Putin to visit Beijing, meet Xi this week


Alexander Gabuev, director of the Carnegie Russia Eurasia Center, told AFP:” The Russians want China to do more to support it. China is reluctant to do that because it does n’t want to undermine its relationship with the West,” Gabuev, director, said.

Since Beijing’s invading Ukraine, commerce between China and Russia has increased significantly, reaching US$ 240 billion in 2023, according to Chinese customs numbers.

However, Chinese exports to Russia dropped after Washington pledged to sue economic organizations that helped Moscow after they fell during March and April.

Beijing is being increasingly pressured to detach from Russia, or face consequences for its fragile economy.

Foreign banks are concerned about reputational damage, according to Elizabeth Wishnick, a senior research professor at the marine research center CNA, to AFP.

Given the country’s current economic problems,” clearly big Chinese lenders would want to avoid that situation.” “

Putin’s post-election journey to Beijing reflections Xi’s personal to Russia after his re-anointing as president last season.

Experts expect this year’s highly symbolic meeting to result in sandwiches to the” no limits” collaboration, as well as some offers signed and vows to boost business.

The Russian president is well-versed in Beijing’s determination to support Moscow, which is seen by Chinese policymakers as a vital ally in its struggle against a US-led planet order, according to analysts.

” The Russians are not extremely emotional and stupid,” Carnegie’s Gabuev said. They are aware of China’s significance for relations to the West.

They are certain that China wo n’t drop them or toss them under the bus. “