Dental cap ‘violates’ rights

Dental cap 'violates' rights
Children and the elderly can receive free medical care from a smart dental unit in Lumpini Park. ( Photo of the file: Pattanapong Hirunard )

The Social Security Office ( SSO ) is allegedly violating human rights by imposing a 900 baht cap on dental treatment costs per person per year, according to the National Human Rights Commission ( NHRC ) on Sunday.

After receiving a problem from one insurer in January 2023 that the policy cap of 900 ringgit is lower than that under the “gold cards” general wellbeing scheme and condition official welfare, the NHRC started an inspection.

According to Supatra Nacapew, a representative of the NHRC, the quantities are inadequate and do not cover all treatments. The Social Security Committee established a 900 baht annual coverage cap for check-ups and medical exams for each protected person in 2016.

However, according to Ms. Supatra, that amount is insufficient for necessary medical treatment, which is causing a rise in the number of patients with serious medical conditions.

According to the National Health Service Act of 2002, everyone has a fundamental right to equal access to public health service of the same normal.

According to the NHRC, the legislation is in accordance with the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights as well as the global covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights.

Basic oral fees are typically more than 900 ringgit at the majority of privately run clinics, according to Ms. Supatra. Prices for teeth whitening range from 900–1, 800 ringgit, tooth fillings from 800–1 500 Baht; tooth extraction from 2000–2 000 BaH; and impacted teeth removal from 2, 500–4, 500BAH.

The costs that can be reimbursed do not include several medical services, such as X-rays, medication, and oral equipment, while those costs are covered by the golden card program and state recognized welfare.

According to Ms. Supatra, the security account committee and health committee agreed at a meeting on human rights protection on January 30 that the regulation should be revised to lower the ceiling for medical claims. According to the National Health Security Act, the conference also urged the commission and the office to permit insureds to enroll in the gold card program.