Beijing and Washington’s unlikely vaccine cooperation

Since the United States launched an unprecedented trade war against China in 2018, the US-China relationship has soured at an alarming rate. Not even the signing of the Economic and Trade Agreement, also known as the Phase One Agreement, in 2020 was able to boost optimism about the future of bilateral trade relations. Many tariffs that […]

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PM defends ad spending of govt

Best Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha and government authorities on Friday was released in defence of the Office of the Excellent Minister’s spending on ads, after it was positioned 13th out of 20 agencies for most advertisement spending in the country based on a recent poll simply by US-based research firm Nielsen.Continue Reading

PM defends ad spending by govt

Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha and government officials on Friday defended spending by the Office of the Prime Minister on advertising, after it was ranked 13th out of 20 businesses and organisations for the highest ad spending in the country according to a recent poll by the US-based research firm Nielsen.Continue Reading

Truly tasteless: Japan’s plastic food artists get creative

Around 60 sculptures were on display, some silly but others designed to showcase the artists’ solid skills. “They are not actual, but they look therefore real. It’s wonderful, ” said exhibit attendee Reiko Ichimaru. “BURGERS ARE FOR BEGINNERS” All the models were handmade by specialists at Iwasaki Team, Japan’s leadingContinue Reading