Detection tech could render submarines useless by 2050

Speaking at a summit in San Diego on Monday, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has announced a decades-long strategy to deliver the most costly defense project in Australia’s history. New details of the AUKUS defense and security pact have revealed Australia will buy three second-hand US Virginia-class submarines early next decade (and potentially two more), subject […]Continue Reading

AUKUS weds Australia to risky US policy on China

Much has been made of Australia’s renewed engagement with Asia and the Pacific since Labor came to power. Foreign Minister Penny Wong’s “charm offensive” in the Pacific was seen as the beginning of a new process of listening to the region, not dictating to it. Labor’s Asia-Pacific policy has also been hailed as striking a […]Continue Reading

China’s new ‘super island builder’ set to roil South China Sea

China has unveiled plans to build a supersized sand dredging vessel, a harbinger of increased grey zone warfare against Taiwan and more militarized island-building in the South China Sea. This week, South China Morning Post (SCMP) reported that China is developing a “super-dredger” that will be 50% more powerful than its present “super island builder.” […]Continue Reading

Man arrested after attempting to enter Singapore by walking along Causeway train tracks: ICA

SINGAPORE: Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA) officers arrested a Bangladeshi man for suspected immigration offences on Friday (Mar 9), after he was spotted walking along the train tracks on the Causeway. Checks showed he was not carrying any original identity documents or travel documents, ICA said in a Facebook post onContinue Reading

US-led alliances slowly but surely encircling China

MANILA – Growing concerns over China’s military power are resetting geopolitical alignments across the Indo-Pacific in what some see as the dawning of a New Cold War. At once, two different trilateral alliances are emerging, both build around America’s “integrated deterrence” strategy amid intensified fears of a Chinese invasion of Taiwan in the near-term future.  […]Continue Reading

Record early start again for Tokyo’s cherry blossoms

TOKYO: Japan announced the official start of Tokyo’s cherry blossom season on Tuesday (Mar 14), 10 days earlier than usual and tied with a record early start seen only twice before. In past years the country’s meteorologists have linked the increasingly early blooms to climate change, and temperatures in TokyoContinue Reading