Water in recyclable cartons, cups that will be turned into fertiliser: F1 Singapore GP races towards sustainability

SINGAPORE: Competition during the Formula One Singapore Grand Prix (GP) this year will not just be on the race track, but also in sustainability ratings.

Organisers of the event aim to make Singapore feature among the most environmentally sustainable street circuits on the race calendar by the end of the Singapore GP’s seven-year term with F1.

To that end, there will be an audit on the event’s carbon footprint for the first time.

“This is the first year that we’re holding ourselves fully accountable by doing a carbon footprinting report. This is in hopes of developing a plan that will assist us to reach our goal of being one of the most environmentally sustainable street circuits by the end of the seven-year term,” Singapore Grand Prix director of sustainability Sasha Rafi told CNA.

The organiser’s efforts are in line with F1’s goals. In 2019, F1 launched a countdown to reaching net-zero carbon by 2030 and hosting sustainable races by 2025.

Based on a report released by F1 in 2019, the total emission of a single season is estimated to be more than 256,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide – about the same amount emitted by some entire countries.

The biggest culprit is logistics. Transporting all the vehicles and equipment around the world accounts for almost half of total emissions, followed by business travel associated with the sport and F1-related factories and facilities.


In Singapore, among the initiatives this year is the sale of water in recyclable cartons instead of single-use plastic bottles. There will also be 17 water refilling stations, more than double that of previous years.

Single-use plates and cups available at the event will also be different from the typical ones that are known to leave a larger carbon footprint.

Instead, the disposable tableware – made with plant-based material and provided by local startup TRIA – will be collected after use and converted into fertiliser.

“It is digestible, it can be broken down. So we further put it through our digestion technology, we can accelerate the pace rapidly, to the extent (it) can be turned into fertiliser,” said TRIA’s chief executive Ng Pei Kang.

Fertiliser producer Yara International is exploring ways to make TRIA’s fertiliser suitable for use in farming. Given that the firm’s organic fertiliser is low in nutrient density, it needs to be mixed with chemical fertiliser to give it value in the agricultural industry.

Mr Werner Prinsloo, director of Sustainability & Food Chain in Africa & Asia at Yara International, explained why his firm is eyeing TRIA’s fertiliser.

“There is no need to separate anything. And that allows us to have a more consistent organic mineral fertiliser in the end. So it’s just really the ease of use and the fact that they are truly a circular packaging company,” he said.

The food and beverage kitchens in the circuit are also going green. Used cooking oil from the event will be collected and converted into a cleaner form of fuel, which will then be trialled to power a generator this year.