Trump’s JD Vance problem is now China’s, too – Asia Times

Xi Jinping, the president of China, is upset that his Second Plenum extravaganza is competing for attention with occasions 11 000 kilometers away from Beijing.

In Xi’s protection, it’s tough to compete for articles with an&nbsp, death attempt&nbsp, against former US President Donald Trump half a world apart. That comes just over two months after Trump’s heated argument with a mentally challenged President Joe Biden.

However, Trump’s selection of JD Vance as his working mate could indicate a much bigger upstaging of Xi’s biggest financial plans going forward.

US votes seldom, if ever, move on VP takes. And Vance, a first-term lawmaker from Ohio, is more Trump “mini me” than a working partner who may develop the card’s charm. But Vance is an important communication choose– signaling a doubling down on Trumpism’s worst intuition.

Doubling down on Trumpism’s worst intuition

And it might be negative for Trump’s hopes that he might be more contextual than confrontational in a second term.

Granted, this was always a longer shot. However, Tokyo officials have been having a hard time accepting the possibility of Trump striking a “grand discount” trade agreement with Xi, leaving other important Asian nations looking inward from the outside.

It’s anyone’s think what having China-hawk Vance– who’s all-in on revoking Beijing’s “most-favored state” standing – whispering in the government’s ear does think for a Trump 2.0 presidency. It at least suggests that Trump’s 60 % price is just the start of a larger campaign to rekindle trade wars.

The credit damage could be exceptional. UBS Group AG believes that just this duty had cut China’s annual rise by more than 50 %, slapping 2.5 percentage points off the gross domestic product of Asia’s largest economy. China grew just 4.7 % in the first quarter &nbsp, amid weak retail spending, property investment and new home sales.

That would smash China ‘s&nbsp, trade website, which has been a particularly strong growth driver this year. There is also a chance that other nations will even impose tariffs on imports from China, according to UBS economist Wang Tao, who believes that increasing exports through and production in other economies may help lessen the impact of higher US tariffs over time.

That includes Europe, which has been angling to decrease down China’s energy vehicle&nbsp, business. Biden, to, announced a 100 % tax on China-made Vehicles. Trump, though, has telegraphed 100 % or 200 % tariffs on all imported cars.

Trump’s choice to support Vance over the Republican presidential campaign’s potential for VP almost indicates a desire to bargain. In an interview with Fox News on Tuesday, Vance called Xi’s business the “biggest danger” to America.

Lin Jian, a spokeswoman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry, responded to Vance’s question about Chinese elections by referring to Beijing’s “opposes US votes making an topic of China.”

In April, Vance argued Washington’s rely on Ukraine is a harmful diversion. ” To be powerful enough to push back against the Chinese, we’ve got to focus there, and right now, we’re stretched to thin”, noted Vance, who’s long called for “broad-based taxes” on Chinese products.

Vance also supports returning American production to the country to lessen dependence on Beijing. Of course, Biden does to. However, the Trump-Vance plan will undoubtedly concentrate more on attempting to stifle China’s economy rather than fostering domestic financial muscles or rekindling US innovation.

Wu Xinbo, dean of the Institute of International Studies at Fudan University in Shanghai, tells the South China Morning Post that a Trump-Vance White House would be more involved in the Taiwan issue than Trump’s 2017-2021 management.

” Vanes would strengthen and enhance China’s software restraints and suppression,” Wu claims. He may pay close attention to the Taiwan problem because he thinks it is very significant for the US economy, particularly in terms of cards.

Suddenly, Trump would supposedly call the shots. But the Vance wrinkle might make it even harder for Trump to distance himself from” Project 2025″, the&nbsp, 900-page playbook the Heritage Foundation&nbsp, devised for a second Trump term. Vance has close associations with the blueprint’s artists.

Though the policy’s efforts to heart the state legal company gets the most interest, Project 2025 also advocates for the abolition&nbsp, of the Federal Reserve and reverting back to a gold standard for the US dollar. These concepts are certainly comforting to China’s international trade reserve managers, who are in charge of the US$ 770 billion in US Treasury securities holdings.

