RSAF F-16 training flights to remain suspended after crash; flight data recorder retrieved

The Ministry of Defense ( MINDEF ) announced on Thursday ( May 9 ) that the Republic of Singapore Air Force ( RSAF ) will continue to temporarily suspend F-16 training flights until findings are conclusive.

An F-16 aircraft crashed at Tengah Air Base&nbsp shortly after taking off for a regular training flight on Wednesday evening, leading to the suspension. &nbsp,

In its next release on the event, MINDEF also said that the crashed plane’s trip data microphone had been recovered.

The RSAF has obtained the affair aircraft’s trip data record, according to the government, and is working closely with Lockheed Martin, the F-16 warrior jet’s manufacturer, to examine the data.

The Ministry of Transportation’s Transportation Safety Investigation Bureau will even lend its support to the research.

Lockheed Martin, the maker of the F-16, before stated to CNA that it was” thankful to reports the pilot ejected securely.”

” We are standing by to help when needed”, a spokeswoman said in response to questions about the company’s participation in MINDEF’s studies.

A health time-out was called on Thursday, according to MINDEF.

It stated that” comanders across the RSAF led their units in reexamining safety practices and contingencies.”

” Following the conclusion of the security time- away, the RSAF did begin flight training on May 10, 2024, with the exception of the F- 16 fleet.

” The RSAF continues to maintain its operating preparation. It stands ready to defend Singapore’s stars 24/7 using its another air and ground- based property.”

The warrior crashed after its&nbsp, captain encountered” trip control problems “upon lifting off the runway. Without suffering any serious injuries, he ejected from the plane. &nbsp,

MINDEF reported that training for the F-16 fleet of RSAF had been temporarily suspended until investigations showed that it was safe to begin following the accident. &nbsp,

Singapore’s F- 16s have been in company since 1998.

One of its fighter planes crashed past in May 2004. An RSAF F- 16C crashed during a&nbsp, day training goal in the US state of Arizona, killing its 25- year- ancient pilot. &nbsp,

A panel of inquiry determined that the pilot may have experienced a gravity-induced loss of consciousness or geographic disorientation, which could have contributed to his inability to rescue the aircraft from an inverted position.

Singapore’s F- 16s were recently&nbsp, given a late- life upgrade&nbsp, but will have to leave after the middle- 2030s.

The state has identified the F- 35 community of planes as a replacement.