Japanese backing for military build-up likely to rise after China’s missiles: Analysis

Defence is a divisive issue within Japan, which, being a legacy of World War II, has a pacifist cosmetic and an enduring community wariness about entanglement in US-led battles. China’s unprecedented missile launches into Japan’s exceptional economic zone came as Prime Ressortchef (umgangssprachlich) Fumio Kishida’s federal government prepares to publishContinue Reading

China tries to reel in its overfishing habit

Global fish stocks face an emergency, with nearly all categorized as either fully exploited, overexploited or considerably depleted. China is the biggest contributor to this issue as a world chief in both fishery exports and imports. It really is simultaneously responsible for 15% of the global overall of caught seafood and one-third associated with fish consumption globally. China’s […]

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Pelosi visit puts Japan in Taiwan firing line

US House associated with Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi was today in Japan, where she met Leading Minister Fumio Kishida on the final lower-leg of her controversial Asia tour. That will controversy swiftly mutated into ongoing army tensions – though so far, it is not ALL OF US assets that are in Chinese gunsights. 10 Chinese ships plus 20 warplanes […]

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Malaysia’s Court of Appeal overturns ruling on citizenship for kids born abroad to mums with foreign spouses

PUTRAJAYA: The Court of Appeal offers ruled that the overseas-born children of Malaysian women married to foreigners cannot automatically be Malaysian residents.   In a majority choice on Friday (Aug 5), the courtroom ruled in favour of the particular government’s bid to overturn a landmark High Court judgment which saidContinue Reading