Sullivan secures one last Xi-Biden phone call – Asia Times

Jake Sullivan, the US’s national security advisor, managed to call leading Chinese officials during this three-day Beijing trip that ended on Thursday.

According to a statement from the White House, the US and China welcomed continued efforts to maintain open communication, including plans for a telephone call between US President Joe Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping in the upcoming week. &nbsp,

Both sides planned to hold a phone call with the drama captain in the near future and acknowledge the value of regular, continued military-to-military contacts, according to the declaration, which was made available following Sullivan’s meeting with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi in Beijing. &nbsp,

Before this Beijing meet, Sullivan and Wang had met four days – in Vienna, Malta, Washington and Bangkok – over the past 16 weeks. It will likely be the final telephone call between Biden and Xi if they have a conversation in September, before Biden resigns as US President in January. &nbsp,

Post-meeting comments from Beijing and Washington revealed that both factors continue to disagree on issues involving Taiwan, Russia-Ukraine, and South China Sea issues.

On Thursday, Sullivan met with Zhang Youxia, vice president of the China’s Central Military Commission, and Xi, public director of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). &nbsp,

During their meeting, Zhang said,” China has always been committed to maintaining peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait, but ‘ Taiwan democracy ‘ and peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait are incompatible. &nbsp,

The Chinese People’s Liberation Army has the goal and responsibility to promote reunification and to firmly oppose “taiwan independence,” he said. ” The wanton actions of ‘ Taiwan independence ‘ forces may be countered”.

The US may” proper its strategic knowing of China,” he continued,” Return to a logical and rational China policy, respect China’s core interests, work with China to advertise communication and exchanges, and jointly bear the responsibilities of a big power.” &nbsp,

He said the US side had quit colluding with the Taiwan troops, militarizing the area and spreading Taiwan-related propaganda. &nbsp,

Sullivan and Wang met with the White House on Wednesday, and according to a media release from the White House, Sullivan stressed the importance of maintaining peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait. &nbsp,

However, Sullivan told Wang in a statement released by the China aspect that the US does not want to see a new Cold War or China’s system change, and that US alliance regeneration is not directed at China. He said the US does not help” Taiwan freedom” or find conflict with China. &nbsp,

Russian defence industry

Sullivan expressed concerns about China’s support for the Russian defense industry base and its effects on European and transatlantic stability during his conference with Wang on Wednesday. &nbsp,

He stated that the US is ready to defend its allies in the Indo-Pacific and that China’s disruptive actions against Spanish maritime legitimate operations in the South China Sea were worrying. &nbsp,

He added that the US will continue to pursue the necessary steps to stop advanced US technologies from compromising its national security without excessively restricting business or investment.

On August 23, the US Department of State and the US Department of State accused 400 businesses in Russia, Asia, Europe, and the Middle East of offering goods and services that would allow Moscow to continue its war efforts in Ukraine and dodge sanctions.

At the same time, the US Commerce Department’s Bureau of Industry and Security ( BIS ) added 123 firms to its export control list. Among the 63 Russian and 42 Chinese companies, which are primarily based in Guangdong province and Hong Kong, are located. &nbsp,

Some Chinese experts predicted that the US would be unable to sever China-Russian relationships. &nbsp,

“In its press release, the US side once again slandered China for ‘supporting the Russian defence industry’ and discredited China’s normal rights protection and law enforcement activities in the South China Sea,” a Tianjin-based columnist called Lanni writes in an article published on Thursday. “It shows that the US will continue to attack China with these issues.”  

According to the author, Russian Senator Aleksey Pushkov had formerly been informed that Sullivan wanted to use its Beijing journey to sever Sino-Russian relationships and pressure China to unite with European nations. According to the author, such a move is doomed to fail because third parties wo n’t have an impact on Sino-Russian relations. &nbsp,

‘ Calm co-existence ‘

Chinese officials have repeatedly reminded Sullivan that China is committed to achieving common value, quiet cooperation, and win-win cooperation with the US during his trip.

” When China and the US, two big states, engage with each other, the numer one problem is to create a proper proper perception”, Xi told Sullivan in their meeting on Thursday. They must first and foremost get a satisfactory reply to the underlying query: Are China and the United States competitors or partners?

” China’s overseas scheme is open and transparent and its strategic objectives are aboveboard, both of which have been very constant and steady”, he said. China is focused on effectively managing its own matters, and it will continue to intensify its transformation efforts to further enhance and advance the communism system in accordance with Chinese customs and circumstances. China follows a way of peaceful growth”.

Xi expressed the hope that the US will function with China to” live in peace and obtain typical development on this earth” in the right way.

Peaceful coexistence was a term created and used by the Soviet Union during the Cold War. It refers to the coexistence of Soviet’s communism and America’s capitalism in the world. China expanded its own peaceful coexistence concept in the 1980s to include all countries. &nbsp,

Bi Dianlong, a Chinese columnist with a focus on Taiwan issues, writes in an article published on Thursday that the peaceful coexistence of the US and China is now a matter of both the Pacific Ocean and a crucial global issue. &nbsp,

He claims that Washington is eager to talk and negotiate with China about the issues affecting Taiwan, Ukraine, North Korea, the South China Sea, and the Middle East.

Read: Chinese experts favor Walz pragmatism in the US trade war

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