Jailed activist weakened by hunger strike dies

Boong Sanesangkhom, a Netiporn” Boong” Sanesanghom, had been requesting loan for those accused of social crimes.

Jailed activist weakened by hunger strike dies
Netiporn ‘ Boong ‘ Sanesangkhom, a teacher turned social activist, died on Tuesday at Thammasat University Hospital from the effects of a persistent hunger strike. ( Photo: Talu Wang Facebook Page )

Imprisoned advocate Netiporn” Boong” Sanesangkhom, 28, was pronounced dead at Thammasat University Hospital later Tuesday night, over three weeks after she had started a clean hunger strike.

Netiporn, a key figure in the Thalu Wang protest movement, had been detained since January 26 after having her loan revoked in connection with a fee of lese-majeste.

In connection with a rally that turned into a fight with soldiers outside the Bangkok South Criminal Court on October 19, 2023, she was sentenced the same day to a month in jail for contempt of court. She and others had traveled there to show their support for a different activist who had been detained under Part 112 of the Criminal Code for libel.

The original tutor’s participation in a survey on aristocratic motorcades in February 2022 contributed to the lese-majeste charge she was facing. Her request for loan was connected to a rally that she carried out on August 6, 2023 at the Ministry of Culture. &nbsp,

Netiporn launched a poverty affect the day after her release from prison, calling for the justice system to be changed and for political prisoners to be free.

She was moved from the captivity to the Central Correctional Hospital in early February as her refusal to eat and drink, as well as the majority of drugs and medical treatment. After that, she was transferred back to the prison doctor where she received more care.

The Department of Corrections stated in a speech on Tuesday evening that Netiporn had started taking food and water usually after she left the hospital.

Netiporn was re-entry into the prison hospital in early April, according to Thai Lawyers for Human Rights ( TLHR ). When did she start consuming food and water afterwards, according to the office.

Nevertheless, she was suffering from failure and somewhat swollen legs, anemia and small minerals. She also, according to the report, refused to take any vitamins or heart.

According to the office, Netiporn had a heart attack at the Central Correctional Hospital on Tuesday just after 6am. The person did not respond and was later declared dead at 11.22am, according to the report, and doctors soon began treatment efforts.

One of the first public figures to address the blogger’s departure was Move Forward Party MP Rukchanok Srinork, who is currently free on parole while appealing a six-year word for der majorities and computer crimes.

On her X account, she wrote,” I would like to condolence you on Boong’s moving.” A fundamental right to demand loan should be exercised while litigating a circumstance.

Nattawut Saikuar, a previous co- head of the crimson- shirt United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship, called for the release of another imprisoned youth activists.

” No one should perish because they think differently”, he said.

For the past several months, lawmakers have been debating whether to grant parole to those who have committed political crimes dating back almost 20 years. There is a lot of resistance, including those who have been found guilty under Section 112, despite there being basic agreement on parole for those who are associated with the yellow and red top movement.

” Deaths like this would n’t have happened if the government had tried to do more and be more sincere”, said Lisa Nunarnan, a Move Forward MP and deputy spokesperson.

Two colleagues of Netiporn — Natthanon” Frank” Chaimahabud, and Tantawan” Tawan” Tuatulanon — are even continuing with their poverty strikes, though they presumably have been accepting some fluids and medications.

They are accused of rebellion in connection with a Feb. 4 incident involving a parade carrying Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn.

Since the start of the Free Youth demonstrations in July 2020, 1, 954 individuals have been charged with social participation and appearance, according to TLHR data from April 30 this year. At least 272 are facing charges of libel and a maximum of 215 are facing rebellion expenses under Part 112.