Rethinking Jordan’s overcrowded jails

Jordan’s prisons are bursting at the seams amid a dearth of beds, a surge in crime, and legal codes that favor incarceration. With more than 19,000 inmates in 18 institutions designed to hold no more than 13,300, it’s a bad time to be in a Jordanian jail. Overcrowding has resulted in several problems, for inmates and for […]Continue Reading

Five arrested over human sacrifice at Indian temple

GUWAHATI, India: Indian police have arrested five men accused of conducting a human sacrifice, nearly four years after the discovery of the victim’s headless body at a Hindu temple left officers baffled. Shanti Shaw, 64, was killed and decapitated with a machete in 2019 after visiting the temple in Guwahati, aContinue Reading

China’s war labyrinth

China's People's Liberation Army (PLA) Navy soldiers patrol at Woody Island, in the Paracel Archipelago in the South China Sea. Photo: Reuters

Drums of war sound louder around China. For at least three years, Beijing’s propaganda has been warning that China must prepare for war, a vague phrase in China’s often macho Communist Party rhetoric. The announcements are to be taken literally, warned a recent Foreign Affairs article signed by two of the most prominent China analysts in the […]Continue Reading