Does Netanyahu have a plan beyond his own survival? – Asia Times

Eight months have passed since the Gaza war’s conclusion, and it seems unlikely to be possible.

Israel claims to own killed 13, 000 Hamas insurgents thus far. If that number is accurate, one can assume that the number of militants who have been wounded or incapacitated is at least twice, or perhaps three, double that amount.

Israel estimated there were around 30 000 Hamas soldiers in Gaza before the war started. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu may be correct in saying that the removal of the previous battalions in the southwestern area of Rafah would probably prevent the team’s ability to be a danger to Israel if this total can also be taken at face value.

But, there are shortcomings in this argument. Israel’s method for calculating the number of militants killed by the Israel Defense Forces ( IDF) has not been disclosed. Given the turbulent problems in Gaza, it’s not difficult to believe the 13, 000 number is only an forecast based on the exact number of military- younger men ( 18- 40 years ) among the 35, 000 Palestinians killed in full.

What can be done to prevent the remaining extremists from using the pipe system to move northwest away from harm’s way, if, according to Netanyahu, they are hiding in caverns beneath Rafah? There is some information this is already occurring. Hamas has reportedly regrouped in areas of central and north Gaza that Israel claims” cleared” decades ago, according to the IDF and Israeli advertising.

More importantly, the IDF has been unable to find and get rid of Mohammed Deif, the leader of the Hamas and political leader Yahya Sinwar, who was in charge of the October 7 assaults. While these two remain at big, Israel cannot claim success.

Additionally, Israel has not been successful in bringing the victims that are still being held by Hamas to safety. Military action has rescued just three of the roughly 240 victims that Hamas sequestered on October 7. Through discussions and Hamas ‘ unilateral action, only over 100 other victims have been freed.

And the growing number of university sit-ins around the world and even the noisy shouting directed at Israel’s entry into the Eurovision song contest are all evidence of how rapidly global anger grows over Israel’s conduct of the war.

According to Netanyahu’s choice to continue with the Rafah rape, US President Joe Biden has also delayed a shipment of heavy-duty ammunition to Israel. But, this is metaphorical. According to the Wall Street Journal this week, the Biden administration is also working on new arms deals worth US$ 1 billion for Israel.

Force growing on Netanyahu

It’s reasonable to assume that Hamas ‘ stunning assault, which declanched the present war, was one that followed:

  • to place the Palestinian cause at the top of the Middle East’s plan at a time when Saudi Arabia was on the cusp of a peace deal with Israel.
  • to bring attention to the abhorrent problems in Gaza, which has been hailed as the largest open-air jail in the world,
  • to ignite Israel’s rage to such an extent, it responds with extreme force and draws common international condemnation.

On this reasoning, Hamas set a trap for Israel, and Israel walked into it.

Where does Netanyahu stand in the current scenario, with Netanyahu way from achieving his stated goals in the conflict and international criticism just getting worse? He’s facing force from three sides, with no great choices.

Second, he leads the most proper- aircraft government in Israeli history. If Netanyahu agrees to a protracted peace, the more serious members of his coalition partners, including security minister Itamar Ben-Gvir and finance secretary Bezalel Smotrich, have made it clear they will leave the government and start fresh elections.

A new poll found that he almost certainly do lose any election held in the near future because 71 % of Israelis want Netanyahu to step down.

Next, the people and followers of the remaining 130 victims who are believed to be held by Hamas are relentlessly pressing Netanyahu to take a ceasefire in exchange for their discharge. According to Israeli intelligence, about a third of them have died.

And second, Biden, his main ally, wants the battle over as quickly as possible due to the upcoming US national vote. In order to automatically appoint Donald Trump as president, Biden is aware of the possibility that liberals and Arab Americans does not cast ballots in November.

Biden’s decision to delay the sale of ammunition earlier this month was just one of many reminders to Netanyahu that his persistence is waning.

The horrible irony is that Egypt and Qatar’s ceasefire negotiations have come extremely close to being successful. The Economist has been prompted to inquire whether Netanyahu really wants to accept a deal because of the negotiations ‘ failing to close it.

Power pump emerging

The longer the conflict has raged in, the more it has revealed that Israel, which has been under Netanyahu’s almost uninterrupted rule since 2009, has no long-term plan to live side by side with its Arab companions.

Even if a ceasefire could be agreed to, Netanyahu’s government has n’t articulated a plan for the “day after”. This lack of a program has already been filled by groups, groups, and criminals, creating a perilous strength vacuum in northeastern Gaza.

Kurt Campbell, the assistant secretary of state of the United States, warned this week that the present condition is reminiscent of what the US faced in Iraq and Afghanistan after annexation in the midst of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.

]… ] after civilian populations had been moved and lots of violence ]… ] the insurrections continue.

So, what is the schedule for Gaza? Israelis and Palestinians do not agree with the Army reoccupying the ribbon for the long term.

A reformed Palestinian Authority, which now controls most of the West Bank, would not be allowed to retake control of Gaza, according to Netanyahu, who has also made it clear that his government would not support its decision. And Netanyahu’s preferred strategy is to persuade non-aligned community leaders to run the band on Israel’s representative, which leads to score-settling and corruption between rival families.

Choices that involve outside forces from the place or the UN have also failed to gain popularity.

Where does the Gazan population find themselves now? Arab citizens are losing hope as they flee from one discord area to another. One group leader in Rafah lately stated,” As one group president in Rafah said,

Everything has been altered by the combat, but most of all, there is now no protection. There is nothing left for the poor right now. The only ones who does live right now are the powerful.

Ian Parmeter is Research Scholar, Centre for Arab and Islamic Studies, Australian National University

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