Why China’s productivity keeps slowing down – Asia Times

China’s market is having major issues. Despite the country’s dominance of international manufacturing, its existing criteria are starting to dwindle at a level much below that of developed countries.

China’s growth has slowed down dramatically, from around 6.5 % before the pandemic to 4.6 % now, and there are credible signs that even that number is&nbsp, seriously overstated. Notice this, this, this and this on the topic. I believe that all cited here is generally in agreement.

But in the history, China has another issue that’s weighing on its people’s wealth and even making it harder to answer to the economic crisis. This is the issue of&nbsp, severely lower productivity growth.

I don’t quite believe the official numbers that say China’s total factor productivity ( TFP ) has &nbsp, fallen&nbsp, over the past decade and a half, but it’s undeniable that it has grown much more slowly than in previous periods.

Why? After the global financial crisis of 2008, Paul Krugman factors to a regional shift toward real house, an economy with slower productivity growth. I think that’s surely a part of the story, but perhaps not all of it.

In a post from 2022, I looked at the different possible causes of China’s productivity growth declining long before it reached rich-world living requirements.

But in light of China’s recent challenges, which have only gotten worse in the adjacent 2.5 years, I thought it might be useful to publish it today. I believe what I wrote is fairly solid.

Reading books about China’s market from before 2018 or until is always a fascinating experience. But some world-shaking events have changed the history since then — Trump’s trade conflict, Covid, Xi’s business reprisals, the real estate bust, shutdowns, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Reading predictions of China’s evolution from before these events occur is similar to reading sci-fi from 1962.

When I started&nbsp, China’s Economy: What Everyone Needs to Know®, by the veteran economic consultant Arthur Kroeber, I was prepared for this surreal effect. After all, it was published in April 2016— not the most opportune timing. So I was surprised by how significant the book still felt.

Most of the book’s explanations of aspects of the Chinese economy — fiscal federalism, urbanization and real estate construction, corruption, Chinese firms ‘ position within the supply chain, etc. — are either still highly relevant, or provide important explanations of what Xi’s policies were reacting against. Dan Wang was not wrong&nbsp, to recommend&nbsp, that I read it.

But&nbsp, China’s Economy&nbsp, is still a book from 2016, and through it all runs a strain of stubborn optimism that seems a lot less justifiable six years later.

Most crucially, while Kroeber acknowledged many of China’s economic challenges — an unsustainable pace of real estate construction, low efficiency of capital, an imbalance between investment and consumption, and so on — he argued that China would eventually overcome these challenges by shifting from an&nbsp, extensive growth model&nbsp, based on resource mobilization to one based on greater efficiency and productivity improvements.

This was made known despite his acknowledgment of the fact that Xi’s policies so far didn’t seem to be up to the challenge of reviving it because productivity growth had already slowed well before 2016 and that he had acknowledged this.

Productivity growth is the underlying thread that has connected the Chinese economy’s entire history since 2008 in many ways. According to Basic Economic Theory, eventually the growth benefits of capital accumulation hit a halt and need to be improved to maintain growth.

Some countries, like Japan, South Korea, Singapore, and Taiwan, have done this successfully and are now rich, others, like Thailand, failed to do it and are now languishing at the middle-income level. For several decades, Chinese productivity growth looked like Japan’s or Korea’s did. However, it changed slightly before Xi took office, making it appear a little more Thailand-like. Here’s a graph from&nbsp, a Lowy Institute report:

Source: &nbsp, Lowy Institute

In fact, the Lowy Institute’s numbers are more optimistic than some other sources. According to the Penn World Tables, China’s overall factor productivity has increased by about 0 or less since 2011.

And&nbsp, the Conference Board agrees.

Personally, I suspect these sources probably&nbsp, underestimate TFP growth&nbsp, ( for all countries, not just for China ). However, even Lowy’s more accurate figures reveal a significant deceleration in the 2010s. If this productivity slump persists, it will be very difficult for China to grow itself out of its problems — such as its&nbsp, giant mountain of debt&nbsp, — in the next two decades.

Then, why has China’s productivity increased so slowly? There are several compelling reasons for Xi to make a change, and each of them has significant implications.

The first reason, of course, is that China had several tailwinds that were helping them become more productive, and these are mostly gone now.

Reason 1: Hitting natural limits

Simply put, China’s productivity increased as a result of their geographic isolation from the technological frontier. When you don’t even know how to do fairly simply industrial processes, it’s pretty easy to learn these quickly.

China imported basic foreign technology by insisting that foreign companies set up local joint ventures when they invest in China, by sending students overseas to learn in rich countries, by reverse-engineering developed-country products, by acquiring foreign companies, etc. Also by industrial espionage, of course, but there are lots of above-board ways to absorb foreign technology too.

The problem is, this has limits. The technologies you need to learn to keep growing productivity quickly increase as you get near the finish line; this is not something you can easily learn from taking classes or looking at blueprints. Companies guard these higher-level secret-sauce technologies much more carefully.

For instance, China has had trouble developing its own fighter jets because only a few companies in a few countries are aware of the metallurgy to create the specialized jet engines that enable modern top-of-the-line fighters. So it becomes necessary to start creating your own products as foreign technology becomes more and more difficult to absorb.

A second tailwind was demographics. Everyone talks about China’s unusually high demographic dividend in terms of labor input ( when there are many young people with few elders or children to care for ), but it’s also likely to be a factor in productivity. &nbsp,

Maestas, Mullen &amp, Powell ( 2016 ) &nbsp, shows a negative relationship between population age and productivity at the US state level, while&nbsp, Ozimek, DeAntonio &amp, Zandi ( 2018 ) &nbsp, find that the same is true at the firm level. The mechanism is unknown, but the pattern is pretty robust. In any case, China’s population reached its highest point in terms of working-age as a percentage of the total ( and quickly reached its absolute peak ) in 2010:

A third tailwind for productivity was rapid urbanization. Simply moving people from low-productivity agricultural work to high-productivity urban manufacturing work, as Arthur Lewis&nbsp, is a well-known fact, increases productivity a lot. Another factor that increases productivity is agglomeration economies.

And economists believe that China reached its” Lewis turning point” right around 2010 when there was no longer any surplus agricultural laborers moving to the cities. China, of course, also unnecessarily reduced urbanization by using its hukou ( household registration ) system to prevent migrant laborers from settling permanently in cities. However, in any case, this tailwind also appears to be over.

Three significant tailwinds that were causing China’s productivity growth over the past ten years have probably dried up. And Xi Jinping or any other leader has no real authority over that. However, there are probably other factors that could be more helpful for policy adjustments that are dragging China’s productivity growth down as well.

