Renewable diesel trials for airside vehicles begin at Changi Airport

SINGAPORE: &nbsp, In an effort to decarbonise Singapore’s aerospace industry, tests may be conducted on the use of alternative fuel for large and professional aircraft vehicles operating at Changi Airport. &nbsp,

The Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore ( CAAS ) stated in a media release on Monday ( May 13 ) that the trials, which are anticipated to last a year, will inform future decisions regarding using renewable diesel to power such vehicles. &nbsp,

By 2030, Singapore plans to reduce domestic aviation emissions from aircraft activities by 20 % from their 2019 levels.

It has also set a goal of net-zero domestic and international aircraft emissions by 2050, including emissions from global airlines operated by Singapore-based users. &nbsp,

A blueprint that may help Singapore become a more lasting air gateway was released in February by CAAS. &nbsp, This included switching to cleaner energy for flight cars.

The move is to be achieved in three ways&nbsp, – electricity, the use of biodiesel and exploring the use of gas- driven flight cars, said CAAS.

The federal aviation authority noted that there are only a few electric vehicle variants for the over 1,800 heavy and specialized vehicles and earth assistance equipment at Changi Airport, compared to the commonly available alternatives for light vehicles like cars and vans. &nbsp,

Thus,” a key around- term decarbonisation pathway for such vehicles is the use of biofuels, and in particular clean diesel”, it said. &nbsp,

Green diesel emits 95 % less lifecycle carbon emissions than conventional fossil fuel, according to CAAS.

” It can be used as a ‘ cut in’ successor in existing diesel engines without modification, and touch the existing transportation, storage, and distribution system for fuel, with little adjustments”, the national aircraft expert said. &nbsp,

According to the company, “it can also be blended with fossil diesel in any proportion,” in order to adjust their investments in cleaner energy in line with their decarbonization objectives.