The Singaporean designer behind a modest fashion label worn by President Halimah Yacob


Today, Rina has customers from all over the world, including Australia and New Zealand, in addition to Southeast Asia. And she’s the only one who sees customers and works on the designs.

She shared that by doing so, she continues to build trust with her customers. But of course, it doesn’t mean that she doesn’t get a break from things. She has her nieces working with her, who are primed to carry on what she’s built up with Sufyaa. “It’s a family business, and I would like to think that I’m also keeping the family close together. This family bond is still very much what I look forward to every day.”

When asked what she envisions for the future of Sufyaa, the humble designer shared that she is contented and happy as it is. “Success, I think is more than just wanting your brand to bigger. It’s also about being happy with what you have and being self-sufficient. I like how the business is very organic. I’m very fortunate that I’m able to serve my clients and my community in the best way that I can,” she said.

“I think the proudest moment for me would be to have a brand that stays relevant with the community, with a society and still being able to give back every year. With no investors, no loans, everything is up to you. That in itself, I think, this is an achievement for me.”