Reason 2: Low research productivity

One thing you can do is to invent your own if you are unable to import foreign technology any longer. In fact, this is a good thing to do even if you&nbsp, do &nbsp, import foreign technology, since companies should create new products and new markets instead of just aping foreign stuff. In fact, China has been investing a lot more in research and development in recent years. Here’s a chart&nbsp, from the blog Bruegel:

Source: Bruegel

Unfortunately, research&nbsp, input&nbsp, doesn’t always lead to research&nbsp, output. A&nbsp, 2018 study by Zhang, Zhang &amp, Zhao&nbsp, finds that Chinese state-owned companies have much lower R&amp, D productivity than Chinese private companies, which in turn have much lower productivity than foreign-owned companies. And&nbsp, a 2021 paper by König et al. &nbsp, finds that while R&amp, D spending by Chinese companies does appear to raise TFP growth, the effect is quite modest:

Source: &nbsp, König et al. ( 2021 )

In other words, a lot of this spending is being done by state-owned companies that are just throwing money at “research” because the government tells them to, but not really discovering much. The authors point to the misallocation of resources as a major contributor to low R&amp, D productivity. They also point out that some businesses simply reclassify regular investment as” R&amp, D” to profit from tax breaks ( note that this is done everywhere ).

What about university research? This is a crucial component of how the US maintains its technological edge. And China has indeed been throwing huge amounts of money at university research, such that its expenditure&nbsp, now nearly rivals that of the US&nbsp, China recently passed the US in terms of&nbsp, published scientific papers, including&nbsp, highly cited papers.

However, the quality of this study has been questioned. Despite all this publication activity and all this money, Chinese universities are frequently found to be not the leaders in most areas of research.

Basically, the story is that Chinese scientists are under tremendous pressure to publish a ton of crappy papers, which all cite each other, raising citation counts. In the words of Scientific American, this has led to” the proliferation of research malpractice, including plagiarism, nepotism, misrepresentation and falsification of records, bribery, conspiracy and collusion”.

Therefore, the low productivity of Chinese R&amp, D may contribute to the reason why domestic innovation hasn’t surpassed foreign technology absorption.

Reason 3: Limited export markets

I’m a big fan of the development theories of Joe Studwell and Ha-Joon Chang, as everyone who reads this blog will be aware of. A pillar of the Chang-Studwell model is the idea of “export discipline“.

Basically, when companies venture out into global markets, they encounter tougher competition and also ideas for new products, new customers, and new technologies. This raises their incentive ( and their ability ) to import more foreign technology, and in general makes them more productive and innovative.

After the global financial crisis of 2008 and the recession that followed, the US wasn’t able to absorb an ever-expanding amount of imports from China. So Chinese exports to the US market&nbsp, slowed in the 2010s, and then Trump’s trade war slowed them even more. China’s exports to the EU&nbsp, rose a bit, but not that much.

Developed-country markets simply became saturated with Chinese goods, and there wasn’t much more room for expansion. Although developing nations are reportedly purchasing more Chinese goods, they lack the purchasing power of the wealthy nations. Since the mid-2000s, China’s exports as a percentage of GDP have actually decreased significantly:

Many people ( including Kroeber ) talk about this as a shift from export-led growth to growth led by domestic investment. And so it is. But if productivity benefits from exporting, then this is also a challenge for long-term growth, because there’s less opportunity for export discipline to work its magic.

This may be one factor in the decline in growth for large nations compared to smaller ones. When you have 1.4 billion people, than when you only have 50 million, as South Korea does, because the world is suffocated with your exports, which is much harder to be an export-led economy.

Which raises the question of why the US is so productive, even more productive than the majority of the rich and productive East Asian nations. Consumption might have a role in that.

Reason 4: Not enough consumption

The US has a very large economy that is geographically dispersed from the majority of the world’s major economies. This explains why the US has a very low&nbsp, amount of trade relative to GDP&nbsp, — just 23 %, compared to 81 % for Germany and 69 % for South Korea.

However, the US has a highly productive economy, surpassing that of all but a few small wealthy nations. Exports undoubtedly contributed to the US’s expansion, but in large part it was just selling itself.

As the chart above shows, China increasingly does the same. But unlike the US, China’s domestic economy is heavily weighted towards&nbsp, investment in capital goods &nbsp, — apartment buildings, highways, trains, and so on. China’s final consumption is&nbsp, only 54 % of GDP, compared to over 80 % in the US.

And private household consumption accounts for&nbsp, only 39 % of China’s GDP, compared with 67 % in the US. China is undoubtedly in a later stage of development, but Kroeber points out in his book that even nations like Japan and South Korea had significantly higher consumption shares at comparable stages of their own growth stories.

Usually this gets discussed in the context of “imbalances”. But what if it also affects productivity? Consumers have a preference for differentiated goods that spurs companies to develop new products, increase quality, offer new features, and so on.

The strategy professor&nbsp, Michael Porter argues&nbsp, that when companies compete by differentiating their products instead of simply competing on costs, it results in higher value-added — in other words, it makes them more productive.

Over the past decade, China has been building a lot of buildings and a lot of infrastructure. But it hasn’t been developing a lot of innovative and high-quality cutting-edge consumer products. Unintentionally, various government initiatives that divert resources from domestic investment to domestic consumption may be reducing Chinese productivity.

And the biggest such policy might be macroeconomic stabilization.

Reason 5: Macroeconomic stabilization

It’s important to stabilize the economy. Recessions cause many people to lose their jobs and cause a lot of suffering, and they most likely also cause underinvestment in businesses. They can damage the cohesion of entire societies. In 2008-11, the US learned this lesson the hard way when our insufficient fiscal stimulus caused a recession that was longer and more painful than it had to be.

But there may be such a thing as too much stabilization. As&nbsp, I explained in a post last September, China avoided going into recession both in 2008-11 and again in 2015-16 ( after a big stock market crash ) by pumping money into real estate, via&nbsp, lending by state-controlled banks, &nbsp, often to SOEs&nbsp, and to&nbsp, local governments.

This likely prevented the Chinese economy from experiencing recessions in 2008, 2008, and 2015-16. But it had a big negative effect on productivity growth, for three reasons.

First, SOEs simply aren’t very productive compared to other Chinese companies. Second, the funds were quickly thrown out the window, leaving little time or motivation to determine which projects were worthwhile.

Third, construction and real estate are two key sectors of the economy that have a reputation for having low rates of productivity growth. This last is probably the scariest, as it led China’s economy to be&nbsp, more dependent on real estate&nbsp, than any other in recent memory:

Source: &nbsp, Rogoff ( 2021 )

Anyone who has followed&nbsp, the saga of China’s Covid lockdowns&nbsp, will sense a familiar pattern here. The Chinese government, eager to preserve the appearance of invincibility, often goes overboard in unleashing the tools of control.

