Thailand: Chatuchak market fire kills 1,000 animals

Around 1, 000 animals were killed in a blaze in Bangkok’s popular available- air Chatuchak market earlier Tuesday, gutting roughly 100 shops.

Birds, dogs, animals and reptiles were burnt to death in their bars in the animal area, which even inlcuded animals, crocodiles and animals.

According to authorities, an electric short led to the flame, and no injuries or deaths have been reported.

One of South East Asia’s biggest industry is Chatuchak, which has tens of thousands of retailers crowding narrow roads.

It’s also the largest and best- known of Thailand’s trip areas. It claim to pull practically 200, 000 visitors every Saturay and Sunday. However, the pet market is open all year long.

It is probably its most contentious business, accounting for about four of the 27 areas in Chatuchak industry.

This area of the market is regularly inspected and has received criticism for the pets ‘ poor living conditions, which have reportedly resulted in high levels of illness and death.

The flames damaged most of the 118 stores in the animal zone, which covers about 1, 400 square feet ( 15, 000 square feet ), according to a preliminary examination.

A store owner Meecha, who recounted her brief escape, claimed she was awakened by the animals ‘ cries in the roof above her store.

” Immediately, thick smoke filled the air, making it impossible to breathe”, said Meecha, who climbed through a window to health.

Some store owners do reside in the market, but it’s not known how many did when the fire started.

According to the Chatuchak District Office, the blaze started around 04: 10 local time on Tuesday ( 21: 10 GMT on Monday ) and was extinguished 30 minutes later.

Online images show burnt cages and substantial engulfed areas in flames. Some appear to have been completely burned out.

Images from the local television station shows how merchants gather dying snakes and stuff them into boxes outside of their stores.