US firm sued by man fired ‘for speaking in Hindi’

US firm sued by man fired 'for speaking in Hindi'
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A US defense firm has been sued by an Indian-American expert who claims that the company fired him after a coworker overheard him speaking in Hindi in the office.

Anil Varshney has accused Parsons Corporation of” unlawful unfair behavior” in a lawsuit brought in an Alabama judge.

He claims that the coworker falsely reported him for breaking” security rules” while he was speaking to a dying family in India.

The accusations have been refuted by Parsons.

In a statement shared with the BBC, it stated that” Mr. Varshney was terminated following some security violations, including using Facetime on his individual phone in an official site where such activities are prohibited and pose threats to national safety.”

The” set of documented improper conduct ,” the company continued, violated both corporate and governmental regulations.

US Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin is named as the legal representative for the nation’s Missile Defence Agency( MDA ) in the lawsuit, which was filed in Alabama ‘ Northern District.

Mr. Varshney, 78, is accused in the case of working at Parsons from July 2011 to October 2022.

According to the report, he was speaking to his dying brother-in-law” for nearly two minutes” in an empty office cubicle in September of this year when a coworker noticed him and reported him to company officials.

Mr. Varshney claims that he checked to see if there were any” defined materials or anything else pertaining to the MDA or Parsons’ work somewhere near him” before accepting the phone.

However, he claims that the firm accused him of committing” a major security assault” and fired him in October despite the fact that there was no legislation prohibiting the contact and no investigation.

It continues,” Worse, they blackballed him from future [ MDA ] work, effectively putting an end to his career and life of service to MDA and the US government.”