Although recessions are not good things, the measures taken by Chinese policymakers to make sure they never had even the slightest recession may have left their economy with a significant hangover from the low-productivity sector.

Will Xi bring back the increase in productivity?

There are many reasons why China’s productivity growth fell to a low level in the 2010s and 2020s.

But speeding it back up again — which every analyst, including Kroeber, seems to recommend — will be no easy task. The negative effects of productivity have vanished. These systems have a way of becoming established, and China’s misallocation of resources toward low-quality research and low-quality real estate industries won’t be easy to reverse.

Xi Jinping, of course, is going to try. Part of his effort consists of&nbsp, industrial policy&nbsp, — the&nbsp, Made in China 2025&nbsp, initiative and the&nbsp, big push for a domestic semiconductor industry. Whether those will bear fruit is still to be seen.

But in the last three years, Xi has undertaken a second, more destructive effort to reshape China’s industrial landscape. He has attacked the industries he doesn’t want, rather than simply boosting the industries he wants. &nbsp,

He has cracked down&nbsp, on consumer internet companies, finance companies, video games and entertainment. And he has attempted to&nbsp, curtail the size of the real estate industry, resulting in a slow-motion crash that ‘s&nbsp, still ongoing.

Essentially, Xi is trying to crush industries he doesn’t like, in the hopes that resources — talent and capital — flow to the industries he does like. This is a new kind of industrial policy — instead of “picking winners”, Xi is stomping losers.

One of the saddest things about optimistic 2016-era analyses like Kroeber’s is how much hope they place in internet companies like Alibaba, Tencent, and Baidu as heralds of a new, more innovative China. Xi has declared that these companies are not, in fact, the future.

However, it’s not at all clear that an economy operates similarly to a tube of toothpaste when resources are squirted out from one end. Do you really believe that starting a semiconductor company rather than an internet company will help you become Emperor Xi’s favor as a budding entrepreneur?

What if he decides next week that he doesn’t need more chip companies and that your business isn’t one of his preferred champions? What if after you get rich and successful, Xi decides you’re a potential rival and appropriates your fortune?

An economy with a leader who consistently destroys businesses and industries he dislikes is inherently risky. Chinese engineers and managers will, indeed, follow Xi’s orders and work in the sectors he wants them to. However, the absence of entrepreneurial spirit and initiative may result in this being a pyrrhic triumph.

In other words, escaping China’s low-productivity-growth trap is going to be tough, and Xi’s strategy doesn’t fill me with a ton of confidence so far.

This&nbsp, article&nbsp, was first published on Noah Smith’s Noahpinion&nbsp, Substack and is republished with kind permission. Become a Noahopinion&nbsp, subscriber&nbsp, here.

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From saunas to success: Lessons for Malaysia’s ecosystem from Finland’s startup & VC journey

  • Govt-entity TEKES was big motivator to Scandinavian world’s success account
  • Malaysia on proper record, won’t take as long as Finland did to reach maturity

In the early 2000s, Finland lacked sufficient private venture capital and angel investment for early-stage startups. TEKES (since rebranded to Business Finland) provided crucial grants, loans, and investments, enabling startups to survive and grow.

From saunas to success: Lessons for Malaysia’s ecosystem from Finland's startup & VC journeyWhen my British university professor gave me a copy of” The Google Story,” twenty years ago, I began my entrepreneurial journey in Helsinki, Finland’s capital. I finished it in one sitting because I was thus captivated by it. I even wanted to own such a business. But people kept telling me:” You are not in Silicon Valley”.

They were correct when they said that Finland hardly had any private money to do high-risk, innovative businesses after the dot com bubbles burst a few years before. Additionally, there was the added problem of looking to global markets from day one because the Finnish business was so small ( only 5 million people ).

20 years after, Finland is now in the lead in terms of personal money in terms of GDP. We have seen rainbows such as Supercell, and Wolt, as well as a good network of Soonicorns quite as Iceye, Swappie. I’m pleased to discover Finland doing well, but since I’m now setting up my business in Malaysia, I can’t help but notice significant similarities between the business ecosystem there that is still developing and the one I saw 20 years earlier.
Looking back, if I was to point out a major catalyst to Finland’s success story of the last 20 years, I would not find any better example than a government-entity called TEKES ( now rebranded to Business Finland ) which would be akin to a modern day Khazanah, although not exactly a sovereign wealth fund.

TEKES, which was funded by Finnish taxpayers periodically, has previously had a significant impact on the development of the business ecosystem in Finland, contributing to a number of positive outcomes that might not have been realized without its existence.

What are some of the main efforts and effects?

1. Kickstarting the Scandinavian business ecology

Initial funding gaps filled: In the early 2000s, Finland lacked adequate private venture capital and angel funding for early-stage companies. TEKES provided critical offers, money, and purchases, enabling businesses to survive and grow.

Encouraging risk taking: By de-risking early-stage development through cash, TEKES encouraged companies to do ambitious jobs, fostering a culture of development and risk taking. Additionally, since 2010, Finland has annually observed the” National Day of Failure” on October 13 to honor the achievements of failed businesses and end the stigma that surrounds entrepreneurs who have previously failed. On this day, you’ll frequently see both recently failed and most successful groups converge on the level and treated to equal respect.

2. Enabling world victory reports

Startups like Rovio and Supercell: Companies such as Rovio ( Angry Birds ) and Supercell ( Clash of Clans ) received support from TEKES during their formative years. Without this money and assistance, their world success stories might not have been feasible.

Greater impact on industries: TEKES-supported startups helped placement Finland as a gateway for gambling and wireless technology innovation.

3. fostering a culture of innovation and individual capital

Support for education: Through funding initiatives like Aalto Entrepreneurship Society, which afterwards founded Slush, TEKES created a new era of tech-savvy business owners.

Innovative mindset: It encouraged Estonian citizens to view entrepreneurship as a practical and prominent career path when formerly working for a huge multinational was the preferred career path.

4. Development of supporting buildings

Startup Sauna and other accelerators and incubators: TEKES provided funding for the establishment of accelerators and incubators, which afterwards became crucial for connecting Scandinavian startups to international networks.

Ecosystem Growth: TEKES ‘ investments in local innovation ecosystems have had a direct and indirect impact on efforts like Slush, one of the largest startup activities ever held worldwide.

5. Attracting international funding

International attention: By nurturing companies with high-growth possible, TEKES made Finland attractive to foreign investors, bringing much-needed walk funds into the ecosystem.

Scaling internationally: TEKES’ programs like the Young Innovative Companies ( NIY ) helped Finnish startups expand globally, making Finland a recognized innovation hub.