The upcoming US election is beginning to have a significant impact on how Xi’s market will fare. In Beijing this year, Xi is convening with major Communist Party officials at the&nbsp, long-awaited Third Plenum. And the world is watching.

” Historically, this function has been important in signaling important legislation shifts and economic changes in China”, notes analyst Alicia Garcia-Herrero at Natixis. Market individuals and China watchers hope the Third Plenum will address a very specific issue: whether enough growth-enhancing steps will be announced to restore the country’s struggling business after years of disappointing performance.

Xi is calling on group leaders to demonstrate “unwavering beliefs and commitment” to his transformation interests championing “high-quality development”. International academics are paying particular attention to  fiscal reforms, particularly those involving taxes and federal spending, and initiatives to lessen the burden on local governments by increasing their income sources.

Yet the work comes at a time when some international&nbsp, expense banks are cutting projections for China’s development. Additionally, China’s international markets are depressed by its lack of extreme stimulus measures.

” This” ,&nbsp, Garcia-Herrero says, “has important consequences for the global economy, namely that China’s demand for foreign products will remain subdued and that Chinese companies will continue to rely on foreign markets to survive. This suggests that trade war are still raging in newspapers and possibly going on beyond.

The signs that Team Xi sends to foreign buyers are all-watched. Given that property policies are one of the main topics of discussion at the meeting, the continuous downturn continues to pose the greatest threat to the market given its considerable wealth effect, according to Kevin Wong, an analyst at currency broker Oanda.

According to Wong, policymakers are “walking on a line” to reduce the risk inherent in the real estate industry as a result of the last ten years ‘ unsuccessful purchase initiatives to fuel economic growth. They are also aware that a further drop in real estate prices may cause inflation to spiral downward.

Wong adds that the US$ 41 billion system, which was announced in May to assist state-owned companies in purchasing empty housing investment from property developers, has so far failed to “bolster mood in the property sector as housing prices continued to decline in June.”

Wong believes that” the next policy-market approach may be taken into consideration during the Third Plenum, given the urgency of reviving the current weak state of local domestic demand, is to implement more prominent fiscal stimulus initiatives that can have a strong impact on consumer spending, such as spending vouchers or further , tax rebates , without launching quantitative easing measures to add more liquidity into the market that can lead to renminbi depreciation and in turn

If such a form of direct fiscal stimulus measures is announced, Wong concludes,” the China and Hong Kong stock markets may get a short-term sentiment boost”.

Yet&nbsp, many&nbsp, argue that expectations are quite low for policy fireworks out of Beijing this week.

This “four-day meeting of the country’s top governing body could n’t come soon enough”, says Harry Murphy Cruise, an economist at Moody’s Analytics. However, it’s unlikely to be a particularly exciting situation given that the demand for reform is high.

The same ca n’t be said of risks emanating from Washington. The political polarization behind the&nbsp, Capitol Hill&nbsp, insurrection&nbsp, on Jan. 6, 2021&nbsp, contributed to&nbsp, Fitch&nbsp, Ratings ‘ August 2023 move to revoke Washington’s AAA status. Even if Trump loses in November, there’s a zero percent chance he would concede graciously.

Moody’s Investors Service, the keeper of Washington’s only remaining AAA, points to these risks, as well as clashes over funding the government and raising the statutory debt ceiling, as threats to the US credit outlook.

Trump also has opinions that will undoubtedly pique the interest of Asian policymakers. As a New York&nbsp, businessman in decades past, Trump was a serial bankruptcy filer. Trump made an illogical flurry of hints about a default on American debt while campaigning in 2016.

” I would borrow, knowing that if the economy crashed, you could make a deal”, Trump told&nbsp, CNBC&nbsp, when asked about his fiscal plans. ” And if the economy was good, it was good. So therefore, you ca n’t lose”.

