Tighter asylum deportation rules take effect in Japan

On Monday ( Jun 10 ), Japanese laws enforcing new laws that make it easier for the country to deport failed asylum seekers were implemented, with campaigners warning that the new system will put lives in danger.

The small amount of hospital applications that the world’s fourth-largest market accepts has long been criticized. Last year immigrant reputation was granted to a report 303 people, mainly from Afghanistan.

Under changes to immigration laws passed last year, the state is now able to deport asylum applicants who have previously been rejected three days.

Prior to now, those seeking refugee position had been allowed to stay in the country while making appeals, regardless of the number of attempts attempted.

Justice Minister Ryuji Koizumi stated in May that the revised legislation “helps lower long-term punishments and helps to arrest those without permission to stay.”

” Those who need security will be protected, while those who violate the rules will be dealt with sternly”, he added.

Critics have expressed concern about the impartiality of Japan’s screen procedure, warning that the new regulations may raise the possibility of candidates facing repatriation.

The Japan Association for Refugees stated on social media platform X that they are “deeply concerned that the police of this law does allow refugees who have fled to Japan to be deported and endanger their lives and safety.

Otherwise, the group demanded that a “fair” system be put in place that “protects asylum applicants in Japan according to foreign standards.”

More than 2, 000 Russians were residing in Japan as of May under a unique arrangement that classified them as “evacuees.”