Ex-Singapore Idol judge Ken Lim gets fresh charge of insulting woman’s modesty while discussing music career

SINGAPORE: On Wednesday( Sept 20 ), a new charge was filed against former Singapore Idol judge Ken Lim Chih Chiang, bringing his total number of charges to seven.

In the most recent accusation, he is charged with insulting the woman’s modesty by asking her,” Are you a lady?” and” What if I have sex with you right now?” while they were discussing music careers.

This allegedly happened on the evening of July 25, 2012, at Hype Records’ Henderson Road company target. The record label, artiste control, and music promoter are all run by Lim.

There are five alleged victims who the 59-year-old man targeted at his office or home between 1998 and 2013 out of his seven expenses.

He reportedly informed a adult performer that he could help her because she lacked sexual experience. He reportedly also showed her a pornographic picture.

He is accused of inquiring about the virginity of another adult performer and how she was able to write” deeper music if she is sexually uneducated.”

Lawyers from WongPartnership, including Senior Counsel Tan Chee Meng, Mr Paul Loy, and Mr. Calvin Ong and & nbsp, are defending Lim.

Following Wednesday’s court notice, CNA stated in a speech that their client had” made clear his purpose to rapidly contend the allegations in court at the earliest juncture” since he was initially charged in March.

However, the trial frequently stated that it was not prepared to move forward in court. Instead, the prosecution has gradually advanced more charges against him over the past six months, all of which allege that modesty had been insulted in regard to some terms allegedly spoken between 10 and 20 ( or more ) years ago, according to the professionals.

They claimed that despite many requests from us, Lim has” persistently denied these allegations and is frustrated that the trial has not been prepared to take times for test.”

While this pause is undoubtedly having an impact, our customer is still prepared to defend himself in court and is eager to establish his innocence, according to the attorneys.

If found guilty, he could receive a fine of one or both for each count of insulting another person’s reserve.

If found guilty of rape, he could receive a great or both, as well as an up to two-year prison sentence. Caning is another form of punishment, but those over 50 are no.

After this month, he is scheduled to return to judge.