Fun truth: my first business, Muxlim, was a member of the TEKES Young Innovative Businesses program, which eventually won the President of Finland’s nomination for internationalization. It enabled us to consider international from first on and lift our ambition&nbsp, to&nbsp, the&nbsp, potential.

6. societal impact and sustainability

Green technology command: TEKES invested considerably in green technologies, making Finland a chief in areas like bioeconomy and solar energy solutions. Malaysia needs to find the strengths-matching niches and work with them until they are powerful worldwide.

Advances with social effect: By supporting education and health technologies, TEKES promoted enhancements that improved the quality of life in Finland and worldwide. Akin to Khazanah’s Dana Impak.

There were so many beneficial outcomes that might not have been possible without TEKES.

Allow me list four of them.

Avoidance of Brain Drain: Without financing and habitat support, Scandinavian talent does had moved abroad in search of better opportunities. Our guest speaker there introduced his talk by saying,” I’m assuming you are all looking to relocate to Singapore eventually,” during a recent trip there with other Malaysian startups.

Gaming Industry Boom: TEKES ‘ funding provided a foundation for Finland’s thriving gaming sector.

Technology Transfer: Without TEKES ‘ assistance, collaborations between academia and industry might not have been as successful.

Innovation Culture: Finland’s transformation into an innovation-driven economy owes much to TEKES ‘ ability to fund high-risk, high-reward projects.

The strategic investments made by TEKES helped to cement Finland’s position as a leader in global innovation, demonstrating its worth as a pillar of the country’s entrepreneurial ecosystem.

Meanwhile, in Malaysia…

Looking back over the past few weeks in Malaysia, I believe there is a missing message in the national conversation. No one is discussing why every country needs to get ready for an innovation-driven future. The job market is about to be drastically disrupted by the advent of AI, automation, and robotics. There will be unheard challenges for people all over the world, not the least of which is the shrinking job market, combined with the overburdened public sector in many nations around the world and the threats of climate change.

Entrepreneurship is key to creating jobs and sustaining in the face of job insecurity, climate displacement, geopolitical tensions, and technological disruption.

Of course, private capital is the ideal driver for innovation. But, based on Securities Comission Malaysia data, early-stage investing has retreated in Malaysia between 2011-2021, while in Finland it grew from US$ 112 million in 2011 to US$ 1.2 billion by 2021.

Sometimes, private capital is too risk-averse, so the government or government linked investment funds need to fill the gap until the ecosystem is stabilized. Nascent ecosystems don’t play by the same rules as developed ecosystems, hence initiatives like Khazanah Dana Impak, Khazanah’s Jelawang Capital venture capital fund of funds initiatives as well as Kumpulan Wang Persaraan ( Diperbadankan ) ( KWAP )’s Dana Perintis ( RM500 million for venture capital funds and direct investments ) and Dana Pemacu ( RM6 billion for private equity ) are critical to provide badly needed growth funds for startups across various stages.

Yes, early-stage investing is risky, and there will be some failures. In light of the changes that our world and the world’s community are facing, the risk of not investing is even greater. So in times like this, we need to be armed with strong ambition, infectious positivity and resourceful execution. I can only say that I think Malaysia is on the right track and that it will take less time to mature than Finland.

Mohamed” Mo” Tarek El-Fatatry is the Soonicorn Collective’s founder, the host of the Soonicorn Nation Podcast, and the founder of ERTH.

Dr. V Sivapalan contributed to the article. He has a Ph. D in Venture Capital from University of Edinburgh, Scotland, is Co-Chairman of Soonicorn Collective and Adjunct Professor in the School of Science and Technology, Sunway University. He is the author of the book Supercharge Your Startup Valuation. Visit his website for more of his writings.

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Tests show high levels of pesticide in fruit

Yet one sample of lion fruit that was qualified natural contained dangerous residues.

Many kinds of fruit are displayed for sale at a market in Bangkok. (Bangkok Post File Photo)
At a business in Bangkok, many different kinds of fruits are available for sale. ( Bangkok Post File Photo )

The Thai Pesticide Alert Network ( Thai-Pan ) randomly tested fruit samples that contained dangerous residues that were above the safety standard, particularly jujubes and oranges.

Thai-PAN representative Prokchol Ousap said on Friday that the system collected 85 specimens of grapes, lion fruit, guava, jujubes and oranges, both imported and internally grown, from supermarkets and new markets across 12 provinces, including Bangkok, Chiang Mai and Rayong from Nov 27 to Dec 11.

She claimed that 419 substances were tested for multi-residue at BVAQ Laboratory in Thailand. She claimed that the study revealed chemical residues that exceeded the safety standard for all fruit types tested.

Also, internally grown fruits were found to contain chlorpyrifos, a dangerous agricultural chemistry that Thailand banned as a Type 4 toxic element, prohibiting its creation, import, export and possession since June 1, 2020, she said.

The results revealed that six tests containing chlorpyrifos at high levels, and that all 15 fruit samples had toxic residues that exceeded the health standard.

For the oranges, three out of the 17 samples had residues within safe limits, while 14 exceeded the safety standard.

Notably, chlorpyrifos was found in four samples, including two domestically grown from Phichit and Chiang Rai and two imported mandarins from China.

In terms of apples, the results revealed that only four samples had pesticide residues, and only one had residues that exceeded the accepted standards. For guava, only one sample was residue-free, while six were within safe limits, and 10 had residues that exceeded the standard.

Two samples had no chemical residue, whereas 15 had toxic residues, of which nine had residues greater than the standard value, including one that had been identified as an organic product with a PGS ( Participatory Guarantee System ) certificate.

According to Ms. Prokchol, Thai-PAN will send the findings to the appropriate government authorities for their analysis of the organic certification standard.

Similar tests were conducted by Thai-PAN in October on Shine Muscat grapes sold in Thailand, and the results were comparable and showed unsafe residue levels.

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Tests show high levels of pesticide

Many kinds of fruit are on sale at a market in Bangkok. (Bangkok Post File Photo)
Numerous different grapes varieties are available for purchase at a business in Bangkok. ( Bangkok Post File Photo )

The Thai Pesticide Alert Network ( Thai-Pan ) randomly tested fruit samples that contained dangerous residues that were above the safety standards, particularly jujube and oranges.

Thai-PAN representative Prokchol Ousap said on Friday that the system collected 85 specimens of grapes, lion fruit, guava, jujube and oranges, both imported and internally grown, from supermarkets and new markets across 12 provinces, including Bangkok, Chiang Mai and Rayong from Nov 27–Dec 11.

She claimed that 419 compounds were tested at the BVAQ Laboratory in Thailand for multi-residue before being tested on the fruit. Pesticide residues were found to be exceeding the health common in all fruit varieties tested during the examination, she said.

