MDH and Everest: US health officials probe Indian spice pesticide claims

MDH and Everest: US health officials probe Indian spice pesticide claims
Everest's Fish Curry MasalaGetty Images

The US Food and Drug Administration is investigating products made by two American pepper manufacturers because they allegedly contain a cancer-causing chemical.

Due to reported higher levels of ethylene oxide, Hong Kong suspended sales of three pepper mixes made by MDH and another by Everest earlier this month.

In India and around the world, MDH and Mountain materials are both highly regarded.

Mountain has earlier said its products are safe for use, while MDH has not commented.

An FDA spokeswoman told Reuters news agency that the company is aware of the reviews and is gathering more information about the situation.

Singapore has also recalled the Mountain blend for fish curries because it was alleged that the great ethylene oxide levels posed a risk for cancer.

India’s Ingredients Board, the country’s authority on spice exports, announced earlier this week that it was looking into both businesses ‘ imports in Hong Kong and Singapore and was working with them to identify the “root reason” of the quality issues that began to arise as inspections began at their plants.

Both organizations ‘ websites were online on Saturday.

In the industry, ethylene oxide is used for a variety of reasons, including as a spice fumigating representative. The substance is harmful to humans, according to the US Environmental Protection Agency.

The EPA wrote in 2018 that “evidence in individuals indicates that contact to ethylene oxide increases the risk of breast cancer and splenic cancers for women.”

MDH and Everest have been in contact with the BBC for opinion.

Due to concerns about bacteria pollution, a few volumes of MDH items were recalled in the US in 2019.

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