In 2020, the Washington Post reported that Trump officials, looking to punish China, mulled&nbsp, cancelling debt&nbsp, held by Beijing. It’s not difficult to comprehend how catastrophic a catastrophe that would be as the US debt is rising toward US$ 35 trillion.

Trump’s reelection platform and choice of running mate suggest that global investors are likely to have no idea where Sino-US trade disputes might turn next.

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Clifford Capital’s CEO on scaling infrastructure debt financing | FinanceAsia

Clifford Capital is an equipment credit leasing program focused on creation, distribution, and investment across infrastructure and other genuine assets globally.

The Singaporean government supports the business, which has a plan authority to boost exports and foreign investments, and has pledged to fund projects around the world since it was founded in 2012. &nbsp,

The largest transaction to date for Clifford Capital recently sold for$ 5 million, making it the fifth public infrastructure asset-backed securities ( IABS ) transaction. A subsidiary of Clifford Capital and a wholly owned and newly incorporated distribution vehicle of Bayfront Infrastructure Management ( Bayfront ), which also includes the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank ( AIIB ) as a shareholder, is Bayfront Infrastructure Capital V ( BIC V ).

BIC V features a collection size of approximately$ 508.3 million multiply across 37 personal money and bonds, 36 tasks, 15 states and 10 market sub-sectors. BIC V has an original aggregate main balance of US$ 218.4 million of ready green and social resources, as defined under Bayfront’s Sustainable Finance Framework, which represent 4 % of the overall principal balance of the profile.

FinanceAsia&nbsp, recently caught up with P. Murlidhar ( Murli ) Maiya, Clifford Capital’s group chief executive officer, to discuss the infrastructure debt financing landscape and its scalability.

FA: Describe your company and the sweeping changes being made to the environment of structured financing options, especially in network purchases, on which Clifford Capital focuses.

Maiya ( pictured&nbsp, above ): &nbsp, Clifford Capital was established 12 years ago, with the support of the Government of Singapore, to address a financing gap in long-tenor credit for infrastructure companies and projects with a nexus to Singapore. We as a group enjoy over$ 5 billion in government guarantees, which give us the ability to raise money at a very competitive price, which in turn allows us to extend credit across long tenors.

Our main areas of focus have always been on the power and coastal infrastructure sectors. However, the concept of system has evolved significantly over time, especially with technological&nbsp, development and the growing emphasis on responsible and socially equal development. As a result, we internally redefined infrastructure to encapsulate all sectors that provide essential services to people and raise the standard of living.

From a credit standpoint, conducting an in-depth analysis of the organization’s or project’s likely cash flows has always been a part of infrastructure financing. One of the keys to our success has been our constant effort to uphold a high standard of analytical rigor throughout the credit process. This analytical rigor is readily applicable to what is now a much wider range of relevant infrastructure sectors, enabling us to provide clients with creative debt financing solutions even for those that were previously viewed as infrastructure.

FA: Could you describe some of the subtleties of these industries and how you see them as the originators of long-term debt financing deals?

Maiya: Beyond renewable energy and digital infrastructure, there is a lot of interest in the data center market, which will grow as demand increases as AI becomes more prevalent. Unlike conventional real estate projects, data centres often enter long-term contracts with hyper-scalers, like major cloud service providers, and these long trem contracted cash flows provide the basis on which non-recourse debt can be structured.

Given the important roles that social infrastructure plays in society and their advantages over traditional long-tenor financing, such as schools, universities, and hospitals.
In industrials and transportation, we see sectors like steel, cement, and aluminum in transition to cleaner and more energy efficient production methods. Financing for intriguing new technologies is also being fueled by a combination of policy support and corporate sustainability goals.

Additionally, the transportation sector is undergoing significant changes, particularly in the electric vehicle space. Parts of the electric vehicle ( EV ) value chain, such as charging infrastructure and batteries lend themselves to infrastructure-like financing solutions. This evolution demonstrates how important verticals, such as transportation and industrials, are both experiencing significant shifts in sustainability.

