Widodo-Megawati split propels Prabowo into the lead

JAKARTA – Ruling Indonesian Democratic Party for Struggle (PDI-P) leader Megawati Sukarnoputri’s failure to read her country’s love for football appears to have turned the 2024 presidential race on its head with Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto now taking over as the front-runner in the latest electability poll. A fortnight after Megawati’s opposition to Israel’s participation […]Continue Reading

Rich-poor gap worsening in India 

Despite early success, India has fallen behind its neighbor China in poverty reduction. Sweeping reforms are necessary if India is to gain ground in implementing a workable anti-poverty program comparable to China's efforts.Photo: Wikimedia Commons/Varun Chatterji

The deliberation and discourse on India’s inequality have been mostly concentrated on two key points: First, all highlights are on the top-1% “billionaire class” and its exponential growth over the period; second, on those surviving below poverty line. However, the most important question resides in the space occupied in between: What are the inequality dynamics, and how severe is […]Continue Reading