Japan faces slow progress in creating inclusive workplaces, despite push to hire more workers with disabilities

Although organizations like Omron you get government funding to hire and train disabled workers, observers noted that Japan’s progress has been slow in making diverse workplaces.  ,
The private business, on regular, has not reached the target set by the government.  ,
Concerns include the inseparability of the accommodations available to people with disabilities, the inability to accommodate them, and the unwillingness of other staff to welcome them.  ,
According to Ms. Cai Cai, the UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific ( UNESCAP ), the Gender Equality and Social Inclusion Section’s CEO, is necessary for business leaders to change their mindset.  ,
According to Ms Cai, who spoke on CNA’s East Asia Tonight on May 7th, these individuals could be just as effective and contribute to society if given the right support.  ,
” We have observed that many of them have outstanding abilities in fields like skill and information systems, and they are excellent researchers. So it’s necessary to plug into these skills by businesses”, she said.