Team Singapore among delegations at Winter Games from tropical, desert climates 


With winter activities being a topic area in Singapore, educators have had to be found elsewhere. &nbsp,

For example, Singapore’s short track manager, Zhao Yanzhi, who is from China, has been training the staff since 2019.

A short-track speed skating competition involves running around an oval-shaped ice record in spring.

” Singapore’s improvement in skating is very good. In Singapore, there will be a fresh ice arena in two years. I hope the leaders will help them and offer them more support”, she said. &nbsp,

Feng Tianwei, a three-time Olympic medalist in table tennis, made it clear that a nation like Singapore must overcome obstacles in order to thrive in winter activities.

We have considered several options and made several efforts to send them abroad for education and contests so that they can spend more time on the ice and snow and have more possibilities to compete.

Since the only Olympic-sized ice arena in Singapore was shut down in 2023, according to the national ice hockey team’s captain, regular education must be conducted across the border. &nbsp,

” It’s a commitment to travel to Malaysia every trip and to be in the traffic jam,” he told CNA.” The entire walk takes us six days only to go for the one-hour training.”

He added that the group often travels to Thailand to play in games and teaching tents.

When China’s Xi Jinping inaugurated the Harbin Games, he demanded that Asia work together to promote winter activities in the area. This is because the nation has been actively promoting the status of these sports, which have historically been dominated by American countries. &nbsp,