Also, internally grown fruits were found to contain chlorpyrifos, a dangerous agricultural chemistry that Thailand banned as a Type 4 toxic element, prohibiting its creation, import, export and possession since June 1, 2020, she said.

The results revealed that six tests containing chlorpyrifos at high levels, and that all 15 fruit samples had toxic residues that exceeded the health standard.

For the oranges, three out of the 17 samples had residues within safe limits, while 14 exceeded the safety standard.

Notably, chlorpyrifos was found in four samples, including two domestically grown from Phichit and Chiang Rai and two imported mandarins from China.

In terms of apples, the results revealed that only four samples had no pesticide residues, and only 13 samples had residues that exceeded the standard values. For guava, only one sample was residue-free, while six were within safe limits, and 10 had residues that exceeded the standard.

The dragon fruit test revealed that two samples had no chemical residue, whereas 15 samples had toxic residues, of which nine had residues over the standard value, including one that had been identified as an organic product with a PGS certificate.

According to Ms. Prokchol, Thai-Pan will forward the findings to the state to review the organic certification standard.

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South Korean ‘cryptocrash’ boss Do Kwon extradited to US

Do Kwon, a North Korean businessman in the field of bitcoin, will be deported from Montenegro after TerraUSD and Luna tokens are no longer available.

For months, the US and South Korea have been seeking Kwon’s extradition, alleging that fraud led to the failure of the company behind the tokens, which sunk some$ 40bn ( £31.7bn ) from investors and rocked global crypto markets.

Since Montenegro has no extradition agreements with the US or South Korea, the case had to be litigated in court.

More than 18 months of decisions and reverses are over with the choice.

” The Minister of Justice, Bojan Bozovic, issued a choice approving the abduction of the accused, Kwon Do Hyung, to the United States of America”, the Ministry of Justice announced said in a speech

According to the statement,” It was determined that the majority of the conditions set forth by law favor the demand for extradition from the competent authorities of the United States of America.”

Kwon also stated that he had consented to being sent to both South Korea and the US.

US regulators charged Kwon and his business Terraform Labs with “orchestrating a multi-billion money crypto asset assets scam” in February.

US Securities and Exchange Commission ( SEC ) Chairman Gary Gensler claimed in a statement at the time that Terraform and Do Kwon failed to provide the public with the full, fair, and truthful disclosure required for a number of crypto asset securities, most notably Luna and TerraUSD.

The US alleges that Kwon consistently misled investors about the security of TerraUSD by making claims that the cryptocurrencies would increase in value.

Despite billion in assets, TerraUSD and Luna went into a death circular in May 2022.

It caused a sell-off in another significant cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin.

In September 2022, Interpol issued a “red see” warrant for Kwon’s incarceration. Before his firm crashed, he fled to Serbia and was taken to Montenegro where he was in Singapore.

Kwon was arrested in March 2023 as he tried to board a trip to Dubai at Podgorica Airport, in Montenegro’s investment.

He was found guilty of forging official records and sentenced to four weeks of prison in Montenegro in June 2023.

The previous financing agent of Terraform Labs, Hon Chang-joon, was extradited to South Korea in February, after serving four months in prison in Montenegro over fraud claims.

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Pikom champions Malaysian talent and innovation on the global stage

  • Achievements emphasize Malaysia’s various talent pool
  • Urges M’sian skill to add international competitions for entry, mentoring &amp, funding

WCIT 2024 Armenia. (Left) - Dr. Sharlene Thiagarajah, CEO of TM Research & Development with Loo Chuan Boon, COO of SIDEC. (Right) - Yanni Xinyan Ching, co-Founder  Entomal Biotech, Khairul Anwar Mohamad Zaki, founder, Pandai Education with WITSA chairman Dr. Sean Siah.

The National Tech Association of Malaysia, or Pikom, has announced that in 2024, Malaysian skills and firms have shown innovation and excellence. Through proper affiliations and involvement in prominent international competitions, the company has positioned Malaysia as a gateway of cutting-edge systems, innovation, and skill.

Alex Liew, president of Pikom, stated:” This is truly a testament to Malaysian businesses and people making ripples in the global technology industry. Pikom is pleased to give them the opportunity to thrive and be proud of their accomplishments.

At the WITSA Excellence Awards 2024 held in Armenia this history October, Malaysia achieved major successes, including:

  • Selangor Information Technology &amp, Digital Economy Corporation receiving the Digital Opportunity/Inclusion Award ( Public Sector ) for its impactful SME Digitalisation programmes.
  • For their mobile intelligent network diagnostic system, Telekom Research &amp, Development Sdn Bhd won the Digital Transformation of the Year ( Private Sector/NGO ) award.

Dr. Sharlene Thiagarajah, CEO of TM Research &amp, Development, expressed her delight in the accomplishment:” This medal reflects our determination to innovation and the transformational power of technology in driving the modern economy and solving real-world challenges”. She also emphasized the worth of WCIT 2024, calling it an amazing software to network with top international technology companies, display innovations, and advance capabilities.

The event even hosted the second WITSA World Cup, a world scale-up pitching competition for which Indonesian businesses Pandai Education and Entomal Biotech were nominated by Pikom after being chosen to win the top two places, defeating 14 other challengers from all over the world. This program provided great global market entry, mentorship, and exposure to business capital for participants. &nbsp,

Entomal Biotech’s Yanni Xinyan Ching commented,” Making it to the last two was a big win for Malaysia as well as for us. Malaysia’s rise as a major technology and innovation hub is evidenced by the recognition of our innovations on such a global scale. And we owe so much to the habitat that has nurtured us—our companies, coaches, and great give support”.

At the ASOCIO Digital Summit in Tokyo, Indonesian technical experts, agencies, and corporations nominated by Pikom were recognised with the esteemed ASOCIO DX Honours for their outstanding contributions to modern change. Award beneficiaries included:

  • Digital state award from the Ministry of Digital
  • Heitech Padu Berhad won the Heitech Padu Berhad Digital Government Award.
  • National Cybersecurity Agency ( NACSA ) – Cybersecurity Award
  • Glocomp Systems ( M ) Sdn Bhd – Cybersecurity Award
  • Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation ( MDEC ) – Public/Private Partnership Award
  • Cyberview Sdn. Bhd. – Smart City Award
  • Outstanding Tech Company Award from VSTECS Berhad
  • EdTech Award from PEOPLElogy Development Sdn Bhd
  • Ms. Catherine Lian of IBM – Women In Tech Award

These honors demonstrate Malaysia’s ability to use modern technology to advance both economically and socially.

