Asian markets can recover and rise further despite volatility: Analysts

The notion” when the US sneezes, the earth catches a cool” is extremely important here, said Mr Chen Jingwei, chief investment strategist of money management system Wrise Private Singapore.

He cited the interconnectedness of the global economy in terms of supply chains and financial businesses, saying that” the synchronized decline in both US and Asian markets shows how global investor sentiment has changed, with a shift toward safer assets like government bonds and investment-grade record.”

Nvidia only, along with expectations of a rate cut in the US, are also considerable forces in the market, said Mr Chen.

The researchers also made a point about how dangerous September has previously been for companies, with Mr. Cheo noting that the month has experienced the biggest stock market adjustments over the years.

This year, owners even have two main events to deal with, besides the US employment report on Friday, Mr Menon added.

He cited the Fed appointment a week later on September 10 and the conversation between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris on September 10 back of a November election.

Prospects IN SECTORS, Marketplaces

Nevertheless, observers claimed that the tech industry still has potential for the long term, even though it may have been hit harder in recent years.

” We maintain a bullish outlook on generative (artificial intelligence ) and Nvidia”, said Mr Chen of Wrise Private. ” Powerful demand from servers and AI remains unchanged, and we continue to view business falls as buying&nbsp, options”.

He even said defense industries like real estate, services, and consumer items appear more tenacious in a lower interest rate environment. &nbsp,

Mr. Cheo of HSBC stated that the company is still supportive of the technology sector but wants to give more of its stock to US commercial companies. &nbsp,

The lender wants to reduce its holdings of consumer voluntary stocks in response to the slowdown in growth and price volatility in the auto and electric vehicle industries.

Broadly, &nbsp, Asia’s financial website benefits from fundamental trends, AI-driven technology and an investment surge fueled by supply chain revamps and natural transformation, he said.

To capitalize on their growth changes and to benefit from corporate leadership transformation victors in some areas, Mr. Cheo continued,” We favor equities in Japan, India, and South Korea.”

Mr. Menon, an OCBC journalist, claimed that India’s young people and its massive economy could see more growth.

Domestic demand is driving the country’s economy, and India had gain as businesses try to diversify their businesses away from China.

” We are also optimistic on the Singapore bourse, where prices are relatively low, and the market offers many offer opportunities for those looking for earnings,” he said, adding that REITs or Etfs are anticipated to perform better as interest rates drop.