Indonesia mulls India-inspired policy to bring diaspora home by granting them some citizen rights

He added that meetings with President Joko Widodo have been held on the schedule numerous times. The policy action has been coordinated by the Ministry of Political, Legal, and Security Affairs, with authorities having visited India for analytical reports. &nbsp,

Mr. Laoly assured VOA Indonesia that the proposed new regulation would not contravene the Citizenship Law of 2006, which forbids Indian citizens to obtain one citizenship. &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp,

” The most important thing is to make it easier for our diaspora to come to Indonesia, live and work here, and enjoy their homeland for a lifetime” .&nbsp,


The government wants to pass the plan before the end of President Joko Widodo’s expression on October 20, according to Mr. Laoly, who stated that the plan is anticipated to be introduced in the next two months.

The latest defense minister, former president-elect Prabowo Subianto, will take over as president-elect of Southeast Asia’s largest business. &nbsp,

” ( Mr Widodo ) has requested this regulation. We hope it will be created in a fortnight or, at the very least, two times,” said Mr. Laoly, adding that the initiative may offer a remedy for the Indonesian community who have been campaigning for dual membership. &nbsp,

” Changing the Citizen Law may get a lot longer. Is a federal legislation enough? Yes, it is, as it does not tamper with individual citizen. Making it simpler for the community to profit is what is important.

The Indonesian government needs your political assent to change the law.

Two membership for people is not officially recognized in Indonesia. Children of mingled marriages are only permitted to hold dual nationality under the 2006 Citizen Law until they are 18 years old or engaged, at which point they must pick one. &nbsp,

Mr. Widodo previously stated in 2016 that the government was considering changing the Citizenship Law to enable people to hold double citizenship, but lawmakers objected because of safety concerns. &nbsp, &nbsp,


The Indonesian community in the United States has been pleased with the proposed federal regulation. &nbsp, &nbsp,

Invoices Indonesia quoted Mr. Michael Dompas, who has lived and worked in the US for more than 50 years, as saying that having two membership is more about feeling like one. &nbsp,

Without the complexity of legislative processes, this is a genuine stage. It’s a earn- succeed. For me, the gain is more personal. I’ve been here for 50 years, often Indonesian. Why ca n’t I go home? Indonesia will always be my land”.

However, Mr. Edward Wanandi, a well-known Indian businessman in the US, believes that Indonesia will greatly benefit from the OCI-like scheme. &nbsp,

” The debate on two membership have made significant progress over the past ten years. This ( OCI) needs to be supported and made the best use of. The rewards for Indonesia are great”, said Mr Wanandi, as quoted by VOA Indonesia.

Mr Bilal Dewansyah, an immigration laws professional and PhD candidate at the Van Vollenhoven Institute ( VVI), Leiden Law School, Netherlands, but, told CNA that for now, the most appropriate OCI- like policy implementation might be the introduction of a visa- completely policy for the Indonesian diaspora. &nbsp,

The Indonesian diaspora’s future is still unknown, according to Mr. Bilal. &nbsp,

He added that particular measures were required yet in the case of nations like China. &nbsp,

China needed to develop plans like the” 1000 Talents,” which attracted highly skilled foreigners to the nation with lucrative income opportunities.

Brain dump is a problem Indonesia has for years. Immigration Commissioner Silmy Karim stated that between 2019 and 2022, 912 Citizens will no longer be able to re-enter their nationality in order to become Singaporeans. &nbsp,

He added that, on average, 1, 000 Indonesians are born in Singapore each year, with the average age range between 25 and 35, usually driven by improved quality of life and career prospects.

According to Mr. Karim, Indonesia may be concerned about the brain drain happening because skilled workers have switched to a different country. &nbsp,

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has no established information about the number of Indonesian community members abroad, including former Indonesians. &nbsp,

However, according to their most recent forecast for late- 2022, there are still around 9 million Indonesians holding Indonesian passports abroad, with Asia being the top destination.

Mr. Bilal told CNA that it is crucial for those who come back to Indonesia to experience a sense of belonging. &nbsp,

The Indonesian diaspora’s acknowledgment of their Indian identity on their return to Indonesia is, in my opinion, the most important issue. It is crucial that they are not merely perceived as ‘ foreigners ‘” .&nbsp, &nbsp,