Lastly, for our natural resources vertical, our focus is on new resources like green hydrogen, green ammonia, and key mineral resources like lithium, nickel, etc. to propel the upcoming sustainable economy.

FA: Given your various strategic priorities, how do you decide which client opportunities to pursue?

Maiya: We primarily assist businesses with debt financing when they want to invest regionally or globally. We do this by supporting those with strong ties to Singapore. We look into any financing issues they might have in commercial markets. Notwithstanding our government support, we operate on a commercial basis, and always ensure rigorous credit assessment and market-based pricing.

Our industry groups all benefit from our credit analysts ‘ expertise. We have been making real progress on this front, and sustainability is another area of focus for us. In 2023, 52 % of new primary loans originated were for infrastructure projects that are green and/or sustainable.

FA: Could you elaborate on how sustainability is affecting the industry you run in?

Maiya: The rise of green and sustainable initiatives has a significant impact on the growth trajectory of infrastructure debt financing. Across client organisations, we’ve observed varying approaches, but they all converge on a common challenge: the immense funding needed for the green transition to achieve net zero emissions. The Asia-Pacific region receives only about 10 % of global funding, despite having a third of the world’s funding needs. This discrepancies offer significant opportunities for businesses like us.

Another powerful tool is blending finance, which can sometimes be a challenge in Asia, to unlock funds for sustainable development. Local governments, multilateral development banks, and other concessional capital sources are making tangible commitments to blended finance.

For instance, the MAS’s Financing Asia’s Transition Partnership ( FAST-P), a blended finance initiative that aims to mobilize up to$ 5 billion to finance transition and marginally bankable green projects in Asia.

Clifford Capital is also responsible for its commercial operations, and it is crucial to demonstrate positive commercial outcomes. By delivering returns to our private sector shareholders, we are also demonstrating our ability to combine public policy objectives with private capital initiatives. This demonstration demonstrates that it is possible to incorporate a public policy goal into a successful business model, allowing it to catalyze other sources of capital over time.

FA: How do you stand out from the competition when it comes to providing debt financing for infrastructure projects?

Maiya: Due to our ability to take on greenfield construction risk and longer tenor financing, we have a unique approach in comparison to most institutional capital providers. Institutional capital frequently struggles with construction risk, preferring to invest in already-active assets that generate cash flow.

Our area of expertise is in managing risks at this stage. We develop a specialized financing plan that addresses the needs of the borrowers while upholding a code of ethics for creditworthiness and market-clearing pricing. Due to the variations in contracts and economic business models, this combination calls for specialized technical skill sets that vary by industry. We have invested a lot of time in developing teams and procedures that make it easier for us to operate in the demanding world of infrastructure credit.

FA: How do you intend to expand your debt-free solutions to make room for the significant funding gap?

Maiya: Clifford Capital has a proven method for distributing infrastructure credit. We established the Infrastructure ABS asset class in Asia and still run a highly profitable securitization business under the name” Bayfront.” We also obtain loans from both primary and secondary loan markets, primarily from the banking industry, in addition to originating our loans from corporate clients. Then, based on their risk appetites, we then divide the loans into securitized portfolios and divide them into various tranches. We keep a sizable portion of these structures ‘ original losses.

Our end-to-end origination and distribution model makes the company’s ability to raise significant capital quickly, allowing us to fund higher credit volumes without having to rely solely on our own, expanding the company’s scalable business model. Through Infrastructure ABS, our efforts to bring institutional debt capital into the infrastructure market bridge the financing gap in the Asia Pacific region for green infrastructure. &nbsp,

¬ Haymarket Media Limited. All rights reserved.

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Merchantrade Money Biz set to challenge corporate credit cards

  • aims to make price management simpler for a variety of businesses.
  • Promises to be M’sia’s second business prepaid cards, redefining expense management

Merchantrade Money Biz set to challenge corporate credit cards

There are no longer days of “pay & say,” where many hours are squandered with the trouble of mixing personal and professional funds, or insurance delays that raise the risk to employee finances and good governance.

