Commentary: You’re too old for this job

Commentary: You're too old for this job


The disappointments were numerous and numerous, with some of them coming on quickly and vehemently.

You don’t have the required knowledge, was a typical response. ” We’re looking for one less top” was also stated.

Looking back, I find it hilarious how I was both too old for the work and lacked the necessary knowledge.

However, some failures took a long time and were terrible, necessitating numerous interviews with directors, managers, and recruiters. which I either received a ghosted response or just an extremely delayed rejection message. & nbsp,

During those challenging job-search months, however, one issue stood out for me: I honed my ability to spot the precise kind of hiring manager who would accept me after the initial meeting.

They were often beginning to mid-30s marketeers who had advanced quickly in the marketing industry and were now in charge of the industry.

Today, I can completely understand their choice to accept me instantly. Leading fresh, high-performance teams that were all eager and eager to rush put those hiring managers under pressure.

In the midst of the conflict and firefighting, the last thing they needed was an older person to second-guess their choices. They had to continue moving forward without stopping.

The problem with being an older man with experience is that if I think there might be a better way to do something, I will second-guess and challenge the decision-making method.