In November, at the APICTA Awards 2024 held in Brunei, Malaysia’s contenders continued their successful run, with five firms securing top-three runs and two others earning Merit honours:

  • Winner of Artificial Intelligence Category: myQuickHR Sdn Bhd for HR Avenue ( AI-powered Talent Acquisition solution ).
  • Second Runner-Up for Digital Marketing/Advertising and Marketplaces: CARSOME.
  • Second Runner-Up for Agriculture, Supply and Sustainability: Meraque Services Sdn Bhd for Hybrid AGV- RACE.
  • Following Runner-Up for AI: NEXLAW AI.
  • Second Runner-Up for Senior Student Projects-Solutions: Wesley Methodist School Penang ( International ) for Read Right.
  • Merit for Senior Student Projects-Applications: Foon Yew High School for Obstacle Detection System.
  • Merit for Junior Student Projects: SJKC Yuk Chai for SmartCycle BioFuel.
  • These achievements reflect Malaysia’s different and powerful talent pool, spanning from primary school students to scale-ups, people organizations, and private organisations. Additionally, they highlight the country’s exceptional use of technology in resolving problems in the real world.

A 2025 Call for Action
As it looks ahead to 2025, Pikom invites Malaysian talents, businesses, and innovators to seize the opportunity to participate in global competitions. These platforms not only recognise excellence but also provide unparalleled access to international markets, mentorship, and funding opportunities.

The success of Malaysian businesses and talents on the global stage demonstrates the country’s leadership in technology and innovation. ” Pikom continues to be steadfast in its mission to promote Malaysia’s capabilities and encourage greater participation in international events,” Liew said.

Left to Right: Ong Kian Yew, Pikom, Wan Zailani, Heitech Padu, Stan Singh, ASOCIO chairman-elect, David Wong, ASOCIO past chairman, Catherine Lian, IBM, Anwar Udzir, deputy head of Mission, Malaysian Embassy in Tokyo, Ong Chin Seong, Pikom Immediate past chairman, Soong Jan Hsiung, VSTECS, Alex Liew, Pikom chairman, Kamarul Ariffin, Cyberview and Shafinaz Salim, Cyberview at the ASOCIO Digital Summit Tokyo

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Will China let the yuan go in 2025? – Asia Times

One of the most important questions of 2025 is whether China may degrade the yuan.

Beijing shocked international markets ten years ago with a huge decline in the renminbi exchange rate. Analysts are currently discussing the likelihood that China might withstand a Donald Trump 2.0 administration and its affected business wars with a weaker currency.

Trump’s threat to impose 60 % tariffs on China could stifle an now sluggish economy brought on by a once-in-a-generation home problems.

Weakened retail sales, report youth unemployment, a fast-aging populace and negative forces aren’t helping financial matters. Trump campaign advisors also have plotted moves to devalue the money in order to gain a competitive advantage.

According to scholar Julian Evans-Pritchard of Capital Economics,” This may cause some resistance among these trading partners, who will step in to defend local industries from increased Chinese imports.”

A ruse to yuan the yuan could alter 2025 in unheard way. Of course, betting on a&nbsp, quickly weaker yuan&nbsp, could be a mistake if the last several decades of the Xi Jinping age are any link.

Hedge account bets that Trump may support a strong dollar indicate that he has lost interest in his 2017-2021 name. Finally, Trump vehemently favored a weaker US exchange rate in order to punish China and benefit American companies.

Trump’s abuse on the US Federal Reserve is even worth considering. Trump was angry that his chosen Chairman Jerome Powell continued to support his father Janet Yellen’s price increases earlier in his first word. He browbeat Powell into cutting costs, adding signal in 2019 that the business possibly didn’t want.

On top of the Fed’s broken trust, the US federal debt soared under both Trump and present President Joe Biden. It now exceeds US$ 36 trillion, and the alarming increase is unaffected by any slow.

Add to that the possibility of yet greater political fragmentation when Trump retakes the throne on January 20, 2025. However, Beijing may not be likely to allow the exchange rate to drop too much for at least four factors.

One, a falling yuan might make it more difficult for property developers and highly indebted Chinese companies to pay off their onshore debt. That may improve proxy risks in Asia ‘s&nbsp, biggest market. The last thing Xi wants is to see# ChinaEvergrande trending once more in the internet.

Two, the economic easing needed to sustain the yuan’s decline— especially with the Fed cutting rates, also— could harm Xi’s deleveraging efforts. Xi’s interior group has made significant strides in the past few years in the fight against economic snobbery.

This explains why Xi and Premier Li Qiang have been afraid to permit the People’s Bank of China to cut costs more forcefully, even as China Inc. is under negative pressure.

Three, increasing the dollar’s worldwide use is probably Xi’s biggest economic transformation achievement since 2012. In&nbsp, 2016, China&nbsp, won a place for the renminbi in the International Monetary Fund’s” special&nbsp, drawing&nbsp, right” box joining the dollar, yen, euro and pound.

Since next, the stock’s apply in business and banking has soared. Increased easing then may dent confidence in the yuan, slowing its development to reserve-currency standing.

Four, it may create China a more and controversial issue in US politics only as a truly anti-China administration assumes power. &nbsp,

Trump’s” Tax Man” instincts are all over moves to touch hardliner Peter&nbsp, Navarro, co-author of a text titled&nbsp,” Death by China”, as major commerce director.

The same goes for powerful China writer Marco Rubio being Trump’s secretary of state and adding Robert Lighthizer and&nbsp, Jamieson Greer&nbsp, to Trump’s business negotiation group.

There’s desire that Trump’s pull for Treasury Secretary, Scott Bessent, you persuade the following White House to focus on the art of the package. Trump’s tax discussions are only a negotiating technique, according to the Bessent camp, in order to reach a “grand deal” trade agreement between the Group of Two.

Republicans and Democrats, however, are all in agreement that Trump must be strong with Beijing. Whether China is manipulating the renminbi lower was stoke bipartisan support in Washington.

That is especially true for Team Trump’s tariff-enthusiastic station, which is signaling taxes on Canada, Mexico, and the automobile market in way that are spooking Japan and South Korea.

” Donald Trump’s win … is ushering in a new cycle of stress on the Foreign money”, says Wei He, an scientist at Gavekal Research. What will happen if Trump begins to implement his threats of new tariffs after taking office in January is the main question. In this circumstance, it is highly unlikely that the renminbi will continue to trade at its current level.

After the US began imposing tariffs in 2018, the PBOC allowed a 13 % depreciation of the yuan in order” to partially restore export competitiveness”, He says. Therefore, it is likely that it will allow depreciation once more, especially given the renewed policy emphasis on supporting domestic demand.

To be sure, it’s not the most likely scenario.

