CNA Explains: What can we do about the extreme heat across Asia – including in Singapore?

CNA Explains: What can we do about the extreme heat across Asia - including in Singapore?

Some parties are at a greater risk of severe heat issues, including young children, elders, athletes, and people such as exterior workers and the unemployed who are more exposed to weather conditions.

People with already-existing medical conditions like respiratory and cardiovascular diseases may also be affected by the temperature.

According to Prof. Horton, the nations that have experienced cooler temperatures in recent weeks frequently have to deal with additional issues, such as air pollution in many of their metropolitan areas.

The extended period of heat can have an impact on both the physical and emotional aspects. &nbsp,

According to Prof. Bowen, heat-related conditions have “massive ramifications” for the healthcare system, particularly in developing nations where there are n’t enough medical facilities to treat a sizable influx of patients.

We are aware that our medical facilities must be prepared as the forecasts for the rise in the frequency and intensity of thunderstorm events are being made.