The Singaporean actress-playwright who married an ex-offender at 47: ‘There’s no expiry date to finding love’


Since she was in her mid-thirties, Aidli has been in a committed connection for 11 years. She had wanted to move forward with her relationship, but her ex-partner kept delaying.

” I reflected, we’ve come this way. Marriage is merely the final step in making something “halal” ( permissible under Islamic law ) and legal. She told CNA Women,” But he kept telling me that marriage is certainly essential.

Eventually, she made the decision to end it during the circuit breaker. She recalled, adding that she had been unhappy in the relationship,” When we were stuck together, I was like I ca n’t do this anymore.”

Her father quickly reminded her that she was 46 at the time, which is not the easiest years to re-enter the dating scene.

You’re no fresh, he said. I do n’t believe you will be successful in returning to the dating scene. I did, in fact, believe him at one place, she acknowledged.

There were others in her immediate vicinity who shared this opinion. ” Some people would say,” Serious, ah?” when they heard I was going on the date. How old are you now? No needed, lah!”