Yet “if Trump does start a major trade war, China will, nevertheless, hit back, targeting American companies with interests in China, selling US Treasuries, devaluing the yuan and targeting US exports of agricultural goods”, says Evie Aspinalla, a director&nbsp, at the British Foreign Policy Group think tank. The effects would be significant for global trade. China, if it can, would rather avoid this, but if Trump follows through on his trade rhetoric, a tit-for-tat trade war seems all but inevitable”.

Trump, Aspinalla adds, has been “incredibly forthright throughout … on his views on China, not least in his threats to impose 60 % tariffs on China. China, meanwhile, &nbsp, has pledged to continue to work with the US based on the&nbsp, principles of mutual respect, peaceful co-existence and win-win cooperation, claiming there are’ no winners’ in a trade war. With the&nbsp, Chinese economy&nbsp, already struggling, 60 % tariffs would be crippling and China will be limited in its capacity to respond”.

That threatened tariff maneuver alone, UBS&nbsp, Group estimates, will cut China’s annual growth by more than half – chopping 2.5 percentage points off globe’s top trading nation’s GDP. Due to weak retail spending, property investment, and new home sales, China increased just 4.6 % in the third quarter year over year.

The Xi government’s slow action in resolving the property crisis only increases the chance of an even longer economic issue.

Investors were alarmed to learn that Chinese bank regulators are urging China Vanke Co to disclose their financial exposure in order to assess how assertively Beijing might need to shore up the country’s fourth-largest developer by sales in order to avoid default.

In Hong Kong, New World Development Co, which is exposed to mainland China’s property troubles, is trying to delay some loan maturities. Meanwhile, Parkview Group is seeking buyers for a well-known landmark commercial complex in Beijing.

We believe Vanke could experience a liquidity shortage sooner than expected if there is no turnaround in property sales, asset disposals continue to be slow in a weak property market, and financial institutions start to be more cautious and require additional collateral, according to Jefferies Financial Group Inc. analyst Shujin Chen. We still believe that there is a 50 % chance of a government bailout.

A weakened currency might be a boon. As Raymond Yeung, economist at ANZ Bank, notes, Beijing would probably try to stabilize the yuan instead of an outright devaluation. That could lead to capital outflows in a region on track for its first-ever foreign direct investment loss since 1990.

However, whether Xi launches a surprise yuan trading spree will depend on the president’s upcoming arrival in the White House: Trump, Trump, or Tariff Man, who will spoil a fierce trade war. Only time will tell. However, 2025 has the potential to fundamentally alter foreign exchange markets.

Follow William Pesek on X @WilliamPesek

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Gold rush risk of commodifying nature – Asia Times

A lot more funding is absolutely necessary to combat climate change and aid in the recovery of character. According to the UN’s State of Finance for Nature record, the world needs to commit an additional US$ 4.1 trillion by 2050 if it wants to meet its weather, biodiversity, and land degradation goals.

With most of the existing funding coming from public sources ( US$ 133 billion ), calls to close the “investment gap” are now focusing heavily on private investments, commonly referred to as green finance. This narrative has such power that it is now widely believed that multinational investors are required to be involved.

There are a lot of activities looking to provide or secure&nbsp, personal investments&nbsp, to recover nature, for example, through coal and wildlife markets. However, a significant threat is being overlooked: when we place a value on something that is naturally given to us, how we relate to it necessarily changes.

This commodification of nature now drives the global market. Food and fuel, for instance, have been bought and sold for millennia. However, we are now extending the reach to formerly untraded natural resources like coal and biodiversity.

These elements of nature can be altered by this approach. For example, while we may have previously felt morally compelled to protect a particular species or habitat, our motivations perhaps shift to” conservation because it makes a profit” after that kind of nature is commercialized.

The UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres articulated this worldview at the launch of a&nbsp, State of Finance for Nature&nbsp, report in 2021 when he said:” By taking profits of nature-based solutions, we can vastly improve human well-being and prosperity”.

Peat bog with hills in background
There’s coal in them thar bogs. Photo: Joe Dunckley / Shutterstock via The Talk

All this heightens the risk of increased injustice. For example, since only a select few people own most of the nation’s territory, those people will profit from selling carbon credits ( for example, by planting trees or protecting soil wetlands on their land ). This concentrates carbon-based income into one company. ( This is comparable to large property owners being able to charge rents and appoint more wealth )

The notion that nature is something that can be purchased and sold in a market was a European plan before it was adopted by other cultures. These remaining non-Western systems risk being further marginalized as business thinking expands further into the normal world.

The” Mother Earth rules” in Bolivia, for example, enshrines in law the idea that people take care of nature because it is like taking care of family. Tips like this conflict with a world where trees are protected and types are saved because of the money being made.

Despite the existence of proof of the dangers of character commodification, dangerously little attention is being paid to it in the recently launched advocacy for natural finance, which has a new gold rush.

Inherent narrative in favor of commodification

The UK is a good illustration of how the issues of character commodification are ignored as a result of a force for private funding to address the climate and biodiversity catastrophes. In 2023, the then government set a target to stimulate £500 million ($ 626.6 million ) per year of private investment into nature recovery, aiming to increase it to £1 billion ($ 1.25 billion ) per year by 2030 ( there are no signs yet that the Labour government, elected in 2024, will change this strategy ).

However, when we examined 19 coverage and consulting documents that make up this alternative financing strategy, we discovered that they increasingly consider risks in terms of how they affect investors or the market.

There is a lot of discussion about the financial results and the likelihood of consumers losing trust as a result of “greenwashing.” Only one document, a conversation of “natural capital”, provides specific cases of social and cultural threats for remote areas.

Nevertheless, there seems to be an inherent tale in favor of commodification. Critically, it is not that the challenges are unidentified, but the frame remains very business, centering the potential problems for consumers and investors, and not in our relationship with nature.

Red banners are now flashing as more tales emerge about market-based” carbon offsetting” policies that favor large landowners and could lead to more remote inequalities and preventing nearby communities from gaining access to the earnings from wind farms, forests, or peat bogs.

Those who have a vested interest in generating income from dynamics does minimize the commodification debate. And people who are fervently committed to natural healing but frustrated with slow development may unintentionally ignore those same issues.

Nevertheless, if we don’t get the way that personal alternative finance fundamentally alters how we relate to nature, things might get worse.

This is not to reduce the possibility of social initiatives to invest in nature, but merely applying” great standards” will not be enough. We need to ask ourselves whether this is what we really want as a world, and if so, how can we effectively reduce and alleviate those challenges.

Julia Martin-Ortega is doctor at the Sustainability Research Insitute and associate director water@leeds, University of Leeds, Joshua Cohen is research fellow of water and sanitation management, University of Leeds, and Ruth Bookbinder is research brother, University of Leeds

The Conversation has republished this post under a Creative Commons license. Read the original content.

