‘Worst floods in decades’ hit Kazakhstan and Russia

'Worst floods in decades' hit Kazakhstan and Russia
Rescue workers supporting a child and a woman walking away from a rescue helicopter in KazakhstanGetty Images

Tens of thousands of people have been forced to leave Kazakhstan’s 10 north areas due to flooding, according to the government.

Snow melt has contributed to annual floods that have been worse than normal.

Across the border in Russia, an oil refinery in the area of Orsk, 1, 800km south of Moscow, has stopped activities because of the storms.

The Kremlin has warned that some Siberiaan parts may experience flooding-related damage.

According to official Dmitry Peskov, President Putin had instructed the rulers of Tyumen and Kurgan in Siberia to make for “expected sharp increases in ocean levels” and “inevitable” floods.

Russian officials announced on Saturday that they had evacuated about 4,500 people from the Orenburg place in the Orsk area.

During a visit to Orsk on Sunday, Russian Emergency Situations Minister Alexander Kurenkov, warned that” a critical position” had developed after a bridge was breached on Friday.

Over the next three days, the East river in the area of Orenburg may have harmful water levels, according to Russia’s climate monitor.

The flood’s “peak” is expected on Tuesday, according to local authorities, and it should start to calm down after April 20.

However in Kazakhstan, the emergency department said on Sunday that some 12, 000 persons were being housed in temporary shelters.

According to the report, volunteers claimed they even succeeded in moving about 60, 000 farm creatures to secure locations.

It was the worst pure disaster to strike Kazakhstan for 80 years, according to President Kassym- Jomart Tokayev on Saturday.

Mr. Tokayev stated in a televised address to the nation that the government had intensified efforts to reduce the effects of the storms and that all necessary assistance may be provided.

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