By digitising and automating old processes, Merchantrade Asia Sdn Bhd ( Merchantrade ), a leading innovator in digital financial services, unveiled their Corporate Card, Merchantrade Money Biz, which it claims is Malaysia’s first Visa Business Prepaid Card.

This cutting-edge product aims to make expense management simpler for a variety of businesses, from corporations to SMEs, by enabling them to save time, lower errors, and sustain better control over their finances with a flexible solution.

A multi-currency eWallet-linked expense management portal with functions designed for the modern business are seamlessly combined with a Visa Business Prepaid Card ( with a US$ 10,600 ( RM50, 000 ) cap and unlimited card issuance per company ).

Merchantrade Money Biz set to challenge corporate credit cardsMerchantrade Money Biz’s founder and managing director Ramasamy K. Veeran ( pic ), said the company intends to disrupt traditional corporate credit cards issued by banks. Merchantrade Money Biz helps employees at all levels with business prepaid cards, in contrast to traditional cards made for senior managers. This innovation eliminates the risk of overspending and interest-free transactions, giving employers a powerful expense management system and a viable alternative for businesses unable to obtain classic corporate credit cards.

Improving Global Payments, Multi-Currency app, and Advanced Automation Powered by Visa, the firm prepaid cards can be used by people to make payments worldwide, both online and financial, for various company-related expenses. Additionally, it works with a multi-currency app that enables people to turn up to 20 of the world’s most popular foreign currencies at locked-in costs for international payment. The expense management portal, on the other hand, not only facilitates and digitises business techniques, it also provides 100 % rankings on all purchases and includes robust settings, enabling financing groups to close ebooks faster.

” We are delighted to work with Merchantrade Asia to create the initial prepaid card for Malaysian corporates and SMEs,” said Roy Choudhury Debarun, head of Business and Money Movement Answers for Regional Southeast Asia at Visa. Given that we have seen a double-digit increase in business card spending in Malaysia in comparison to the prior year, this is a timely and relevant solution. This demonstrates the rising need for businesses to adopt cutting-edge repayment methods in the nation. With our global community and in-depth knowledge of bills, Visa is committed to empowering companies. Our partnership with Merchantrade serves as a testament to our desire to promote financial inclusion in the B2B payments industry and promote Malaysia’s continued financial growth.

Over 80 businesses have registered for the option during the captain phase so far, indicating a strong demand for the new product and good reception for it. This demonstrates Merchantrade’s commitment to providing comprehensive online financial solutions that properly address the changing needs of Malaysian businesses.

With new instruments, works, and partnerships in growth, the company is confident the answer will transform the way companies operate. Additionally, Merchantrade’s vision aligns with the government’s push to encourage businesses to digitize their operations and embrace automation in order to create a more cashless society.

For more info, visit https ://www.merchantrademoney .com/business/

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China: Xi Jinping tackles slow growth as economy ‘hits the brakes’

China’s economy stumbled in the second quarter, standard data reveals, just as the country’s best leaders gathered for a important meeting to solve its slow progress.

It grew 4.7% in the three months to June, falling short of expectations after a stronger start in the first three months of 2024. The government’s annual growth target is around 5%.

” China’s market hit the brake in the June fourth”, said Heron Lim at Moody’s Analytics, adding that experts are hoping for answers from the conference under way in Beijing, even called the Third Plenum.

The country’s second-largest business is facing a prolonged residence problems, rough local government debt, poor consumption and high unemployment.

In China, the outcome of the Plenum has influenced the course of history. Deng Xiaoping first opened China’s industry to the world in 1978, and Xi Jinping made hints in 2013 about loosening the contentious one-child plan.

And so there are objectives of this year’s Plenum, where President Xi Jinping is presiding over a closed-door meeting of 370-plus high-ranking Chinese Communist Party people.

