I have not used a wallet for over 10 years. Here’s why I think more people should embrace going walletless


When was the last time you actually needed to use your actual Circuit? Pull out your wallet right away.

And for those of you who claim that you need your IC to buy beer and watch specific movies, allow me to ask you another problem: Doesn’t our electronic device( which can be accessed at any time and place ) perform the same tasks as our physical device, which can cost up to S$ 300 to replace?

Of all, there will be times when a real Circuit is required( such as when sending official papers or going to the bank ). However, in those circumstances, it is still safer to send just your IC rather than your full budget.

This now examine your funds and coins. & nbsp,

I can use them at the stall center, you’re definitely saying.

You are correct, too. Despite having the highest implementation rate of contactless payments in Southeast Asia, many of these locations only accept cash. I don’t charge them individually. They still have to help older people who are less likely to live without money.

Do we actually have as little money on us, though?

Personally, I think having my funds in my bank account has more advantages than not. Your income is generally healthy and you get to earn interest. E-scams are undoubtedly on the rise, but at least the majority of banks will assist you if you are the target of one.

Try locating a lender that will pay back the$ 400 in income you lost.

Additionally, paying S$ 8.80 via PayLah at Gong Cha makes much more financial sense than paying with a S$ 10 word and receiving S$ 1.20 in change. That change is essentially money gone because these days, what can you actually get with Mho$ 1.20?

Lastly, take a look at all the memories you’ve tucked away in your wallet’s several pockets. In every sense of the word, those ticket receipts, pictures, and like records are unique. What will you do if your finances disappears and those keepsakes turn into remote memories?


I am aware that my telephone and credit cards are also vulnerable to theft, of training. But, replacing two products is much simpler than replacing the gold treasure of priceless things kept in a bag. & nbsp,

In the end, it’s up to you whether or not to throw away your budget, but I’ll just say that the last ten centuries have been easier for me. Now that my hands are lighter, I only need to watch my cellphone when I’m out, and I always have to worry about misplaced priceless items. & nbsp,