the stakes are high.