The language on state-controlled multimedia has undoubtedly been encouraging.

An editor in The Global Times said a “wide collection of reform-focused safeguards” are “high on the plan” and may usher in a “new book”. Xinhua referred to” complete” and “unprecedented” measures. A “new age of transformation and beginning up” was the subject of the People’s Regular newspaper, which Deng famously coined in 1978.

Spectators, however, are unaware of how much room there is for striking suggestions or controversy in the Party under Mr Xi’s heavily-centralised management. Some people view the appointment as merely a rubber-stamping exercise for already-made choices.

The appointment may provide a quick fix, according to economists, who are also skeptical.

It has “little effect on near-term growth”, says Qian Wang, Asia Pacific chief analyst at Vanguard, because its target will be on longer-term and more important measures to “unleash the long-term development potential”.

However, experts will become watching for disclosures that signal the Party’s financial priorities.

Separate data from Monday showed that June’s fresh home prices dropped at the fastest rate in nine times.

This provides more information of the global property issue that has decimated China’s housing sector and caused the bankruptcy of eminently successful companies like Evergrande. There’s a chance that it could spread to different sectors of the economy.

” There are more than 4, 000 businesses in China and over 90 % are smaller, regional institutions which are very exposed to the housing market and local authorities bill”, says Shanghai-based analyst Dan Wang.

She thinks that group leaders will “push for the consolidation of little banks.”

Another problem is falling pricing, which is a sign of weak demand. Retail sales increased by only 2 % in June, which is below expectations and a sign that consumers are still cautious about spending and uncertain about the future.

” A major problem is the loss of family, firm, and investor confidence in the government’s ability to navigate the deadly financial environment”, said Eswar Prasad, former head of the International Monetary Fund’s China division.

Questions remain about Beijing’s willingness to offer the kind of solution that would appeal to both observers and the markets.

” The government is reluctant to turn to short-term stimulus plans such as cash transfer to families”, Dan Wang said. Instead, we anticipate that they will focus on strengthening supply chains and high technology once more.

That is in line with Beijing’s bets on high-tech industries such as renewable energy, AI and chip-making, and exports to revive the economy. Last month, China reported a record trade surplus-$ 99bn ( £76.4bn )- as exports soared and imports struggled.

But even that wager has challenging odds. Important trading partners like the United States and the European Union have imposed tariffs and other restrictions on everything from EVs to cutting-edge chips made in China.

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Online gambling gang”s computer shipment seized

Online gambling gang's computer shipment seized
In Tak state, Thailand, border guard soldiers inspect boxes containing what they believe to be computer equipment belonging to an online betting gang. ( Photo: Assawin Pinitwong )

According to the border patrol, computer equipment belonging to an online gambling business is being seized and seized by the authorities and border guard.

In Tak county, near the Myanmar border, the arrest was carried out. The shipment was headed for Sa Kaeo state, where several gambling and fraud operators are based, to Aranyaprathet, which is located on the border with Cambodia.

A border police from the military’s Ratchamanu Task Force caught a&nbsp, a vehicle with a pile of packed computers, monitors, energy banks, and other gear close to Ban Wang Ta Kien Tai in the Tha Sai Luat subdistrict of Mae Sot district on Sunday night, according to a spokesman. &nbsp,

The goods was seized. One believe was detained, but afterward escaped.

It comes in response to the new seizure of a related shipment of computer and peripheral equipment in Tak’s Mae Pa subdistrict, which is thought to be owned by the same illegal activity. The technology was en route to the exact location. &nbsp,

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China’s Q2 GDP misses forecasts, keeps stimulus calls alive

China has increased infrastructure investment and invested money in high-tech production to counteract sweet domestic desire and a house crisis. In light of the house slump and mounting regional government debt, China’s economic progress has been uneven this season, with industrial output outpacing private consumption and stifling negative risks. RisingContinue Reading

IN FOCUS: IPO drought, poor valuations: What can be done to revive Singapore’s ailing stock market?


