Commentary: Why Singapore’s vote to support Palestine’s full membership in the UN matters

Numbness AT THE SECURITY Committee

In general, the UN Security Council has gotten more and more stale as a result of renewed fantastic strength conflict.

Before Gaza, Russia vetoed Ukrainian peace commitments. The Security Council has become more paralyzed as new problems develop, despite the fact that its activities are more urgent than previously.

Numerous various conflicts that have erupted since the COVID- 19 pandemic have hardly received enough worldwide attention or reaction.

Some may think that the UN has become useless, and it is day for states to take punitive actions. The deadlocks ‘ implementation, especially for small nations like Singapore, would be the worst possible outcome. Small states will suffer in a world where the powerful do n’t need to be held accountable.

When acknowledging the issues at the UN, it is crucial to realize that certain specific states within the organization are not the Security Council’s fault. If their behavior contradict peace, they must get called out. States have the most legitimate right to express their disgust and suggest ways to proceed with the UNGA.

If global order is to be maintained and be appropriate for peaceful coexistence, shared actions at the international stage must continue to be the main course of action.

The world needs to support those who find a quiet solution as hardliners on both flanks try to take matters into their own fingertips. This is why the ballot on Palestine’s account is so crucial.

Dr Joel Ng is Assistant Mind of the Centre for Multilateralism Studies, S Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.