Turkmenistan is open for business

Western observers are mistaken in their tendency to overlook Turkmenistan, a resource-rich, strategically consequential country that borders such key regional players as Afghanistan, Iran, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan and has a long coastline on the Caspian Sea.  The country serves as one of the most important east-west and north-south transport and logistics hubs in Eurasia.  Oddly, neither […]Continue Reading

Nippon Steel pouring big money into India and Thailand

Nippon Steel and ArcelorMittal, two of the world’s largest steel companies, have turned their attention to India and Thailand amid weakening demand in Japan and the energy crisis in Europe. The ArcelorMittal Nippon Steel India joint venture (AM/NS India) has announced two new initiatives to expand operations in India: New construction and capacity expansion of […]Continue Reading

Digi signs conditional share subscription for equity in DNB

Entered a conditional SSA with DNB for 100,000 new ordinary shares
Upon fulfillment conditions to have 12.5% equity stake in DNB  The board of directors of Digi.Com Berhad (Digi) announced in a filing to Bursa Malaysia that Digi Telecommunications Sdn Bhd (DigiTel) has entered into a conditional share subscription agreement (SSA) with…Continue Reading

Malaysian mobile operators execute share subscription agreements with DNB

MNOs expected to make 5G services available to users from Oct 2022
DNB continues to work towards 80% coverage of populated areas by 2024 Finally. Malaysia’s Digital Nasional Bhd (DNB) announced yesterday that four mobile network operators (MNOs) – Celcom Axiata Bhd, Digi Telecommunications Sdn Bhd, YTL Communications Sdn Bhd (YES), and…Continue Reading

Clock ticking down on US debt time bomb

TOKYO – As milestones go, the US national debt surging past the US$31 trillion mark is especially personal for Haruhiko Kuroda and Yi Gang. The leaders of the Bank of Japan (BOJ) and People’s Bank of China (PBOC), respectively, run the overseas institutions sitting on the largest stockpiles of US government bonds. Japan has $1.23 […]

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