6m yaba pills seized after gunfight in Chiang Dao

6m yaba pills seized after gunfight in Chiang Dao
After an exchange of gunfire at a village in Chiang Mai’s Chiang Dao district on Saturday, soldiers examine rucksacks containing a total of 6 million yaba ( methamphetamine ) pills. ( Photo by Panumate Tanraksa )

Following a simple shootout in the northern county of Chiang Mai, troops in Chiang Mai have discovered 6 million meth pills left by smugglers.

On Saturday evening, troops from the Chaiyanuparb Special Task Force and the 2nd Cavalry Company spotted a group of 15 to 20 suspected drug riders carrying modified backpacks while they were patrolling the streets of the tambon Muang Na community.

The men were ordered by the police squad to quit for a research, but they were immediately met with gunfire. Before the defendants fled the scene, the two sides exchanged shots for about 10 minutes. No men were injured, said Col Weerachai Pongkaew, captain of the Chaiyanuparb specific task force. &nbsp,

30 rucksacks were discovered in different locations about a 300 meter radius of the collision site, about 20 kilometers from the Thai-Myanmar border. Each handbag contained 200, 000 cocaine pills.

The work force was informed that smugglers did transport the medication to various provinces along a path near Pa Bong Ngarm village, according to Col. Weerachai. About 3 kilometers from the location of the fight, it was believed that the pick-up location was on a public path.

According to Col Weerachai, the task force would expand patrol and inspection areas as a result of intelligence reports that showed drug traffickers were still moving despite the cloudy season’s onset, which has recently caused numerous clashes.