‘Strategic thinker, introverted yet approachable’: Singapore’s next PM Lawrence Wong in the eyes of those who worked with him


People who have worked with Mr. Wong frequently described his leadership style as being advisory and open-minded rather than top-down.

He consistently had open discussions about her struggles with challenging problems, articulated his thoughts and concerns, and was always willing to hear from anyone in the room, according to Ms. Lim, who is now the HDB chairman for rental housing.

According to Mr. Tan, Mr. Wong may “often deliberately ask for views or other ideas” from people irrespective of their rank before making a decision or providing advice.

Instead of just articulating his personal vision for the school, Prof. Tan of SIT recalled how during his conversation in 2012, Mr. Wong spent a good deal of time listening to the author’s problems.

He really listened to me, which even struck me that day. In our meeting, I may say he listened more than he did speaking,” said Prof. Tan.


In the beginning of his career, those who worked with him described him as a typically shy and reserved person.

They said he has since become more at ease in the public attention based on what they thought of his common performances.

What has remained regular though, is that Mr Wong is someone who “has no premieres around him”, they said.

Ms. Prema cited Mr. Wong’s sporting manner in a folk dance performed by the city next year.

” He himself said: ‘ Hey, this come and join the people and party’. It was a very remarkable thing, not just for me but for those at the function”, she said.

Mr. Shi Wei Fei, a volunteer for the children community in Limbang, also recalled a positive conversation he had with Mr. Wong.

The college student performed two society events that took place on the same day. Mr Wong had attended both occasions, on top of a few other activities in between.

” When he saw me at the next event, he quipped: ‘ Wow, you provide total- time rapper service? ‘. I Imagined he must have felt more tired than me, he did n’t have to joke with me, but he did”, said Mr Shi.

Mr. Wong chatted with the company attendants and was told by Mr. Lee, a former MOF employee.

” The office staff, the aunties in the office, they all liked him a bit. He has great relationships at all rates”, said Mr Lee.

Some of his former employees claimed that even after years of working together, Mr. Wong may also call them and inquire about their situation when they bump into one another at activities.

His composure, according to a previous teacher, started in college.

Mrs Pang Lay Har, who taught Mr Wong curriculum and algebra at Victoria Junior College, recalled how he got along well with his colleagues, who came from different backgrounds.

” He exuded a nice reputation, coupled with sincerity and sincerity”, said Mrs Pang, who is now sin- director of Tampines Meridian Junior College.

Mr. Wong was a well-rounded student who excelled in his studies, according to the educator, who said he would “ask questions and lead great ideas” from his regular seat in the back of the course and in his extracurricular activity, choir.

And while Mrs. Pang was only aware of Mr. Wong’s artistic talent about 30 years ago when he rose to fame, the public likely only became aware of his talent.

She recalled how she was surprised when he came over to see me with the colleagues and played the guitar when he had a talent for audio.