CNA Explains: How often does extreme turbulence occur, and how did it affect flight SQ321?

What causes turmoil?

When an aeroplane is suddenly sucked into a sudden change in flow due to wind direction and speed changes, turbulence occurs.

They can be created by ambient pressure, storms, mountain peaks, or solid air currents called flight channels.

Planes you shake or shock when encountering volatility, much like vessels in rough waters.

Does it produce helicopters to fall?

Flight tracking data showed SQ321 experienced a 6, 000- foot ( 1.8km ) drop within four minutes.

Experts said the immediate dive for a Boeing 777-300ER was incredibly unusual despite the fact that turbulence can produce planes to lose altitude immediately. Otherwise, it would more probably have been the pilots ‘ response, said analysts.

” That amount of descent ( relative to ) time may not be subjected to a downdraft, it could be more indicative of the pilots reacting to the situation”, Mr Michael Daniel, managing director of consultancy firm Aviation Insight, told CNA’s Singapore Tonight.

You turmoil be avoided?

Some episodes of turmoil may be detected on a aircraft’s weather radar, as long as they contain water molecules.

” Generally, for turbulence caused by activity of sky, aircraft will be alerted so they can avoid it or contact the crew and passengers to use their cars”, Mr Shantanu Gangakhedkar, older aerospace analyst at market research firm Frost and Sullivan, told CNA938.

But, the least formulaic type of disturbance is obvious- air turbulence, which may appear without any noticeable signs.

What is obvious- atmosphere turbulence?

In clear clouds, these visible pockets of air can be found at high altitudes above 30 000 feet.

Due to the possibility of unpredictable injuries occurring in clear-air turmoil, the flight crew may not have the time to direct passengers to tie their seatbelts.

Now, there is no technology to recognize the trend.

Experts warn that developing an early-warning program at NASA may take years.

Many analysts at CNA believe that SQ321 was struck by clear-air turbulence as a result of the incident’s suddenness.

” Looking at the number of injuries, SQ321 ( likely ) encountered extreme clear- air turbulence, where a plane can be tossed about violently ( and without notice )”, said independent aviation analyst Alvin Lie.

” Clean- air turbulence does hit anytime, somewhere, without previous knowledge. I think there were numerous other planes in that area at the time ( but they were not impacted ). It was just hard luck ( for SQ321 )”.

How frequently does severe volatility occur?

The SIA aircraft was hit by” sudden extraordinary turbulence”, an power authorities said flights often encounter.

Additionally, mortality or severe injuries brought on by turbulence are still very uncommon.

Turbulence intensity is classified by light, moderate, severe and extreme, according to the United States National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s ( NOAA ) National Weather Service.

During lighting turbulence, passengers may experience minor bumpiness.

An aircraft may be fiercely tossed around during extraordinary turbulence and become temporarily impossible to control. Additionally, it might result in structural deterioration.

According to experts, corporate aircraft are built to withstand challenging climate conditions.

Are some roads bumpier than others?

Some pathways can be more vulnerable to turbulence, particularly areas with more climate activities.

” Southeast Asia is a place known to have more wind actions, and therefore likely to experience more turbulence”, said Mr Leithen Francis, managing chairman of Francis &amp, Low, a marketing firm that specialises in aircraft.

When the SIA flight suddenly encountered the sudden and severe turbulence, it was over the Irrawaddy Basin in Myanmar.

According to scientists, severe turbulence has increased by 55 % in the last 40 years and is expected to increase even more as a result of climate change.

How do people get hurt during turbulence?

Most injuries caused by turbulence are caused by passengers and crew members not being properly secured.

People can be thrown around the cabin from sudden, violent movements of an aircraft during turbulence.

In the SQ321 incident, witnesses claimed that those without seatbelts were launched into the ceiling and hit overhead baggage cabins.

If overhead compartments are flung open, passengers may be hit by flying objects or falling luggage even when buckled in.

Experts point out that crew members are most susceptible to injury because they are typically not strapped, which includes having to check passengers ‘ seatbelts when the signs flash when they are not in use. &nbsp,

What can travelers do to ensure safety?

Be diligent, say experts.

Buckle up when seated, even at cruising altitude when the “fasten seatbelt” sign is not on.

Attendants also advise passengers to pay attention to the crew and pilot announcements during a flight and to pay attention to the safety briefing before takeoff.

” We ca n’t anticipate sudden turbulence, which could result in serious injuries if people are n’t buckled in. So, when you are in the seat, be diligent and buckle up, whether the fasten seatbelt sign is on or not”, said Mr Daniel.