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Hong Kong dollar peg at risk in Trump’s coming fight with China – Asia Times

Under Donald Trump’s coming second administration, Hong Kong may likely play a significant role in the wider industry, security, and political conflict between the United States and China. If therefore, the Hong Kong currency’s clamp to the US franc had come under US fire.

Trump is expected to make a new policy statement regarding Hong Kong-related problems, from the city’s role in assisting Russia in obtaining dual-use Chinese goods and avoiding American restrictions to the detention of pro-democracy activists and politicians to the economic capital’s role in reported money laundering that is against US interests, according to some observers.

Before Trump emphatically won the US presidential election on November 5, the former senator vowed to free Jimmy Lai, a pro-democracy activist and media mogul, from jail. Lai, who stands accused of fomenting Hong Kong’s 2019-2020 turmoil, is obviously one of Beijing’s negotiations cards on the bargaining table between Chinese and US officials. &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp,

Six additional abroad Hong Kong activists were detained on Christmas Eve after their arrest warrants were issued by Hong Kong’s federal security police on the charge of inciting subversion, colluding with international forces, and getting worse. The police also imposed HK$ 1 million ( US$ 128, 425 ) bounties on each of them. &nbsp,

Tony Chung and Chloe Cheung, two young activists, social critics, Victor Ho, a former city councillor, Carmen Lau, and former comedian and performer Joseph Tay are among the six. Ho and Tay are in Canada, and Tay is in the UK.

The six, according to Hong Kong’s Security Secretary Chris Tang, have allegedly violated international law by speaking out, posting on social media, and influencing foreign governments to impose sanctions on Hong Kong authorities and courts.

As of December 25, 19 people have been arrested on suspicion of violating federal safety in Hong Kong.

The Hong Kong government’s “relentless achievement of pro-democracy protesters outside its borders is a overt excess that ignores global standards,” according to Chris Patten, the previous government of Hong Kong and a supporter of United Kingdom-based Hong Kong Watch.

He demanded that the governments of the UK, the US, and Canada “agissent quickly and collectively to protect these campaigners from international persecution, ensuring their protection, and standing strong against Beijing’s attempts to undermine the very political values we hold lovely.”

hub of financial violence

The new arrest warrants does encourage hawkish American politicians to call for more harsh methods, such as the removal of some Hong Kong-based lenders from the SWIFT financial exchange program, which, if implemented, could lead to a de-pegging of the Hong Kong dollars and US buck. &nbsp,

In a letter to US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen in late November, John Moolenaar, president of the US House Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), expressed the agency’s “deep problem” with regard to Hong Kong’s reported “increasing function as a financial hub for cash laundering, sanctions evasion, and other illegal financial activities.

According to him,” Hong Kong has shifted from a trusted global financial center to a crucial player in the deepening authoritarian axis of the People’s Republic of China ( PRC ), Iran, Russia, and North Korea,” following the National Security Law of 2020, which subjected the country to the CCP’s rule. &nbsp,

” We must now question whether longstanding US policy towards Hong Kong, particularly towards its financial and banking sector, is appropriate”.

Moolenaar claimed that the US Treasury has taken preliminary action against businesses based in Hong Kong, where the city has since become a global leader in practices like importing and re-exporting prohibited Western technology to Russia, creating front companies to purchase prohibited Iranian oil, facilitating the trade of Russian-sourced gold, and managing “ghost ships” that engage in illegal trade with North Korea.

He stated that the committee is interested in learning how the US Treasury will combat Hong Kong’s financial system’s financing of money laundering and sanctions evasion.

Jesse Baker, assistant to the US deputy treasury secretary, met with Hong Kong financial institutions, including HSBC, StanChart and Bank of China ( Hong Kong ) in Hong Kong on December 11, warning them not to engage businesses with Russia or help Russia evade western sanctions, Nikkei reported.

In fact, Trump met with his top officials to decide the United States ‘ response after Beijing passed the Hong Kong National Security Law on June 30, 2020. &nbsp,

At the time, Trump had considered forcing an end to Hong Kong’s peg policy, but opted against the move due to commerce and treasury officials ‘ opposition. Instead, he signed an executive order to end Hong Kong’s special status.

The Biden administration has not discussed de-pegging the Hong Kong dollar from the US greenback over the past four years.

In November 2022, markets fretted that Hong Kong’s peg policy would end as the city’s currency had repeatedly touched 7.85 per US dollar, the lower end of the allowed peg range of 7.75-7.85, amid rising US interest rates. &nbsp,

Bill Ackman, a billionaire investor at the time, predicted that the Hong Kong dollar would decline and that its peg to the US dollar would collapse. Boaz Weinstein, a veteran trader, claimed to have a 200-to-1 payoff potential when he bet against the Hong Kong dollar. &nbsp,

De-pegging debate

Some Hong Kong experts said they don’t believe the Taiwan Straits will soon experience a de-pegging unless a sudden war breaks out. However, they did not rule out the possibility of de-pegging in the future.

According to Vincent Lam, a financial columnist and fund manager based in Hong Kong, it’s unlikely that Trump will act to stop the country from using US dollars because this conflicteth with US interests. She noted that Trump has vowed to impose a 100 % tariff on BRIC nations that engage in de-dollarization schemes. &nbsp,

He added, however, that if the Hong Kong government doesn’t improve its balance sheet, it runs the risk of depleting its$ HK$ 550 billion fiscal reserves and will have to abandon its peg policy in the coming years. He claimed that in order to maintain financial stability, Hong Kong can peg its dollar instead to a basket of global currencies.

Allan Zeman, the founder of Lan Kwai Fong Group, stated in a recent interview that the Hong Kong government should have a plan B for its currency peg policy.

He claimed that a peg to the US dollar would hurt Hong Kong’s competitiveness and economy if US inflation and interest rates remained high during the Trump 2.0 era. He claimed that in this situation, a de-pegging might be beneficial for Hong Kong.

In an article, Charles Gave, the founder of the Hong Kong-based Gavekal research group, predicted that Hong Kong might become the potential home for a new international financial system in the coming years. &nbsp,

He claimed that many Asian exporters have kept their income in Hong Kong over the past few years, leading to an increase in the city’s US dollar reserves. He claimed that if these deposits were converted into Hong Kong dollars and lent to Asian nation borrowers, a new pyramid of US dollar-denominated credit would emerge that US authorities would not be able to control. &nbsp,

Hong Kong may represent a new flashpoint in Trump’s fight with China, according to a Bloomberg commentary on December 21. Trump may look into Hong Kong’s peg policy again because he doesn’t like being told he has no say in something.

Yong Jian contributes to Asia Times. He is a Chinese journalist who specializes in Chinese technology, economy and politics.

Read: Call for HK to prepare for possible US sanctions

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