US ambassador promotes informed election reporting

The studio teaches Thai reporters about the process of reporting on US elections.

US Ambassador Robert Godec speaks at the opening of a workshop on US presidential elections for Thai journalists on Saturday. (Photo supplied)
US Ambassador Robert Godec addresses Thai reporters at the start of a factory on US national elections on Saturday. ( Photo supplied )

According to US Ambassador Robert Godec, Thai advertising will be key in fostering informed conversation about the US presidential elections and educating the Thai government about how the US political system operates in Thailand.

In a press conference on Saturday, Mr. Godec stated that the program was crucial given the rapidly spreading nature of fake information and disinformation and those who want to undermine democracy around the world.

” Your function as reporters, upholding accurate monitoring and championing transparency, is therefore more important and important than ever for democracy”, he said.

He claimed that editors are crucial to ensuring clarity in a republic, especially during crucial times like elections.

So take the time to verify information with trustworthy sources, including by contacting the embassy’s press team, who can respond to your questions or direct you to if something does n’t seem right, he said.

He asserted that politics may be taken for granted. Citizens who are informed of their political system, its methods, and their rights may be their guardians, he said, and keep it up.

In addition to the factory, Mr. Godec met a group of 42 Thai editors who wanted to learn more about the US presidential election and its political process.

The United States Embassy and the Thai Journalists Association simultaneously held the factory.

Individuals had the opportunity to learn more about US primaries and how to write better reports on the subject.

Asked how the 2024 vote, which will be held on Nov 5, may affect Thai-US relationships and Southeast Asia as a whole, Mr Godec said the foreign policy of the US government could change between various political services.

But, the guiding rules of US foreign policy remain constant: development of surveillance, politics, growth and advancement in the US and around the world, he said.

He claimed that the Indo-Pacific area has been the center of the country’s coordinated improvement in all of these areas.

Thailand, which has a relationship that dates back two decades and has always been and will continue to be a crucial lover, is the United States ‘ first friend in the area, he said.

The studio, according to Anucha Charoenpo, a TJA vice-president in charge of foreign affairs, aims to aid Thai journalists in understanding the effects of US votes on policy. The outcome of the election did change Thailand, he said.

” I hope this factory will serve as a catalyst for promoting more assistance in a wide range of issues in the future,” he said. I want to thank the US Embassy in Thailand for organizing such a valuable and experienced workshop for Thai reporters.