The Singaporean government has taken actions to increase the appeal of the regional stock market.

Two money – especially the S$ 1.5 billion Anchor Fund@65 and S$ 500 million EDBI Growth Investor Fund -&nbsp, were established in 2022 to help high-growth firms to raise capital through pubic listings around.

Fund managers assist companies in advising them on the SGX listing requirements as well as facilitating meetings with investment banks and market makers, according to a Ministry of Trade and Industry ( MTI ) spokesperson.

According to Mr. Chee, these funds have so far been invested in nine businesses, according to a statement released last week in Parliament.

When asked if this number meets any initial goals and whether the funds have been successful in revitalizing the local stock market, MTI would only respond that the last two years have been “more challenging for equity markets globally” with a decline in IPO activities as a result of the high interest rate environment.

According to the spokesperson, the region’s equity markets have experienced similar repercussions in Singapore and the region.

CNA inquired further about the nine businesses that received support, as well as whether additional investments are planned. MTI did not respond.

In addition, there are plans to cover SGX-listed companies ‘ research costs and help with listing costs. &nbsp,

The Monetary Authority of Singapore ( MAS ) offers grant amounts up to S$ 2 million that help offset listing-related expenses as part of the Grant for Equity Market Singapore ( GEM) scheme, which was launched in 2019.

As of May, this grant has supported a total of 46 listings from sectors ranging from new technology, media, healthcare to information technology, an MAS spokesperson said.

Ten of these included mainboard listings like Digital Core REIT and Nanofilm Technologies. The remaining 36, including newly listed SAM Holdings, are listed on the Catalist board.

A research development grant, which is also funded by GEMS, has supported more than 10 research institutions and has hired 38 research analysts as of the end of 2023.

Over 900 research reports covering more than 130 SGX-listed companies have been produced by these research firms, with information provided by these firms providing insights for retail investors and aiding in better decision-making, according to MAS.

The central bank’s spokesperson told CNA that “one of the factors that potential IPO aspirants take into account when considering a listing on our equities market is the GEMS grant funding.”

“MAS will continue to work with industry stakeholders on this goal and review new ideas and proposals to improve our equities market and support business growth,” according to the statement.

On its part, SGX introduced new rules in 2021 to permit the listing of special purpose acquisition companies, or SPACs, on the mainboard and more recently, a Thailand-Singapore Depository Receipt was launched to broaden access to capital and markets.

It also&nbsp, started a market maker and liquidity provider programme in 2014 to boost trading volumes. The market operator declined to reveal specifics of this programme, citing confidentiality.

Additionally, SGX declined to comment on other inquiries made by CNA for this article, such as whether it is reviewing its current initiatives to improve performance.

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Suspects arrested in 3-billion-baht mule account scam

Police build a Save Foreign Workers campaign to combat con groups that con them.

Suspects arrested in 3-billion-baht mule account scam
On Thursday, crime police detain a suspect in a fraud gang. ( Photo: Cyber Crime Investigation Bureau )

Two suspects have been detained by hacking authorities who are connected to a group that tricked foreigners into opening pony bank accounts, which were later sold to con artists. The records facilitated over 3 billion ringgit in fraudulent purchases.

The organization’s strategy was to bribe foreigners into opening balances at different banks while doing so legitimately in Thailand. These records were then sold to swindlers, including those running gambling sites.

The Save Foreign Workers operation was made public by the Cyber Crime Investigation Bureau (CCIB ) on Thursday. Over 50 international employees were deceived into opening the animal accounts, which had more than 3 billion ringgit in circulation, according to the analysis. Over 100 transactions have already been closed.

Authorities conducted attacks at eight spots in Pathum Thani, Ayutthaya, Nonthaburi and Nakhon Pathom. One think fled and was still being sought after another member of the group, while the other two were taken into custody.

Companies and foreign workers should be aware of these scams, according to authorities.

Mule lender accounts reveal significant amounts of money being exchanged.

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