Who really shot down Russia’s IL-76 plane? – Asia Times

Who ordered the shootdown has been seriously questioned as a result of the IL- 76 shooting. Was Kyrylo Budanov in any way involved in the shootdown, which was ordered by Ukrainian military intelligence ( GUR)?

A Russian IL-76 transportation plane was likely shot down over the Belgorod place on January 24 as it was descending to property. According to videos and photos, the plane was probably less than 5,000 feet in the air when two missiles struck it, one of which destroyed an motor on the left side. In addition, &nbsp,

According to Russian reports, the pilots had difficulty bringing the aircraft along apart from populated areas.

The Belgorod region has often come under attack from Russian artillery, drones, and missiles. The majority of these procedures have been carried out by Russian Spetsnaz forces led by Budanov and under the direction of Ukrainian military knowledge.

After General Valerii Zaluzhny was fired by Zelensky ( confirmed on February 2 ), Budanov was asked to assume general command of all of Ukraine’s armed forces this week.

There are four airplane vehicles in the Il-76. The aircraft performs numerous civil functions in addition to being a workhorse for the Russian defense fleet. In addition, &nbsp,

The aircraft was flying over Russian country, but not too far from the Ukrainian-Ukranian borders. It was touching down at a Belgorod airport that had been shut down due to its risk to missile and drone attacks as well as outside Ukrainian air defense systems.

Ukrainian POWs ‘ transport plane transfers were announced by the Russians 15 days prior to their appearance in Belgorod and notification by Ukrainian officials. Ukraine claims it did n’t hear anything from Russia.

65 of the 74 people on board the plane were POWs from Ukraine, the planes and staff, and Russian officials in charge of organizing the planned prisoner exchange. All 74 died.

Vladimir Putin, the president of Russia, first asserted that either US Patriot missiles or a European missile ( later known as the SAMP-T air defense system ) struck the IL-76.

The Russians found parts of US-made Patriot missiles, including serial numbers, as they gathered information, but they did not find any European rockets. The missiles are known as MIM- 104A, an earlier Soldier missile that was produced in the early 1980s, according to nbsp.

A Patriot weapon fragment was found among the Il-76 wreckage. Raytheon is plainly marked on one of the components. Sputnik photo

Two Soldier missiles were fired, according to France&nbsp. The Patriot sensor was merely activated at the last minute, according to the European, as reported by the Associated Press, to avoid any early warning that the Russian transportation would be targeted by missiles.

The Ukrainian Patriot cell was situated close to even older Patriot missiles in the Liptsy area of the Kharkov Region of Ukraine.

A minute Il-76 may have been on its way to the Russians, but it turned around after the first plane was shot down.

Since the procedures were over Belarusian place and the Ukrainians were aware of the flights, the Russian Air Force did not provide any warrior support for either aircraft.

According to Russian options, the Patriot cannot be operated by Ukrainians. Rather, they assert that Americans are in charge of, support, and maintain the Patriot.

According to the Russians, Ukraine lacks skilled workers and is struggling to manage the heavy loads of sophisticated Western technology that have been sent there.

An international analysis has been requested by President Putin. Do the US take part in any inquiries? &nbsp: The US has not made a speech, but it is extremely improbable that it would take the chance of becoming involved in any investigation.

Since any exploration had cast doubt on the chain of custody, there is a clear issue with the evidence. &nbsp, On the other hand, the Russians possess some crucial data that extends beyond the Patriotic components they claim to include recovered. &nbsp,

They also know the launch site for the two Patriot weapons, have detector songs for them, and may even be familiar with the providers ‘ names. The Russians have also found body parts, some of which have tattoos, DNA matches, or defense and POW records. &nbsp,

Some studies claim that they can now account for every deceased person. Ukraine has claimed that the Il-76 could not have transported as some captives, so this is significant.

Ukraine claims it is requesting that Russia hand over the body to it. The Ukrainian expectations have not been met by Russia. As of February 2, Russia and Ukraine have completed another slave swap.

Ukraine claims that the Russians shot down their personal aircraft in an effort to place the blame on Kiev. The shootdown brings up a number of crucial issues. The following should be looked into in any research:

1. Russia asserts that it sent Ukraine advice based on its essence. Who received it, when, and what steps did Ukraine get after receiving the alleged warning?

2. In previous slave markets, were notifications sent from one side to the other to prevent any errors that might occur?

3. Who was in charge of the Patriot structure that faced Belgorod, what were their orders, and how were they carried out?

4. Is there any proof that Ukraine gave up its Hostages for political reasons?

5. 5. Near Belgorod, were Americans in charge of the Patriot program? If so, were they uniform American workers or contractors? Do Americans operate additional Patriot techniques in Kiev, for instance?

6. Who do they report to if there were American users? What US norms govern how employees or contractors conduct business?

7. Was the shootdown a result of Ukrainian defense knowledge? Given that Kyrylo Budanov, the mind of Ukraine’s defense knowledge, is in charge of this group known for killings and attacks inside Russia, it is crucial to understand their probable roles. President Zelensky has asked Budonov to succeed Zaluzhny.

Stephen Bryen held the positions of assistant secretary of security for policy and staff chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee’s Near East Subcommittee. This content was originally posted on his&nbsp’s Weapons and Strategy and is being republished with his authority.